
We're watching you

Three figures could be seen running in the forest ,they aren't doing it for fun but they are being chased by some men dressed in black

The youngest of the three figures fell down which made one of the two figures to carry her up

The Lopez family have been running for their dear lives since the day they birthed their daughter

Everytime somehow if they were able to get away from them ,not too soon maybe like 2 months later the men will start looking for them again

It's like something has been planted on them which enable them to know their locations

There hasn't been a day or f rest for the couple and their 7 year old child

Camila Garcia is the daughter of a ruthless mafia in ,he is a totalitarian who wants his subject to obey all his rules always not living his daughter out of it

Right from young carlos Garcia has been taught by his father to only do things if it will benefit him

He married because it was a good deal but he didn't accept it was all good as his wife only birthed girls

Since young ,he doesn't show any love towards Camila and it only became worse as her mother didn't birth any sons but daughters

This made him decide finally to marry his first child to a good match that will benefit him so he'll train him to become his successor

But what happens when his daughter goes against him , a totalitarian

He believes he must bring the disobedient child and punish her not caring if she has to die through it

Camila went against he father's wishy for the first time in her 25 years in life by eloping with he lover on the night of her engagement

To her father ,it is an embarrassment for him not being able to talk to his child and let her listen ,a total shame to his name and face

You will think ,why was it easy for her to run away from a mafia house that is well grounded with guards

But Camila hasn't just been planning it but has been long ago ,she has been wishing for her freedom ,to eat ,drink , decide for herself, have friend that she ones .....

she has been wishing to free her self from the shackles of her father until she met him and it made he wish intensify

It was a night which she has followed her father to a dinner which he has with one of his business partners ,the purpose of bringing her way to try and match her with the partners son

There she met him ,Luis Lopez , a waiter at the restaurant they had gone to

when their eyes met ,she felt it , something she never felt before and she knew it ,she has fallen victim to love at first sight and to her defense he also felt the same

Since then she always finds ways somehow to meet him after lecture ,at college and during college parties like prom until she became pregnant

Yes ,she knew that it could happen as they didn't use protection every time they do it so she wasn't surprised but she felt another emotion 'fear'

Fear of her father knowing ,she was devastated but when she told him he assured her they all will be well

Finally her father got the match for her and an engagement will take place at her house ,they both formed a plan to elope on the night of the engagement

Her nanny helped her and got a maid outfit for her to change into to disguise as a maid and go out under the pretense of running an errand

And yes it was successful ,they both ran away from Barcelona to Seville with the train tickets they bought the day before to start a new life

On getting to Seville they changed their identify so it'll will be difficult for her father's men to find her because she knows they will be turning the city upside them to look for her

. They spent 6 years in Seville before some men in black started trailing them and the chase began

They left home but came back home ronmeeth the house turned upside down with a note saying ' we're are watching you'

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