
I Cheated the Divine Rules and Reincarnated in Infinite World!

Ian was a mediocre college student, a convinced atheist, from a middle-class background, without ambition, and with financial stability provided by parents. He led a peaceful life until a pandemic broke out and turned his whole routine upside down... As you can probably imagine, the MC has an unhappy death, reincarnates, gains advantages, becomes an overpowering existence, creates a harem, and after defeating all enemies, the story ends with a happy final. A long dynasty is founded by his descendants from the twenty beautiful wives... Wait a minute! It's not quite like that. With the popular saying "Ian writes whatever he wants, be it in crooked or straight lines," meaning with a terrible sense of humor and a lack of common sense, the journey of our MC is destined to be a great circus of coincidences and mishaps.

IanMC · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Ian's Future Plans

"Listen, today's meeting will decide our actions for the next two years." Ian said in a serious tone, officially opening the meeting.

"Is this the strategic planning meeting?" Etri asked curiously. After all, she was addicted to cultivation and only focused on training her body and fighting, ignoring everything else.

"No, today we will discuss important matters, but without the dynamics and protocols of strategic planning. I have most of the points pre-theorized since everyone here, except Shortyty, is part of our Haller clan..." Two out of the four people turned their heads instantly towards the Matrice Master with questioning looks, creating an atmosphere that forced Ian to interrupt his explanation.

"Oh, I ended up giving in. This brother offered me 5,000 C annually for my work plus 1,000 C subsidy from the clan, a space at the headquarters for my family, permission to maintain a research group with the Guild, and the promise of a future educational institution encompassing universal knowledge. How could I, an academic and a family man, refuse?" The Gnome Master spoke proudly, puffing his chest. He had been too prideful to officially join a private organization before, but Gerto had to admit that the future of the Haller clan might be very promising, and now that door was open. In the future, it might be too late to grab a good share of power.

"Ah, more expenses! Ian, you need to control the finances, don't forget about your million debt!" Shortyty scolded annoyed. His guided, loved doing whatever he wanted. Ian made money, but burned just as much.

"Ahaha, are you already shocked at this beginning of the meeting? At the end you will have a heart attack and follow the Creator. As for the debt, I only have to worry in two years and it's not like I have to pay it off in that time. The installments will have to start being paid, over several years. Without an appropriate discount, why rush? I believe I can make more money with the money than the shit discounts your Royalty is willing to offer." Ian replied boldly. Few would have the courage to speak like that about the Royalty in front of a Royal servant. Shortyty, used to those arrogant outbursts, let it go. Whether liked it or not, he had developed affection for those people.

"As for the revenue, believe me, if everything goes well, we will have mountains of crystals. But the Haller clan is not limited to F11, it is just one branch of it, which makes it different from the whole. Our family needs to think big. A company? Don't kid with me. If continue like this in Sombreal, we will be a well-fed pig waiting for slaughter. I want a paramilitary force, something similar to the combat sects and clans. Without our own power, we cannot defend what is ours." Ian's energetic words made Loli's eyes sparkle. She had thought her husband had deviated from the "right path" (according to her), but now had hope again.

"Great words! I approve, no more discussion!" Etri interrupted Ian and clapped her hands.

"Unproductive capital, do you think Gnel is a barbaric land where the law of the wasterlands reigns?" Shortyty finally lost his patience. One thing was multiplying crystals using crystals, another was increasing expenses without apparent return.

"Oh brother, I have to agree with the grumpy one." The Matrice Master chimed in softly.

"You are naive Shortyty, you grew up in the shadow of Royalty, saw the City-State from a beautiful and unreal angle. If that were so, why do we have guards? Better yet, each Faction has countless "unproductive" specialists in its ranks. The Ruler will not provide security for everyone, because it is impossible and also not in his real interest, the benefits would not accompany the disadvantages. How utopian are your ideas." Was Shortyty imperspicacious? Otherwise how would he be called The Bureaucratic Genius of the External Office of the Royalty. Glancing around, he picked up some hints from Ian's expressions. Something had happened. Before, his boss thought about such matters, but sparingly, now urgency. No longer complaining or protesting, he bowed his head and stood still, much to the surprise of the other Gnome present.

"Master Gerto, have you found my explosives and revolutionary machinery? Well, let me tell you, that's just the tip of the iceberg. The reason I don't take out more good things from my pockets is due to the lack of security. Sometimes a gift becomes the path to disaster." Gerto opened his mouth but remained silent, anticipation describing his state. He came to F11 and the Haller clan for those innovations, but now that knew that it was nothing for Ian, how could keep calm?

"First, I want a basic training arena in the Warehouse. That's where Etri spends a good part of the day, and it's also the location of the security department. Our personnel cannot go hours without exercise and cultivation." Etri nodded, as this was a long-standing request from her.

"Second, a modern training center equipped with equipment designed by me to create our future force. I won't lie to you, even with Master Gerto by our side and the research group capable of resource savings, it will be extremely expensive.

"Third, after expanding the headquarters, we will start recruiting young people for this new sector of the clan. Everyone should be of a young age, have good talent, determination and agree to cultivate the Body Strengthening system. No matter what race, even Gnomes can be included. I think we will initially limit it to 100. They will be our initial experience. I have absolute confidence in producing powerful warriors in a short period of years."

What Ian was suggesting was to set up a real fighting clan, and the strangest thing about this was not to limit the species and to use only body strength. How could a Gnome successfully cultivate that? Each method would be more or less appropriate for a certain race. It is not impossible for a Gnome to reach the Copper Body stage, but certainly Silver and above, yes. Seeing the shocked meeting participants, Ian continued.

"I want a recruitment point in each domain. From the beginning, the Haller clan had the vision of being multiracial. Each person who joins will have a room and an initial financial contribution of 100 C, and as they progress, the crystals will increase. In addition, all expenses will be covered by us. However, the counterpart is to officially enter the clan with their respective Aura contracts signed."

"Not to mention the difficulty of recruitment in other domains. How do you plan to build an adequate force in a few years? Even the Helis need dozens of years to cultivate someone reasonable. Gnomes? We wouldn't achieve that even in hundreds of years." Shortyty argued skeptically. Was he being illogical? No. Everything he said was consistent with the obvious, and even Etri agreed.

"If I said "I can do it", I really can. Don't you trust me yet? Since when have I acted irrationally? Logistics, capital, time, method—everything was thought out, analyzed, and considered. Want success? Just follow me!"

"Brother, it's not that we don't trust you, but let's face it, logic says otherwise." Said Gerto trying not to be rude.

"And that's why I'm forgiving your "logic." Etri, you know I cultivate the Dao of the Librarian, which includes many miraculous mental abilities. Combined with my innate capabilities (let's call it an isekai cheat), my training in Body Strengthening, and experience from another world, I have developed a new Body Strengthening Method. With the aid of science, many of its initial limitations can now be considered non-existent." Silence fell, only the sound of breathing and the involuntary movements of the three individuals in front of Ian. For over 10,000 years, the Helis had used to perfect their methods and concluded that there was no significant room for improvement. How impactful would this "scientific method" be to promise that even Gnomes could reach a level of excellence in a short time?

"Master Gerto, tell me, is it possible to create a matrice to increase pressure or gravity in a specific location?" Without letting anyone speak, Ian continued.

"Hm, that is within my abilities." Answered Gerto.

"Great, I want a gravitational alteration system in certain areas of the Training Center. Look at these machine designs and auxiliary tools for cultivation... " Ian pulled out a folder filled with sheets containing all kinds of geometric figures and writings. Among them, Etri was the most excited. Even she would grow by leaps and bounds using those items if they delivered what promised. Ian's idea was quite simple—a modern academy adapted for Sombreal Martial Arts. By combining his knowledge from Earth with insights gained in the current world, it would be possible.

"Truly fascinating, brother. You are a genius. The proud Helis spent generations of effort only to be surpassed by you, ahaha! " Those papers illuminated Gerto. Not only were they innovative, but their foundations could be used for other projects as well. Although the matrices were miraculous, the cost to build and maintain them was extremely high. But Ian's equipment mostly relied on mechanisms or a combination with matrices, with the latter used sparingly. Training with matrices and mechanisms has gone from being a theoretical luo to a viable reality.

Excited, Etri and Master Gerto spent several hours exchanging ideas, adding some points, and altering others. After all, one was an expert in that Dao and the other in Matrices, surpassing Ian in their respective fields.

Ian wasn't so proud as to think was infallible and unbeatable. In fact, he greatly appreciated their contributions.

Etri was not only amazed by the equipment and supplements but also by the method itself. Ian had merged the Ravina clan's method, Two Towers, with his own insights from the Dao of Body Control and additional ideas he had come up with through experience or acquired through legacies. The Haller clan's new Body Strengthening Method was called the Divine Body Method, a cheesy name that Loli "suggested" without allowing any objections.

"Without spoiling your excitement, where will the funding come from for all of this? Even disregarding the debt, considering the current scope of F11, it would be impossible to implement everything, even over many years." The previously quiet Shortyty took his turn to speak, again being skeptical. A characteristic that he no longer had control over, but that although it was annoying to deal with constantly, it questioned and helped Ian to better armor his conceptions.

"Master Gerto, can matrices protect inventions by encoding them to prevent plagiarism?" Ian asked the bearded Gnome, ignoring Shortyty.

"Indeed they can. It is not an easy thing to do, I am incapable of it myself. You need a Grand Master, not just any Grand Master, but THE Grand Master." Ian was instantly disappointed, where would he get such a character? And if he did, the costs would reach exorbitant amounts... It looked as if he would have to deal with the situation like the companies on earth, with only patents and the promise of people not to break them.

Seeing Ian's downcast expression, Gerto smiled broadly for two reasons. First, he anticipated that more shocking inventions would appear with protection against imitations. Second, his old mentor, a highly proud and reclusive elderly man, had the qualifications for this mission.

"Although it is difficult, is not impossible. I once had a teacher, one of the most brilliant people I have ever seen, perhaps before you (Ian), I wouldn't put any other near his intellectual level. A grumpy old Gnome who likes to hide. If hasn't died in that den he calls home, he can help us. The tricky part is creating the pattern, as for the implementation in each product, the expense is not even noteworthy. While I was his apprentice, Old Hardhead once commented on this method he had created. Unfortunately, he never wanted to publish his discovery. He feared that the powers would start using it to monopolize knowledge." Ian shivered. If got his hands on this method, he could market new goods and even create weapons for the Haller clan's private use without fear of having such power leaked to other influences. For example, a firearm.

"If such a thing is truly possible, can you convince this respected elder?" Guess who? Yes, Shortyty, showing his abilities and putting himself in the line of fire to answer the doubts that weighed on our hearts.

"It won't be easy. However, I'm confident. I can persuade him for two reasons. First, I endured him for many years. Brothers, that insufferable old Gnome with a terrible mood made my life a hell. Second, I gave him four beautiful grandchildren, ahaha! " Gerto laughed with his thunderous voice, which contrasted with the size and appearance. It would be a lie to say that everyone's jaws didn't drop to the floor.

"He is the grandfather of your children, so..."

"Yes, Etri, he is my father-in-law. Although this grumpy old Gnome has not seen his grandchildren grow up, I do not doubt the love for them. Now that I am a Haller, my family too, we can say that he is a kind of external member." Said the Master of Matrices confidently.

"The good luck from Isekai hasn't abandoned me, ehehe!"

"Isekai!?" Everyone automatically spoke at the same time.

"It's something from my world, ignore it... Ow!" Before finishing the sentence, a punch from Loli landed on Ian's shoulder, causing him considerable pain.

"Stop being clueless and embarrassing me in front of others!" As you know, Etri wasn't 100% cute. Her calm demeanor sometimes exploded in a stark contrast.

"Ian, with this solution in hand, what will you do about the budget?" Shortyty asked after his boss recovered a bit from Loli's assault. Such episodes of domestic violence occurred frequently and no longer affected him. (Say no to domestic violence! Don't harm your loved ones!)

"After we resolve this, I will announce new products to the world. We will diversify production, reaching many markets, some of which will be completely new. I promise you, budget will not be a problem." Ian's confident response brought peace to those directors, and even Shortyty was no exception.


F11 Financial Summary:

Debts: Total of 5,280,000 C to be paid starting in 1 year and 11 months (22,000 C monthly installment for 240 months); One-time payment of 25,000 C for 1 year.

Transactions Chapter:

Clan allowance for Gerto Family (-1,000 C)

Cash: 167 720 C.

Any grammar or consistency errors, pls, point them out in the comments or private message. I'm not a native English speaker, so I might make some mistakes. Thanks for reading!

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