
Fist 3

I Cast Fist

Chapter 3

By: BigToFu

Sebastian Wild - Archmage

Waking up to the sun shining down from my enchanted bedroom ceiling, I stretch with a yawn while throwing the blankets off along with my feet going over the side. Standing up, I flicked my finger, a spark of magic sparkling from the tip. to bring my house and amenities to life. My cloak transformed into a bathrobe while smooth jazz played in the background filling my home with soul.

As I stepped away from my bed, magic went to work resetting everything as the bed made itself. Walking out of the bathroom with my teeth freshly brushed, I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen as the pan floated upwards and deposited two golden cooked eggs sunny side up. The same plate my eggs landed on, floated over and right underneath the pair of golden toasted bread as they were shot into the air. With a smile on my lips, I snapped my fingers and sat back on my barstool as my cup of hot chocolate floated over and I took a sip while my toast got buttered.

Standing up and stepping away from the island bar top, I made my way over to the balcony and pushed the door open to enjoy the fresh air of the city. With a flex of magic, I had the balcony cleaned up with a repaired table and chairs waiting for me. Another flash of magic set up a magical air filter, and as I sat down and looked around. I made a mental note to clean up the graffiti. Taking another drag of my premium hot chocolate, I took in the sight of the city which was still smoking in a few locations.

Sigh, I would get to it, but that would be for later since there was no point in me keeping my identity a secret. I wasn't from this reality in the first place; yet, that didn't mean I had to give up all that I am to be a hero. I was no Peter Parker. Well, damn, I would also have to look in on him later. During the invasion, I noticed some webs but I hadn't given them much thought at the time. I was far too busy with the 'oh god oh god we were all going to die' when SHIELD decided they wanted to launch a fucking nuke. Brushing those thoughts aside, I put my cup down, then started on my eggs and toast.


With a sigh, I put my fork down as my cell phone floated out of the house to arrive at a hover by my elbow with the use of a summoning spell. Taking a glance at it, I found that the caller was coming from Stark Towers.

With a roll of my eyes, I grabbed my phone from its hover and answered, "Sebastian Wild speaking."

"MAGIC MAN!" Tony called out from the other side of the call and I had to pull the phone from my ears at how excited he was. "We got a little shindig planned for Thor's going away, and I got your invite."

Blinking for half a second, I thought it over and then just shrugged, "Huh, didn't think I would get an invite, but yes. I would gladly accept that invitation."

"Great, we're all meeting up later around one," Tony popped back rapid fire. "Ohh and I wanted to run some tests with Banner on that magic of yours."

Releasing a snort and rolling my eyes, "That's not going to happen, I'm no one's guinea pig."

Tony spoke and you could hear the pout in his voice. "Ohh come on, I'm not even gonna stick you with any needles or anything."

With a chuckle, I shook my head even if he couldn't see me, "That's still a no Tony."

He huffed on the other end of the line, "Fiiiine."

Before I could pick up and throw something else at me, I shot it all down, "See you at noon." Then hung up on him before he could reply with anything. There was no way to stop the chuckle that escaped me as I took in the fact that this was my life now and it was amazing.

There was just no helping the little fanboy moment that came over me as I realized the fact that I had Tony Stark's personal phone number and he had mine also. The little moment that I was having was interrupted by the sun shining across my phone.

With a pause, I looked at my phone and frowned because being an all-powerful Archmage would mean I had to also look the part. Then there was the little fact of me being in an all-new reality and would need to make a few changes. With that in mind, I brought my hands together as I flexed, my magic crafting a series of magical mandala circles around my hands and cell phone.

It pained me as the last vestige of what connected me to my old life unraveled within its magical circle. Everything about my Samsung floated before me as I tapped a finger on my chin as I mentally reviewed my plans. First I charmed every part to be impermeable to water so it wouldn't die when I go into the oceans, the insufferable heat of magma along with so much more. Then I placed more and more enchantments; things to keep the battery forever charged, the screen forever clear, and clean. I even added a little hologram feature that used magic to bend and refract light.

Then with a pause, I stopped to take a look at my device as another thought came to me. The cell phone was the 21st century do it all device. That means, I would also need to turn this into my own personal grimoire, but how should I do that exactly? Not only the ram would need modification, but also the memory storage so it could record magical signatures along with imagery. Pressing my index finger and thumb together, I pulled out a line of golden magical trails and spun it around the memory of my phone.

Within seconds the silicone that made up the chip transformed into that of crystals with little lines of gold magic threaded through its structure along the refractive angles. Smiling at my creation, I slotted it back in with just a flick of my finger. For the ram, I spread all ten of my fingers out, then gave the left hand a counter-clockwise twist. The little ram microchip exploded outwards and then imploded into itself. The insides flashed a blue spark for a nanogram of a second to reveal hyper-dense super conductive fluid inside its housing. I then proceeded to do the same with the Exynos chip before I was finally happy with everything.

The little chip was now firing at rates that matched the speed of light, magical fiber optics would do that. Even the ram had no limitations in its data reading, writing, and transferring speeds. The little ram module had been stripped and transmuted into a crystal-like structure that could read and write with photons instead of electrical pulses. Actually, now that was a thought, from what I knew Quantum computing came from entangled pairs, and what if I was to do that to my phone's antenna? Radio waves were after all just signals made of particles, so what if I was able to have my phone forcibly pair with another and pull the data at the sending device limits? Hmm, I would need to bolster such a connection with magic, it would suck to force a cell tower to project at its limited petabytes per second speed only to have it explode from an overheating issue.

With that thought in mind, I got to work.

After an hour with a lot of trial and error, I got something to work on so I dismissed all of the other prototypes. With a smile my phone reformed with a snap of the fingers, now it was time for a speed test. The first test had over three hundred gigabytes per second, and the follow-up pushed a little past seven hundred per second. The screen projected a minor telekinetic field that helped with precision taps and responded as quickly as my fingers did, talk about amazing. Usually, the commercials that sold phones always made things overblown and hyped beyond reason, but now I actually had a device that responded beyond human perception and performance. There was nothing like it on the market and there would never be.

Sending a thought had my phone float up to a hover as it projected the time and map of the city into the air for me, splendid. With a raised brow at the time, I twisted on the spot and reappeared in my bedroom with a soft pop.

[ One Hour Later …]

Hovering over Starks tower, I wave my hand to dispel my invisibility before landing on his armor pad. Grabbing my cloak by the collar, I swung it around me transforming my clothes with the action along with my cloak before he could wiggle and complain. Granted, he still tugged on my sleeves a bit as I settled my jacket into place.

"Mister Stark, your guest has arrived."

Walking into the now fixed area, I found Tony and the rest of the Avengers standing around with Loki in chains. Thor was chowing down on like five pop tarts all at once and Bruce was still nursing on a large cup of coffee. Standing at Bruce's side was Tony over a device hovering, or more like 'just' hovering over a device. That all changed when I walked in at Jarvis's announcement.

"Magic Man, you're here!" Tony exclaimed as he turned around to look at me, the sounds of the city coming through the door.

"Seidr man," Thor boomed in that outside voice level as he smiled at me. Bruce did a little wave with one hand, then pushed his glasses up on his face. Ignoring Loki, I got closer and held out my hand for a shake.

"You did invite me not too long ago Tony," I stated as I traded a mighty warrior shake with Thor.

"Nahh, but with the way you were over the line, I had no clue you were going to come at all," Tony replied with a roll of his eyes.

My reply was a shrug, "Where are spangles and the agents?"

"They were going to meet us on site since they also have the cube," Bruce spoke up as he put his coffee down.

"Alright," I replied, then walked up to the table and raised a brow at what I was seeing. It clearly wasn't the containment device that was shown at the end of the Avengers movie. "This is?"

"Tech reversed engineered from the device that opened a wormhole, should be able to send Thor home," Tony answered with a smirk at me. "Want to magic it up for us?"

Instead of answering, I just shook my head with a small smile.

Tony pouted, "Alright fine."

From there, things picked up as Tony and Bruce worked the last touches on the device. Honestly, though, I was more interested in how much food Thor could put away because, damn. I had enchanted a few things to double or multiply here and there and the man ate it all. Near the end, I was thinking about just enchanting a never-ending item because he was going to eat Tony out of a home. The only reason the kitchen wasn't finished already was that my little magic extended everything. Once the device was complete, I opted to go with Thor as he flew to the park while Bruce and Tony took that fancy car of his.

Too bad Loki didn't like me flying him by his ankle, it was a shame really. The flight through the city and to the park was refreshing. Loki kept screaming something about going to kill a mortal the entire was, for shame really. Thor on the other hand thought it hilarious, even when I dropped his brother on his head. The cushioning and bounce spell caused Loki to know how basketballs felt.

"Ha! Can't wait to share this story back home brother." Thor boomed as he touched down next to me in the park. "The mighty trickster bested by Midgard's Seidr."

Because I totally didn't forget, Loki was left floating while the rest of the Avengers gathered around in a little huddle. Loki landed lightly on his back since I didn't want him to drop on his head before facing Odin with a nasty bump. I made a wave of the hand summoning over a branch from the side.

"What are you doing, magic man?" Tony asked with excitement dripping from his tone and I could only roll my eyes at the man since out of everyone he has been paying me the most attention besides the agents.

I shot him a smirk, "We are going to need some way to keep in contact with Thor when he goes back home." I said, then split the branch into parts, and transmuted the equal parts into card shapes. From there I started to apply a lot of different charms and ideas that I used for my personal phone.

Throwing a stylized A on the front that glowed with some ambient magic, I made sure that the cards would keep powered by what was in their environment instead of sucking people dry. Then I added locator beacons that would be able to reach across the spans of space and open portals with just a word from the holder. Teleporting could be cool, but that would suck to do in a combat zone. Portals won because you can look through and see where you would come out. Also made the cards able to pair with users and connect to any networks I might set up later during this grand adventure my life was turning into.

I put in a few more perks along with peer-to-peer calling which also included video, text, and a lot of other perks once I had a server set up. Techno-magic was always going to win and that's the way I liked it.

"Well, what are you making?" Clint asked and I could see the glint of hidden excitement in his eyes."

Natasha gave him a smirk, then a hip check, "Calm down boys, he'll be finished soon enough, right?"

I gave her a nod and then took another five minutes to complete my work before holding out a card for Thor between my index and middle fingers, "Thor, this is yours, Steve, Bruce, Tony, Clint, Natasha," I stated with their names as I held out a card for each of them to take.

"Thanks," Steve answered, Tony, Clint, and the rest were giving theirs the fourth-degree type inspection. Natasha acted like she wasn't interested even though she was looking over Clint's shoulders.

Thor looked his over, "This has magic in it seidr man." He boomed in that loud voice of his, then gave me a confused look, "What does it do?"

My smile was sharp as I took my own card and flicked it to the side, a portal opened ten feet to the left and ten feet to the right. "Aside from communication between the Avengers, you would also be able to call us in on adventures you might have across the nine realms," I replied with a smile, then shook my head as Tony ran through the left portal and came out of the right. Then I flicked the Avengers card once more. An image of the globe and then the galaxy appeared over the card with pings on location. "Set your own emergency codes and the cards will show you how to handle the rest."

"Your magic is so broken." Clint chuckled as he went through a few tests and then stuck it into his pocket.

Then I raised a finger into the air, "Ohh and before I forget, you can summon it in case you forget it somewhere or during a firefight and can't figure out the pocket it's in."

"I thank you for this Seidr-man," Thor boomed, then gave me a pat on the back that almost dislocated my shoulder.

"Ohh and another thing, I'll let you know once I get in contact with Jane so she may give you a call," I said, then took a step back before the big man could sweep me up into a massive back-breaking hug.

"So we know what the big guys gonna do after this, what about you?" Natasha asked with a quick hit on my bicep.

Looking at her, I chuckled, "I'm going out on the town."

"Ohh then we can party," Tony interjected himself into the mix.

I shook my head, "Not this time Tony."

"Why not, we could show Cap around town," This time Clint spoke and I could see where this was going.

I shook my head at them. "Tonight I plan to look into the supernatural scene of the city."

Steve had a confused look on his face, "Supernatural, as in vampires and ghosts?"

I gave him a nod in reply, then pulled up my Avengers card and gave it a flick, "I've located a few hot spots for Vampires, Werewolves, and Demons," I stated with a shrug. "That sort of thing."

"What! Those are real?" Bruce asked with shock as he took a step closer to the map of the city along with the agents.

"Yes, I'll need to take a look and see where things stand, unless I can locate Blade," I replied before miniaturizing the map back into my card.

Natasha latched onto that bit, "Blade?"

"Yeah, a Vampire hunter and a possible recruit for the Avengers," I replied with a shrug.

"Wait, we are inviting people?" Tony asked with excitement, "I vote Rhody."

I face palmed, "I knew there was something that we would need to talk about."

"And that is?" Steve asked with an encouraging look.

"With us being the founders, how do we want the Avengers to operate, because I'll be honest. I don't want to be under the purview of a group that's going to launch a nuke into a city filled with civilians." I answered in front of everyone dropping that bomb they were trying to forget.

"Okay, that's reasonable, I think maybe we table this and talk with Fury?" Steve answered as he cut off Bruce, Tony, and Clint from talking. "For now, let's say goodbye to Thor."

"That is true," Clint started with a quick switch-up.

With our little chat out of the way, things progressed quickly from there. Bruce and Tony shared the grin of a mad scientist as they pulled out the cube and put it inside the device they designed to take Thor home. I said nothing and then just shook my head with a chuckle as the container fizzled out. Of course, the thing they made overnight would not be able to contain an infinity stone. The sad look on both Tony and Bruce's faces was priceless.

"My friends, worry not for I had brought with me something to harness the cube," Thor stated with a chuckle. Then we all watched as Thor took a small cylinder off his hip, flicked something, and allowed it to expand into a double-handled thing. In gold along both ends were Norse runes with a clear containment center.

Since I was who I was, my phone floated out and up. Within moments it scanned the surface of the item.

Tony threw his hands up in exasperation, "Great, point break even has magic tools now. And what is that?"

"This is a cell phone, Tony," I replied easily while reviewing the runes written on the surface along with how the magic interacted with the Interface.

Tony took a step closer while everyone watched, "No, no, this is a cell phone," Tony popped as he pulled his own phone out and then gestured towards my own, "Not whatever that is."

With a shrug, I put my phone back into my breast pocket. Turning away from Tony, I walked up to Thor and gave him a warrior's shake. "Give a call if you run into anything out there in the nine realms."

"Again, I thank you friends for all of your help," Thor stated in that loud bombastic voice of his. With a nod, I stepped away allowing the others to say their goodbyes. Standing back, I watched as Thor forced Loki to grab the other end of the device, with the cube lighting up the middle. He smiled at us, Loki sent me a glare, but I ignored him as they vanished with a click.

The device activated, then both Thor and Loki vanished upwards in a flash of blue light as they were pulled upwards into the sky and into the great beyond.

"Well, I guess that's that," Steve muttered, then held a hand out with a smile on his face. "It was a pleasure meeting you again."

With a chuckle, I held a hand out and shook the one he offered, then did the same with the others. With a smirk at Tony, I held up my Avengers card and flicked it into the open air. A portal appeared allowing me to walk through onto the top of my building's garden area.

Tony spun around on the spot, "Wait, it can do that?"

Walking through my portal to the rooftop, I winked at him, "I would suggest reading the manual first." Then I held up my Avengers card for him to see, and flicked my wrist at the portal closing it with a flash. With a chuckle and shake of my head, I walked over to the mirror, cast a scrying spell on its surface, and watched as Tony acted like a kid loose in the candy store.

Tony twisted on the spot, "Bruce did you see that? Did you see it?"

Bruce's head went up and down a few times, then he fixed his glasses, "Seeing, still don't believe, he said we can do that right?"

Natasha gave Clint a look and he stepped forward, "That he did, but I don't think we should be testing that out here."

"HA!" Tony cheered with his hands thrown in the air, the reason being. He had figured out how to operate the portal function of his Avengers Card to his penthouse.

"Tony, maybe a little caution," Steve spoke up with a sigh.

"No caution needed Spangles, doubt our magic man is gonna set us up for failure," Tony called back as he ran in and out of the magical portal.

Natasha shook her head, then made a hand motion around them, "How about doing this back in your lab or something, not for the world to see or walk into your penthouse?"

"Ohh, is that a family with a camera over there?" Clint spoke up with a head motion towards a direction. Tony stopped in his tracks and looked around with wide eyes.

With a shake of my head and a light chuckle, I closed down the scrying spell and walked into my bowling-alley-turned loft apartment. With a swift movement, I pulled off my jacket, then turned it back into my flying cloak.

"Wiggle," The cloak huffed at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah, you can go get steam cleaned."

With a shake of my head, I let my cloak fly off, then ran a hand over my flying carpet as the loyal little bugger came over for some pats and head scratches. With a chuckle, I walked into my place and passed the armory into the little library office cross that I had set up. Walking over to my server rack, I gave it a glance, rubbed my chin, and then got to work on fixing it up with all the latest magics and operating features, then did the same to the rest of my office. In hindsight, I really left far too quickly out of here to go meet up with the Avengers after dealing with my phone. Something like this should have been taken care of a long time ago, but I can't complain.

Some super ROB had dropped me here to shake things up and that's exactly what I was doing. No sense crying over spilled milk and time not spent. Took me a few hours but by the time I was finished, my gear was streamlined and beyond top-of-the-line.

With a sigh, I leaned back into my hover chair, and above my head floated a hologram made from magic showing multiple views of the city. The images came from magical golems shaped like birds released into the wilds. The birds were following magical trails of the supernatural, but that wasn't what had my attention. No, it was the blue and red spandex swinging around the city with webs. I smiled as he swung through the streets redirecting a kid that had not been paying attention and almost walked out into the street.

The webhead said a quip and then he was off with a jump into the air and around the corner like a slingshot. The kid moved like greased lightning and he was a kid, from what I could see when he pulled his mask up to eat. Setting a bird to follow and track him, I turned towards the one looking inside the Baxter building. That was two for two so far in the heart of New York.

Since I didn't know where Pop's shop was located, I left that for later, but I did send a bird to the Chikara Dojo, because google was awesome like that. Giving the time a glance, I found that it was a little after three and also came to the realization that I was very much hungry. While I got up from my hovering chair, I sent a bird upstate. The fact that Spider-man was around along with the Fantastic Four could only mean the X-men were also here. With the invasion over and not seeing anything on the news that happened during that day. Nothing important was getting overshadowed, so I felt that I might need to go have words with these people.

Fuck the not playing well with others bullshit: when the world is on the line, we all fucking fought as one. I wasn't trying to be an asshole about the situation but if Spider-man could respond and help out during an alien invasion, so could the Fantastic Four who also lived in the damn city. Putting it all out of my head and leaving a note for a follow-up later, I stopped before I could leave my Library office as one of the holograms lit up with its findings. In a small office was Mathew Murdock, also known as Daredevil.

Good, it was clear that my seekers were doing exactly what they were made for, find-powered individuals along with people of note that I was aware of and put them under minor surveillance. I would need a scan of an X-gene carrier and expand the search next, but this was good enough for now. It was time to eat and then prepare for the night.

This magic man was going to get his groove on.

Author Note's : Things are picking up and the plots being pushed forward.