
[Ch. 001 | Player Card]

Seong Jin-Hyuk, a young student, was making his way to school on a bright sunny day when he was suddenly seized by a strong grip on his shoulder. He turned around to face a tall, muscular player who was blocking his path. The player had an intimidating look on his face, and Seong Jin-Hyuk could feel the tension and danger in the air.

Without any warning, the player demanded that Seong Jin-Hyuk hand over all of his money.

Seong Jin-Hyuk was taken aback by this sudden threat, and his heart started to race with fear. He didn't have much money on him, but even if he did, he wouldn't want to give it to a stranger who was threatening his life.

The player repeated his demands, his voice growing louder and more aggressive.

Seong Jin-Hyuk knew that he couldn't fight back because he was weak and had a low level. He felt helpless and scared, but he also knew that he had to stand his ground and not give in to the player's demands.

Seong Jin-Hyuk took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He looked the player straight in the eye and said firmly,

"I don't have any money to give you. Please let me go to school."

The player didn't like Seong Jin-Hyuk's response and started to get violent. Seong Jin-Hyuk knew that he had to act quickly, so he started running towards his school.

He could hear the player chasing him, but he didn't stop until he reached the safety of the school gates.

Seong Jin-Hyuk was shaken by the encounter and couldn't focus on his studies for the rest of the day.

He knew that he had to be more cautious and avoid dangerous situations like this in the future.

As Seong Jin-Hyuk was walking back home, feeling exhausted and scared after what had happened to him, an idea suddenly dawned on him.

He decided that he was going to become a player and get stronger, so that he wouldn't be bullied anymore.

Just then, a system message appeared in front of him, informing him that he could now raise his stats without leveling up, simply by killing monsters.

Seong Jin-Hyuk saw this as a wonderful opportunity and resolved to get a player card and go raid dungeons.

The following day, Seong Jin-Hyuk went to the Players Association to get a player card. He asked the assistant about the process, and the assistant informed him that he needed to fill out some forms and get evaluated before he could be granted a card. Seong Jin-Hyuk completed the forms and proceeded to the evaluation room.

The assistant told him that he needed to place his hands on the magic ball so that his rank could be measured.

It turned out that this world had a ranking system, with E-Rank being the lowest and S-Rank being the highest. Seong Jin-Hyuk was evaluated as an F-Rank player.