
I Can Only Use Inventory. So, I'll Create a kingdom

In a world where game-like functions come to life and popup systems emerge, George harnesses only the inventory function to build a kingdom from scratch.

ReadingSavage · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - why inventory?

In the year 2020, the world as we knew it changed forever. A mysterious phenomenon swept across the globe, transforming reality into a bewildering amalgamation of the virtual and the tangible. Overnight, the Earth became a living, breathing game; a chaotic realm where the laws of nature were replaced by the mechanics of a video game.Reality as humanity knew it, shifted forever, giving birth to a perilous world filled with quests, monsters, and seemingly magical elements.

Suddenly, events akin to video game scenarios unfolded in real life. Pop-up windows materialized in the air, offering vital information, quest objectives, and even helpful tips for navigating this bewildering new reality. Players, unwittingly cast into roles, found themselves embodying classes like warriors, mages, thieves, and healers, each with unique abilities and skill sets. It was as if the very fabric of existence had morphed into a colossal role-playing adventure.

Terrifying monster spawn randomly appeared across the globe, unleashing creatures of myth and nightmare into cities and remote corners alike. Skyscrapers trembled as colossal beasts roared through city streets, their origins and motives veiled in a mysterious code that remained beyond human comprehension.

Chaos reigned supreme as governments faltered, economies collapsed, and social structures crumbled under the weight of this unforeseen upheaval. The world was a canvas of unpredictability, and the boundary between life and game blurred irrevocably.

In the face of despair, hope arose with the emergence of individuals possessing extraordinary abilities beyond human comprehension. They were known as "users," a term that carried both fear and admiration. Endowed with incredible powers, these users stood as guardians against the relentless onslaught of monsters, defending the people and restoring a semblance of safety to the world.

As the users emerged with their extraordinary abilities, they found themselves presented with a unique system to further enhance their powers. Five pop-up windows appeared before them, each holding the key to unlocking their full potential.

The first window was labeled "Status," a gateway to increasing their core attributes. By obtaining [status points] through leveling up, the users could allocate these points to boost their strength, agility, intelligence, dexterity, luck, and endurance. This allowed them to tailor their abilities to match their preferred playstyle and combat strategy.

The second window bore the title "Class," offering a myriad of specialized jobs to choose from. Users could select a class that resonated with their innate talents and interests. By investing [class points] earned through experience and achievements, they could improve their chosen class and unlock a range of unique skills and abilities exclusive to their specialization.

The third window was named "Skills," a realm of endless possibilities. [skill points], By investing these points, they could further refine and amplify their skills, making them even more formidable in battle.

The fourth window, "Shop," held a treasure trove of options. Through leveling up they gained [shop points], which could be exchanged for various items, equipment, and resources to aid them on their quest. By wisely managing their resources, users could strengthen their arsenal and prepare for the challenges ahead.

The final window was the "Inventory," a space that held the user's collected items and equipment. With [inventory points] earned through leveling up, they could expand the inventory's capacity and organization, allowing them to carry more essential tools and gear on their adventures.

Armed with these five distinct paths of growth, the users navigated through the system with both excitement and caution. The choices they made and the points they invested shaped their journey and defined their destiny in this perilous world. As they delved deeper into dungeons, fought formidable monsters, and protected the innocent, the users unlocked new horizons of power, demonstrating the boundless potential that lay within each of them. Together, they stood as the last hope for humanity, determined to overcome despair and forge a brighter future with their extraordinary abilities.

Fast forward to the year 2023, and the world has adapted as best it could to this novel existence. Factions emerged, each striving to understand and control the game-like mechanics that now governed their lives. Towns and settlements grew around quest hubs, where brave people called "Users" took on missions to gain experience, rewards, and most importantly, to safeguard their communities from the encroaching threats of the monstrous spawns.

As the years passed, a remarkable pattern began to emerge among the population. It was discovered that when individuals reached the age of 18, they underwent a profound transformation. This pivotal moment marked the awakening of their extraordinary abilities as a "user," a phenomenon that had become widely known as "registering."

The world awaited with bated breath as each year, a new wave of young adults approached their 18th birthday, curious to see what unique paths they would manifest.

Amidst this altered reality, we find ourselves drawn to a seemingly unremarkable baggage handler named George. who just became a "user" at the age of 18, Laden with a big bag of materials and weapons as if his inventory is not enough for it, George is an unassuming figure, toiling in the shadows of those wielding great powers. As he begins to navigate his way through this new existence, he is confronted with an unsettling revelation - he can only access the inventory function of the game.

While others around him wield mighty abilities and embrace diverse classes, George grapples with the limitation of his singular talent - his inventory. Struggling to comprehend its significance, George finds himself questioning whether he can ever make a meaningful impact in a world where power and skill reign supreme.

Let's rewind the time to the moment when George first discovered he had awakened.

The bright glow of the pop-up window filled George's vision, its message leaving him both excited and puzzled. [Congratulations! You have been registered] His heart skipped a beat as he absorbed the words, realizing that something extraordinary had just happened. "I've registered?" he exclaimed, unable to contain his joy at the prospect of breaking free from his mundane existence.

Eager to confirm that it wasn't just a dream, George quickly called upon the status window, where a player's essential information would be displayed. "Status window," he uttered with anticipation. To his surprise, however, instead of the expected status window, the inventory window appeared before him.

"That's weird," George muttered, furrowing his brows in confusion. He tried again, this time more insistently, "Status window!" But once again, the inventory window materialized. It was as if the system was playing a trick on him, denying him access to crucial information.

"Where's the status, class, skill, and shop windows? They're supposed to be here at the left side of the pop-up window where they'll normally be!" he exclaimed, growing more anxious with each failed attempt. Panic began to set in as he struggled to make sense of the inexplicable situation.

Just as George's nerves were getting the better of him, a sudden realization struck. He remembered that he had booked a job as a baggage handler at the quest hub.

His mind shifted to the present, where he found himself seated and anxiously awaiting his employer's next instructions. The air around him crackled with anticipation, as if the very fabric of reality held its breath in anticipation of what was to come. His gaze couldn't help but flicker towards the mysterious portal standing at the entrance of the cave.

The portal's presence was enigmatic, drawing his eyes like a moth to a flame. It was a swirling vortex of colors, an ever-changing kaleidoscope that seemed to hold untold secrets within its depths. It beckoned to him, urging him to step closer and uncover its mysteries.

The strangeness of the portal was only heightened by the emergence of his employer from its radiant glow. Their figure appeared as a striking silhouette, adorned in modern protective equipment that spoke of technological marvels, while simultaneously wielding medieval weapons, hinting at a fusion of eras and realms.

George was taken aback, trying to make sense of the surreal scene unfolding before him. His employer, a figure of authority, seemed to embody the fusion of past and present. They stood at the portal's threshold, an embodiment of balance between the known and the unknown.

His heart quickened as they approached, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. What awaited him on the other side of that portal? What materials were he to collect, and for what purpose?

The employer drew nearer, and one of them fixed their gaze on George, a reassuring smile playing upon their lips. "You can go inside the portal now to collect all the materials," they said, their voice carrying a tone of encouragement

Emboldened by their words, George stepped forward, crossing the threshold of the portal with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. The world beyond unfolded like a canvas of wonders, and as he explored, it revealed a mysterious cave—the very place where the materials he sought were hidden.

With a determined breath, he embarked on his task, reaching out to touch the glittering gems and harvest remains of monsters. Each item he collected held the promise of untold significance, a promise he embraced wholeheartedly.

Yet, amidst the harmonious symphony of his quest, a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught his attention. From the shadows emerged a goblin—small in stature, but brimming with mischief and menace. Its beady eyes locked onto George, and a wicked grin crept across its grotesque features.

Instinctively, George's grip tightened on the materials he had gathered, his heart pounding in his chest like a tribal drum. The encounter with the goblin had left him paralyzed with fear, his body frozen in place as adrenaline surged through his veins.

As the goblin lunged, its wicked intent evident in its malevolent gaze, George's survival instinct kicked in. With sheer desperation, he raised his hands to shield himself from the impending attack, bracing for the impact.

In that tense moment, a startling turn of events unfolded. The goblin, just moments away from its assault, seemed to vanish into thin air before George's disbelieving eyes. His hands remained outstretched, hovering in the space where the creature had been mere moments ago.

The silence that followed was deafening, broken only by George's labored breaths. Had he hallucinated the goblin's attack? Was it some sort of illusion? The cave felt eerie and surreal, as if time itself had paused to make way for this uncanny occurrence.

Shaken and bewildered, George stood rooted to the spot, his senses heightened and alert. The adrenaline that had surged through him during the confrontation slowly ebbed away, leaving him feeling weak and disoriented.

After what felt like an eternity, his racing mind finally began to process the situation. Could the goblin have employed some form of mystical ability to vanish from sight? It seemed implausible, but then again, this was a world where the ordinary and the extraordinary coexisted, blurring the lines of possibility.

With a tentative step forward, George carefully explored the area where the goblin had been. There was no trace of the creature, no evidence of its presence save for the lingering sense of unease that clung to the air.

As the echoes of the vanishing goblin's presence slowly faded, George took deep breaths to steady himself. The cave's dimly lit confines offered little comfort, but he refused to let fear consume him. Instead, he focused on the task at hand—to collect the precious materials scattered throughout the cave.

With his heart still racing, he withdrew his inventory window, seeking solace in the familiar interface. As the soft glow enveloped him, he couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of wonder at the mechanics of this fantastical world.

As he perused his inventory, his eyes widened in amazement. There, amidst the inventory's virtual space, lay the goblin he had just encountered—a curious sight indeed. It was trapped within the confines of the inventory.