
I can modify every cell of my body

hundred thousand's years of research i gave my everything to become the strongest existence although my powers where great simple miss use caused the entire multiverse connected to one another

Granger_Moscov · Action
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

In my search for new knowledge in the universe i met a countless being who is so strong that they can blow up stars with flick of it's finger. I wondered what it feels like to be strongest being in the world and so i set a goal to become a strongest being ever known.

After hundreds thousand of years of researching magic. I finally found a way to become the strongest existence in the universe. I did a millions of experiments and created new techniques (cell programing magic, molecular magic, atomic magic, inorganic magic, energy source..) . Perfected them trough countless century's of study.

Because of the countless toxins and poisons i made a contact, my current body was beyond repair. I'm thinking of reincarnating and creating desired body inside the mother's womb as it's fairly easy. As long as i can do cell computing from zygote stage the computed cell will just multiply on it's own by mitosis. People will say why don't you create a perfect body and transfer your soul. Something made by mortal's will always have a flaw and one of the most flawed thing about perfect body is that it will lack evolution and adaptation. Even if i make a evolution and adaptation possible the process will be very slow.

With that in my mind i drew a reincarnation circle.

Once a parents cell synchronization completes my soul gets attached to the cell, dissolving and becoming one with it. Using the remaining energy in my soul i started my cell programming. In adult using cell programming has limit but in embryo stages there is no limit. Cell programming allows each cell to have a passive ability, one cell having passive ability doesn't make difference between not having one, but it's another story when millions of cell having same passive ability.

I made every cell of mine to be like a small AI chip. With this each of my cell will analyze the stress, damage, and adapt or evolve to it. Also within each of my cell i created a dimensional pocked that stores energy.

Most of the strong being's draw's energy from somewhere like a sun or another dimension's giving them great deal of power and ability's. Witch fascinated me and i searched for the greatest energy source. After hundred's of years searching i found one, its energy is unlike any others gentle but destructive. A speck of this energy can dismantle red dwarf star. I call this energy UDE (Ultra dense energy )Using such an energy is a suicide but if i wanted to become the strongest i have no choice.

First i connected the pocket dimension to the UDE containing dimension. Second copy pasted my cell in trillions in my cells pocked dimension. Third my cells will come in contact with UDE . Fourth one that survived longest will be selected and duplicated in trillion's and again . Fifth repeat the 3 and 4 th stage trillions.

The one cell that succeed's in absorbing UDE and survive will be tested trillions of times to make sure nothing is wrong. If there is nothing wrong with the cell it will replace the original cell.

After a month (3rd week) or so when my organs started developing i added passive and active ability's to my eye's using rune magic and cell programming magic. Simply because eye powers are cool. Added passive ability's are (energy fluctuation reading, movement prediction, analyze, terror, ) . Adding more than this will disturb eye's original function.


Today i will be born. I want to great the world with most dramatic way as possible. Letting the world know that strongest being is born. But the problem is that parent's might get scared and i might become an orphan next day. i cleared my thought's and made my mind in doing something that i never did before.

In my first cry after brith i made a harmless super fast high frequency magic shock wave and made it travel around the entire universe.

When the high frequency magic shock wave was traveling it made a space time distortion in countless places causing and huge explosion fallowed by tsunami and volcanic eruption.

This incident caused million's of death's. The media was in uproar and the everyone around the world was interested in what the cuase was. Because of magic existed in this world many where able to record the high frequency magic shock wave. Almost no believed that it was a new born child's doing. The incident was recorded as an unknown-natural phenomenon. Small amount of people still had a doubt about

When i was having my first meal (milk) i looked at my parents their looks where ordinary young couple's. Father and mother both had a black hair and and black eye's they looked like they where in their 20s. Since i didn't do any adjustment in my appearance i have no doubt that i will look like them when i grow up.