
I Can Extract Game Items

August Clementine was once Reacher, a wealthy and thrill-seeking businessman who had everything but satisfaction in life. After a fatal adventure, Reacher awakens on a parallel Earth, in the body of the destitute and troubled 19-year-old August Clementine. With his new identity, August finds himself burdened with debt and responsible for his beloved younger sister, Sophia. Desperate to change their fate, August immerses himself in Enders Light, a cutting-edge VRMMORPG that blurs the line between virtual and reality. In this fantastical game world, players can bring specific items that meet certain requirements into the real world and even gain a fraction of their in-game abilities and strength. In this world, tournaments are held between players to win legendary prizes and guild competitions are one of the norms... But August’s journey is far from easy. Stuck at level 12 and unable to progress past his starting village due to a rare armor shortage, August must rely on his wits and determination. As he embarks on perilous quests, faces formidable magical creatures, and uncovers hidden secrets, he discovers his potential as a true adventurer. A breakthrough comes when he retrieves a mystical purification stone from a river teeming with magical aqua beasts and uses it to cleanse an ancient, corrupted altar. His reward includes the legendary Fruit of Corruption, a priceless item with the potential to grant supernatural abilities in the real world. Caught between the allure of selling the fruit for financial security and the temptation of gaining extraordinary powers, August must make a choice that will define his and Sophia’s future... "What? I gained the ability to extract any item from the game into the real world without restrictions?"

Decrepit_bastard · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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25 Chs

Dual Class Unlocked

August pulled back as his eyes widened in disbelief.

The notification was vibrantly stationed before him waiting for him to make a decision. His heart couldn't help but race in excitement.

The ability to bring items from the game into the real world was unprecedented. It opened up possibilities he hadn't even considered.

He sat on his bed, contemplating the choice before him. With a mix of excitement and trepidation, he finally made up his mind.

"Yes," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

The system displayed a progress bar labeled...

<[ Extraction Process ]>

<[ = ]>

August watched in fascination as the bar slowly filled. After about a minute, the process was completed, and to his astonishment, the Basic Dagger materialized before him, solid and real.

The dagger was a simple but elegant weapon. The blade was about eight inches long, made of polished steel, with a sharp, tapered edge that gleamed in the light.

The hilt was wrapped in black leather, providing a firm and comfortable grip. Despite its simplicity, the dagger exuded a sense of lethal efficiency.

He picked up the dagger, feeling its weight in his hand. It was exactly as it appeared in the game, from the design to the texture of the handle.

To test its sharpness, he reached for a piece of paper on his desk. With a swift motion, he sliced through the paper. The blade had cut through cleanly and effortlessly.

August's eyes widened in amazement.

He moved to the yard and picked up a small twig from a houseplant to try again.

The dagger sliced through it as if it were nothing. Even a thick piece of cardboard posed no resistance; the blade cut through with a smooth, precise motion.

Thoughts raced through August's mind as he realized the full extent of his new ability. He could extract game items into reality without the necessary specifications and requirements typically needed in the game.

August's mind buzzed with possibilities. He could extract powerful weapons, healing potions, and various items that could give him an edge both in and out of the game.

The potential applications were endless, but so were the risks. He needed to be cautious and deliberate about how he used this newfound power.

As he placed the dagger on his bed, he couldn't help but think about the future. This ability could change everything for him and Sophia.

It could provide the means to protect themselves and improve their lives. However, it also meant that he needed to be more vigilant than ever. The world was becoming increasingly dangerous, and there were others who would go to great lengths to obtain such power.

For now, he decided to keep this discovery to himself. He needed time to explore the limits of his ability and understand how to control it effectively.

As the sun set outside, casting a warm glow through the window, August sat on his bed, deep in thought. The Basic Dagger lay beside him, a tangible proof of his newfound ability to extract items from the game into reality.

He began to make plans, considering the possibilities.

The potential business opportunities were endless. He could sell rare items, provide services based on game mechanics, or even start a new venture entirely based on the extraction ability.

However, he knew that he still didn't understand the limitations and properties of this power well enough. He needed to perform experiments to properly grasp its full potential.

Determined to uncover more, he decided that the first step was to log back into the game. He needed to understand this ability better, and the best way to do that was to continue his journey in Enders Light. It was time to finally move beyond the Village of Unhidden Mist.

He walked over to the VR pod and climbed inside. Placing the helmet on his head, he took a deep breath and initiated the login sequence.

<< "Welcome back, August Clementine. Initializing system..." >>

The soft, mechanical voice greeted him as the pod powered up. Lights flickered, and the space around him began to fade. A swirling vortex of colors enveloped him, pulling him into the immersive world of Enders Light.

<< "Neural synchronization complete. Preparing to transport to Enders Light. Please remain calm and enjoy your journey." >>

The sensation of weightlessness washed over him, followed by a sudden jolt.

However, Instead of finding himself back in the Village of Unhidden Mist, he found himself floating in an all-white space with his game character completely unclad.

A sense of disorientation gripped him as he looked around, trying to understand what was happening.

<[New Player Characterization Required]>

<[Dual Class Unlocked]>

A notification appeared before him, adding to his confusion. Before he could fully comprehend it, a voice emanated from a glowing orb that materialized in front of him.

< "Welcome, Player Aleman," > the voice said, calm and authoritative.

< "You have achieved a heightened level of synchronization with Enders Light. As a result, you have unlocked the Dual Class system, a rare feature available only to certain players." >

"This is..." August couldn't believe his ears.

'Could this be due to my newly attained extraction ability?'

The orb's light pulsed gently as it continued, < "Dual Classes allow players to combine the strengths of two different classes, enhancing their abilities and providing new strategic options. You are now required to choose an additional class to complement your existing Assassin class. This choice will influence the modification of your stats and skills." >

As the voice finished speaking, a series of options appeared before August in the familiar system notification style, each accompanied by a brief explanation:

**[Choose Your Additional Class]**

**1. Mage:** Enhance your combat abilities with powerful spells and elemental magic. Gain access to a wide range of offensive and defensive spells.

**2. Cleric:** Support your allies with healing and protective spells. Gain abilities to purify and bolster your own defenses.

**3. Berserker:** Unleash raw physical power and combat prowess. Gain enhanced strength and resilience in battle.

**4. Summoner:** Call forth creatures and spirits to aid you in combat. Gain the ability to summon and control powerful allies.

**5. Hunter:** Utilize advanced ranged weaponry and traps. Gain abilities to track, ambush, and deal critical damage from a distance.

August studied the options carefully, considering how each would complement his Assassin skills. The potential combinations were intriguing, and he knew this choice would significantly impact his journey in Enders Light.

As he pondered the decision, the orb spoke again, < "Take your time to consider each option. Your choice will shape your path forward and unlock new potentials within you." >

August took a deep breath as he pondered. Each class offered unique advantages, and he needed to choose the one that would best enhance his abilities and strategy.

Finally, he made his decision. "I choose..."

Finally, he made his decision. "I choose Mage."

The orb glowed brighter for a moment, then dimmed as the system acknowledged his choice.

**[Mage Class Selected]**

**[Dual Class Unlocked: Assassin/Mage]**

The orb spoke again, < "Your choice has been registered. You now possess the combined strengths of the Assassin and Mage classes. Your stats and skills have been updated accordingly. Prepare to re-enter the game world." >

The all-white space began to dissolve, and August felt a familiar sensation as he was transported back to the world of Enders Light.

Moments later, he found himself standing in the Village of Unhidden Mist once more. The bustling activity of the villagers continued around him as if nothing had changed.

Eager to see the results of his decision, August opened his player database to review his updated stats.


**Name:** Aleman

**Level:** 13

**Title(s):** Nil

**Class:** Assassin/Mage

**EXP:** 11,000/30,000

**HP:** 2000/2000

**MP:** 1500/1500

**Gold:** 200

**Skills:** Shadow Dance, Hidden Strike, Slash, Dash, Dual Wielding, Fireball, Arcane Shield

**Inventory:** Leather Armor, Healing Potion x4, Uncommon Toxic Dagger, Danting Pendant, Runic Sword


He noticed several new additions. His HP remained the same, but a new stat, MP (Mana Points), had been added, indicating his ability to cast spells. Additionally, two new magic skills, Fireball and Arcane Shield, appeared alongside his existing Assassin skills.

Excitement bubbled within him as he read the descriptions of his new skills:

**Fireball:** Cast a ball of fire at your enemies, dealing significant damage.

**Arcane Shield:** Create a magical barrier that absorbs incoming damage for a short period.

August couldn't wait to test his new abilities. The combination of his stealth and combat skills with powerful magic made him feel more formidable than ever.

As he closed his player database, he felt a rush of energy. The dual class of Assassin and Mage opened up new strategies and possibilities for him.

Deciding that the village forest would be the perfect place for some experimentation, he set off toward the dense woods on the outskirts of Unhidden Mist.

The path to the forest was familiar, but it felt different this time. He was no longer just an Assassin; he was also a Mage. The combination of stealth and magic filled him with a sense of untapped potential.

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