
I can't use any common skills!

My name is Dae-Seong, my mother gave me this name for me so that I might succeed in life but that was until the gates appeared. My mother died from one of the monsters that came out of the gate and my father died when I was young, so I had to live with my grandparents. 10 years after the accident, humanity adapted and people awakened powers and awakened people can learn common skills. Common skills are learnable skills and are very important for awakens and some awakens get unique abilities and are said to be 100x more powerful than common skills but all unique abilities has disadvantages. And I recieved the unique ability, I thought I was lucky but then the disadvantage showed up, "Can't Learn Common Skills". Everybody knew that a unique ability was strong but a person who couldn't learn common skills was useless even with a unique ability. So I was treated as trash because with my ability there was limit and everybody else didn't, until my ability appeared, the "Skill Creation System". It allowed me to create unique skills that were 10x stronger than a normal skill but of course at a price of system points. This ability changes my life around, come and read the story to see how it happens. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantaisie
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94 Chs

Awakening Consciousness- [ Chapter 62 ]

When Dae-Seong saw it, he then went up to Byung-Ho and said to him, "Byung-Ho, please give me the orb.", he kept asking for it and with his stubborn pestering, Byung-Ho said yes.

Which he was pretty happy about it since now he just needed to get a few materials that could actually be found in the dungeons he owns, so they first left the gate as it was now cleared.

To Dae-Seong's surprise, he also gained some points from the system although it wasn't since it was mostly because he made a few contributions in the gate which were big enough to gain points.

So Dae-Seong was able to gain quite a lot of points from just hitting the boss once, so he didn't have anything to complain about and Byung-Ho had to leave and go to the hunter's association.

Since he needs to have the record that he beat the S-Rank gate, so he can rank up, so the two of them said goodbye to each other as Byung-Ho activated his skills and ran off to the association.

After he ran off, Dae-Seong quickly went into the undead dungeon which was the first dungeon he had ever owned, he looked around for a bit and took everything he needed, and then left.

Once he gathered everything, he now resummoned the undead king and he appeared from the shadows once again as there was still some dark aura surrounding it, Dae-Seong brought everything out.

Then as he did this, he grabbed the orb and then placed it firmly into the chest of the undead king, and suddenly it started to darken and the undead king's body started to change slowly.

As it changed the orb suddenly turned gray but then suddenly it started to turn into a vortex and started to absorb the materials that Dae-Seong prepared and he just sat there and watched.

The armor of the undead king was now falling off to reveal only it's skeleton body but slowly it was regaining its skin although it was a bit pale it looked more like human than before.

While it's skin was reforming, it's hair started to grow as well but it was a mix of white and black hair and as the skin was back as it's eyes appeared with a black eye as it's right and white as it's left.

It's body was now fully repaired and there was only a few pieces of it's armor left although it was now even stronger than before and it seemed like the evolution was done, so Dae-Seong appraised it.

But as he did this, it faced him then asked, "A-Are you my lord?", Dae-Seong's eyes widened as he appraised it, it's stats were definitely boosted by a lot but it's intelligence stat grew by a lot.

There were loads of commanding skills, summoning skills, everything that is needed to be a leader and there were some sword skills as well so Dae-Seong was pretty happy with the out come.

He didn't want to keep it waiting since it asked a question, so Dae-Seong replied to it as he smiled, "Yes, I am but I'll give you a proper name now since you can think for yourself." he said as he started thinking.

During this someone suddenly tapped his shoulder and then said, "Hey, you suddenly ran off and now it seems like you forgot about me as well." as he turned around he saw it was Dalfine.

She looked angry and so Dae-Seong knew he was in real trouble so he tried to calm things down but she already threw her fist at him but then suddenly the undying emperor appeared.

It caught her fist, so she was surprised with it's power and speed but then it said, "Do not hurt, my lord.", when it said this, she was a bit surprised since it could speak although it was dead.

So she turned to Dae-Seong and asked him, "How is this corpse so strong?", Dae-Seong chuckled and said, "It's like you, a guardian from one of my dungeons although it just finished it's evolution".

As he said this Dalfine noticed he didn't say it had a name and so she asked, "Does thing thing have a name yet?", Dae-Seong was confused but he just said, "No?", once he said that she smiled.

Suddenly she then says, "Ok, let me name him then and this is repayment for just leaving me here." as she said this it was still trying to defend Dae-Seong because it thought Dalfine was a threat.

Although it wasn't wrong, Dae-Seong signaled it to stand down and as he did this she suddenly appeared in front of him then said, "Yes! Let's call him, Bran! from the word Brangwen.".

Dae-Seong was confused and so he asked, "And what does that word mean?", she smiled as she said, "The word means dark and light, so it definitely fits since it's eyes and hair are of that color.".

After saying this, it definitely makes sense and so he said to Bran, "Your name is now Bran, okay?" as he said this, it kneeled down to him then said, "Ok, my lord." and stood up afterwards.

Once he was named Dae-Seong was pretty happy with it now and he didn't want to think of evolving his other guardians for now since it definitely felt like a hassle but first he had to deal with those two.

Since they were a bit different from the other guardians because they had consciousness unlike the old man and his golem, they didn't really have a proper place to stay so he felt a bit bad.

So Dae-Seong wanted to create and identity for the two of them because if he suddenly started to bring them along, they definitely wouldn't be able to go around unnoticed which could be dangerous.

Not for them though, it could be dangerous because he knows that people are arrogant and he's already seen as strong so people might try to attack them but both of them might not be able to control their strength.

They could really kill a person with their new strengths, so Dae-Seong needed to make them officially hunters and well known at that so that people know to not mess with them right away.

Which he contacted Leo to help him out since he did provide information for all of the structures that he appeared so he owed him a lot since if he didn't tell them anything about the structures.

All of them would have to sacrifice their lives to be able to figure out what were the structures especially if the structure was a tower or owned by an Evil God or Being so he definitely owed him something.