
i can't tell you goodbye!"

Maria_Cristela · Urbain
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6 Chs

chapter 5

Alvin's day seemed to be ruined that night, because he felt that it was the ugliest birthday in his whole life. Something seemed to want to explode in his heart that he could not understand.

And he knew in himself why he was so jealous, he was jealous. Yes, he was jealous of Donny. Because he knew in himself, he had long had a look at Meryl. . .

Falling down Alvin lay down on his bed, he felt, he could not immediately fall asleep with the amount of whatever was entering his mind.

So he decided to just look around on Facebook first, maybe because drowsiness will visit him.

A facebook post caught his attention. That was Divina's post, she saw Divina's post because it was her friend on facebook.

His jaws seemed angry when he saw that.

He could clearly see how happy everyone was in that picture, as Donny hugged Meryl.

Alvin almost threw away the cellphone when he saw it, he decided to just cover himself with a blanket and force himself to sleep. She felt, nothing good had happened to her that day.

Meryl is worried, because of the amount of chats she has with her friend alvin, she doesn't even read it or pay attention.

He was sad about what was happening, he knew it would upset him because he didn't show up for his birthday.

The whole afternoon was spent in their class at school as if he was restless, he wanted to talk to Alvin, so that if there was a problem they could talk properly. So he decided to go to a friend's house, after their class.

"Man ... Alvin? Aunt Josephine man ..."

Meryl called to Alvin's door. It didn't take long, alvin's mother opened the door for him when she heard him calling, from outside.

"Oh Meryl, sister .. it's you .."

"Aunt Alvin, is he there?"

"Oh, Meryl, there's a cousin of hers in Valenzuela .. she's supposed to be there first, she's supposed to go home there when she finishes school."

"Is that so, auntie, is it sudden, because he didn't chat with me."

"I don't even know that boy Suddenly he won't come home here first. "

"Auntie, how long will he be there?"

"I also don't know Meryl eh ..

let me come to you when she comes home."

"Oh, go ahead, auntie, thank you, please just tell her, that I would like to talk to her, thank you, auntie, I'm coming."

"All right sister, I'll tell her."

Meryl had left Alvin's house, and she seemed sad to go home. From time to time, he glances at his cellphone, to see if Alvin has a reply to his messages. But no, he failed. When he calls this, it does not answer.

One, or a few days later, alvin still doesn't come home to them, his mother said.

"I miss him ..." Meryl's mind said.

How could he not seem accustomed to not having a friend by his side and sight.

He's not used to not seeing it or, hurting. There are times when he seems to want to cry, when he looks at his messenger without even a message for him.

In the past, before they go to bed at night the night is not complete, if they do not exchange messages, and send cute and sweet emojis to each other. She's not used to it, she misses Alvin's presence with her.

Once he talked to Divina, Neto told her that Alvin had already chatted. But why not him. He seems to want to contribute to it forever. Divina china-chat is still good, she is not .. He also seems to want to feel jealous of Divina.

Besides, he remembers not just once or twice that Divina told him before that he had this look for alvin. Even if he tells himself he is not jealous, but the truth is, he is jealous.

A few days later, Meryl's nineteenth birthday arrived. It was Saturday. He does not go to school. He was cooked, by his mother Nida of his favorite spice.

It also makes ham sandwiches and fried fried chicken. His family was just ready to have lunch this afternoon. He did not want to invite any guests.

But Donny insists, it comes unexpectedly. She was carrying a boquet of flowers, and a cake as a gift for meryl. He fed it and valued it well, and we soon left.

He was annoyed when his mother Nida asked why Alvin no longer sees them behaving,

how come, they are used to Alvin always being present at their party every birthday. He just said that he had it with his cousins.

When his family party was over, he was locked in his room, feeling soft and emaciated.

Meryl lay down on her bed. He didn't seem to be in the mood of those times.

He picked up his cellphone, and his mind and emotions seemed to instruct him to try to chat with alvin again, even though he wasn't neto being replenished.

"Hi, how are you, do you remember anything today?"

Meryl asked in the chat, she seemed excited and nervous, when she saw her interlocutor typing. A happy smile flashed on his lips.

"Ha, what's up now?"

Apparently, meryl was overwhelmed by Alvin's reply to him. He felt as if his blood had risen to his head. Alvin really ignores him.

"No merun now! I don't know what I did to you so much to make you look like this! Okay! If I don't have that please, I can't do anything! That's your life ..! Let me not bother you where you are ..... !!!!

" Message sent.

As the warm tears welled up in Meryl's eyes, she took the pillow she covered her face with, and quietly cried there. Alvin just watched his message and did not reply.

"Once, let's have a beer first to enjoy our sleep!" Karl said, and handed the beer to Alvin. It was late at night, while the two were on the terrace.

"okay cousin." Alvin took the beer, and started drinking. He also learned to drink from Karl, from the moment he was offered, they said they would take a shot, because that would solve the problem.

"Once, I'm sure I'll miss you when Meryl you're talking about, my advice to you is just right, that you put up with her a little."

"Looks like he's so mad at me once."

"That's okay! Just coax me when you get home! The anger will also go away."

"Hopefully, it's also difficult like this."

"Just don't be discouraged once."

Many more wondered what the cousins ​​were like that night, Alvin had two bottles of beer before they finished drinking.

Alvin lay down on his bed, picked up the cellphone and repeatedly read the message to him earlier by Meryl. He knew he had really hurt it. It's still neto's birthday today. He pretended he didn't remember it. But the truth is, what he said to Meryl touched his heart.

That message from Meryl was also very painful for him, and as a man, it wasn't he could hold back the tears.

He loved Meryl so much that was all he knew of himself those times, and he would miss it so much.

He only did this thing, because he was so jealous of Donny.

And she won't let him not wish her a birthday tonight. It's not too late for everyone to say hello.

Meryl was trying to sleep that night, how come it was eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, her eyes still seemed wide awake. I think he's being attacked by insomnia, oh 'maybe he still can't move on from his resentments towards Alvin.

Meryl heard her cell phone ring. Someone was calling him, late at night.

He looked at who was calling. Alvin. He seemed suddenly nervous that he could not figure out.

He hesitates whether he will answer the call or not. He chose to answer the call and he did not speak, he let the person on the other line speak first.

"I-Love you ...."

Whispering, but mixed with sweetness is the opening voice of the one on the other line.

"H-Ha ???" Meryl seemed puzzled and confused by what she heard.

"I-miss you ..." Alvin added with a softening in his voice.

"Am I the one he's talking about? Is he the wrong call?" Meryl's mind asked.



"Who are you talking about those?

Are you drunk..?"

"I-you .... I'm not drunk I miss you so much, do you miss me ?.

" Alvin caresses her again.

"What are you saying, you're just drunk .. You're already drinking. "

"It's true what I'm saying ... I love you ..."

Meryl thought for a moment, "As for the sweet, what can you eat ...?" Her mind whispered.

She seemed to want to hear Alvin's soft words to her again. No more cries of remorse, but cries of joy and gladness.

Meryl also seems to want to respond to what Alvin tells her that she loves it too and misses it so much. But he rebuked himself.

Because that's really the truth, he loves it too. First love because he is Alvin.

"So-rry earlier, I won't repeat my promise ..." Alvin said.

"Hmmmm ... That's okay .."

"I'm going home tomorrow, I would like to be with you. Can we take a walk in the park tomorrow?"

"Hmmmm ... alright ..."

"Thank you ...

Let's go to sleep, it's tomorrow ..

you'll be awake because .. "

Alvin worries about him.

"Goodnight Meryl, sweet dreams ..."

"Goodnight, go ahead and bye-bye."

And Alvin finally dropped his call.

It seems no longer, that Alvin is still in control of his emotions and his own emotions because of the spirit of alcohol in his body. He must have slept well tonight. Because he had finally said, his feelings for Meryl.