
i can't tell you goodbye!"

Maria_Cristela · Urbain
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6 Chs

chapter 1

"Mom, there's a new move across from us, I can play with something new again!"

Ten-year-old Meryl was born to her mother as she was busy cooking their lunch.

"Really son, we have a new neighbor again, take care of your brother first, and I'm being tattooed here again, so that I can serve lunch." Mother's response.

"All right, shall I call papa?" "

All right, son, call your dad so we can rest, and we can eat. You've been a carpenter for our broken chairs before and take your naughty brother first."

Meryl's mother suggested the two his year -old brother who is very restless and naughty. The son immediately obeyed the mother's commands.

Meryl is the eldest child of the couple Nida and Ramon and he has a brother who is two years old Maimai. His father is a construction worker, while his mother, on the other hand, has a small business that sells snacks in front of their house.

Meryl's family only rents their residence for 2000, which is just the right size for them.

Meryl often sees the child who has just moved into their place, which always is playing basketball with the boys who are also their neighbors. He thinks he is the same age as that boy.

I don't know, at the young age of Meryl who is ten years old, every time she sees the child who has just moved, every time she buys from their store which Tala, she can't understand but it seems like she will be beaten here.

Therefore, he could not help but glance and look at the child whose name he did not yet know, whenever he saw it on the road.

One day at noon, Meryl did not expect to pass near the basketball court again, she saw the boy playing there again. She accidentally glanced at the child again, nor did she expect the child to suddenly look at her, and catch her looking at it.

Meryl felt a little ashamed of herself. So he quickly withdrew his gaze. And there was some loud thump in his chest and he was nervous. So he quickly stepped on his feet to go home.

. "Can I buy...!!" Call of the children shopping at Meryl's snack shops.

"Meryl son, when you buy the buyers first, and I'll mix your sister's milk.!"

Meryl's mother was kind to her, who is currently watching tv in the living room.

"Yes mom!" He replied to the mother.

"Hi Meryl, we're buying eight turons and four coolers."

Utoy greeted him with a smile when he saw him come.

Meryl was shocked by what she saw, because she didn't expect that Utoy and their other old young neighbors would be with the boy who had just moved. He was nervous again when he saw the child. But he seemed to feel pleasure when he saw that. It turns out that the child is more handsome up close and looks like an artist. .

"Hi Meryl, it's Alvin, they're the new move in front of you, Alvin, it's Meryl." Courtesy of Jojo.

Alvin's response to Jojo's introduction to the two of them was just a frugal smile.

"Hmmmm ... Alvin, by the way, the name is neto, in case it looks quiet, or is it stuck.? He didn't even say hi to me."

In Meryl's mind there was a little annoyance with the child, because of the net reaction.

There, the children ate their snacks at Meryl's shop. They talked to him a little, because he used to play them when he was only 8.

He notices that Alvin is not very active, because he just smiles in their stories. Maybe it's still a bit shy or, really just stuck.

When the children finished their snacks, they said goodbye to Meryl. Alvin didn't even look at him until they were stuck.

Alvin and Utoy had a bicycle, while the other two children just walked away from Meryl's store.

Those children have always had snacks at their meryl store. But it's different now, because Alvin is always with them whenever they go to their store. But like the beginning, it always seemed quiet and unobtrusive. Seems to always be shy.

Meryl often sees Alvin at the school she also attends, so he transferred there. And he also found out that he wasn't his age, because he was in the sixth grade of elementary school. While he was only in the fifth grade.

He sees this as always riding a bicycle, every time he comes in and goes home to school. While he was just walking with his other classmates when their class was over.

Their school is also not that far from their house so it's okay to walk.

There was a poll of officers, at their school Meryl, and Alvin was the winning escort at their school. Many have noticed the beauty of the net, and it has been rumored there that he looks like an artist and looks rich.

Meryl bragged to her classmates that she was her neighbor.