
I Can't Stay Away

Scarlet and her friends springbreak vacation takes a menacing turn when they are kidnapped. It later leads to mysterious, rough and unforgettable romantic journey between her and the captor when they are reunited.

Kimberly_Rambaran · Sports, voyage et activités
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11 Chs

Chapter 9- Day 3

Minutes feel like hours, hours feel like days and a day feels like weeks.

I have never been this bored and exhausted in my life. Can you imagine sitting on the ground in some scary room chained waiting for your time to be up to go home? I can't but here I am.

The guys are asleep and Joven lying on the ground trying to sleep but Gia and I are awake. She turns her head to me and I know she's gonna say something.

''Are you awake?'' she asks.

''Mmmhmm, you?'' I ask.

''Yeah I am'' she answers wearily.

''I'm so bored, can we talk about something?'' I ask her.

''Yeah sure'' she replies.

''Did you get a look at his ass yet?'' she asks and raises her brows.

''I meant can we talk about something else'' I clarify.

''Okay but did you?''

''No I didn't'' I lie.

''What? You didn't even take a peek?''

I look around and Nathan is asleep with his head on the ground.

''Okay fine I did look''

''And how was it?''

''It looked kinda good'' I admit.

''See I told you, if he wasn't such a psychopath he would've been really hot to hook up with''

''I bet you would've loved that''

''Yeah, believe me the clubs I went to I saw lots of hot really hot men but none like him, he's really sexy''

''Too bad he's a kidnapper'' I say.

''I know right, why do all the bad guys have to be so hot''

''Because that's just how it is, he isn't even hot''

''You see his body, those muscles especially in that tank top that he wears. He would be really rough in bed''

''Okay I get it but you know how scared I am of muscular men''

''Yeah I know they are usually really rough and aggressive, speaking from experience'' she winks at me.

''I'm sure you are''

''What do you think is his story?'' I ponder.

''What do you mean?'' she asks me.

''You know like why he's doing this, why does he think it's right to do this?'' I meditate upon.

''Maybe he doesn't have one, maybe he just wants to do this. Some people don't have a story they're just plain cruel for no reason''

''I know but I feel like he has one''

''Well even if he does we'll never know''

''Yeah I know''

Gia and I talk for some time to occupy ourselves through this boredom that we're in. She continues to talk about how hot he is although I think he isn't he's just frightening but I'm happy that she says that no matter how hot he is she will never hook up with him or anything like that because he's well you know a psychopath and all and I'm happy she said that so at least I know she'll never be with someone like that just because she thinks he's hot.

Just then a top part of the door slides open and someone, I'm guessing it's the man our captor throws something wrapped in brown paper through then slides back that part of the door.

Gia and I both stare at the brown paper wondering what's wrapped up inside. Please don't tell me it's more insects or something.

''Guys wake up'' I say and then it louder when they don't.

''What?'' Cole asks.

''Look he just threw that in here'' Gia points with her head.

They both get up and look at the brown paper in perplexity.

''Nathan go see what it is'' I tell him.

''Let Cole check'' he says and I roll my eyes.

He's the same guy that said he's gonna protect me and not let anything happen to me a few days ago but he's definitely not acting like that.

''Nathan just look inside'' I demand.

He slowly and shyly moves to the brown paper. He touches it first then unwraps it in his own good time.

''It's chicken'' he says.

''What?'' I ask looking at him.

''It's a big slice of grilled chicken'' Nathan tells us.

He takes it in the brown paper in his hand and hold it looking at it carefully.

''Is it poisoned or anything?'' Joven asks.

''It looks okay'' Cole says looking at the piece of meat.

''Should we eat it?'' Joven asks.

''Yeah I think so, hopefully it's not poisoned'' Cole says.

Nathan splits the meat into five equal pieces for all of us. They pass the pieces down to us and I pass a piece to Joven then take a piece for myself. I eat it hurriedly and greedily like I haven't eaten food in days which I haven't. The meat doesn't really have taste but I don't care I'm starving and in desperate need of some food, any food. I swallow it immediately barely chewing it. I felt like I haven't chewed anything nor swallowed in so long.

After that I tilt my head back against the wall and close my eyes for a while.


I wake up to the sound of a forceful familiar bang that echoes the room.

He's coming.

''What time is it?'' I ask Cole.

''7:30'' he answers.


why is he coming so early? he usually comes much later like around midday, not this early.

What is the activity for today anyway?

Just as I'm about to ask Joven to check the list to see what's the activity for today the latch turns quickly and the door opens. He stands there by the entrance in his usual attire. He leaves the door wide open then moves from by the entrance.

Where'd he go?

What's he doing?

A few seconds later he comes in pulling in something with him, it looks really heavy since he seems to be struggling a bit.

It's a bear! I think it's alive but as he pulls it in the room I realize it's dead.

It's a huge dead bear!

He pulls it in the room and puts it right in the middle of the room. He then moves to close back the door and I notice he has a knife in his hand.

What the hell is he gonna do?

I watch as the dead bear lies flat in the room not so far from me and I feel like crying.

He stands before the bear with the knife in his hand then lifts his arm with the knife and points to Nathan first since he's the closest. He instructs him to come over where he is by the bear.

He hands Nathan the knife then points to the bear's stomach instructing him to cut it open I think.

I can't believe he gave Nathan the knife, he's so stupid, Nathan could easily stab or kill him and we could get out of here. Nathan stoops down by the bear and he does just what I was thinking, he quickly gets up with the knife in his hand and stabs him right in the arm, I notice the knife goes in deep as all I can see is the handle sticking out and I look away for a bit.

I expect him to fall to the ground or back up by the wall in pain and I think Nathan and everyone else was expecting the same thing I was but he does nothing of the sort.

He just stands there then rips out the knife from his arm an it looks really painful, anyone else would've been screaming at least but not him.

So what, does he not feel pain?

The blood leaks out from his arm down to his hand and he looks fuming with rage. He holds the knife and one hand and I gasp aloud as he grabs Nathan by his neck lifts him high in the air with his back against the wall. He starts choking him and Nathan looks so desperate for air. He then puts him down on the ground on his two feet then just as I think he's done with Nathan he raises his head up then with his huge muscular arm punches Nathan across the face with great force then he falls to the ground.

''Nathan!'' I scream and Cole moves to him to make sure he's okay.

I notice his mouth is busted at the side where he punched him. That was a hard punch he took, please god let him be okay.

The man then growls for Cole to move away from him and Cole moves away quickly in fear. He violently grabs Nathan then brings his back by the bear. Nathan struggles to sit up, he's still trying to regain himself after that powerful punch he just took. He gives him back the knife again and I hope Nathan doesn't try to stab him or anything again because he might hurt him much worse. Nathan takes the knife then do as he was instructed this time. He stabs the knife into the bears stomach and I look away in disgust as he starts cutting open its stomach.

I hear him growl again and this time Nathan is sitting on the ground and I become aware of something bloody outside the bear, it's big and covered with blood.

What the fuck! It's an organ!

It's a fucking bloody organ!

Did he make Nathan do that?

Of course he did.

He's so gruesome, I can't even look at it, I might start to throw up. He points at Cole with the knife and I realize he's going in an order so after Cole is Gia then after Gia is me.

No no no no no no no. I can't do that. I could barely even see blood like when I get a papercut or something. There's no way in hell I could take out an organ from a dead animal. He's fucking crazy if he thinks I'm gonna do that.

Cole moves to the front of the bear and stoops down right in front of it and starts cutting. I close my eyes and turn my head the other way. Joven holds my hand to try to comfort me a bit.

He growls again and I open my eyes and observe another bloody organ on the ground, he then calls Gia.

After Gia is me, like hell it is. I'm not gonna do that.

Gia's turn is over then she makes her way back to her usual seating position not so far from me.

He growls again and this time he's pointing at me with the knife. He looks at me as I just sit there without a single movement. I shake my head no at him and I have a feeling he's really angry, still angry from what Nathan did to him.

Just as I wonder what he's gonna do he hurriedly walks over to me and roughly pulls me across the ground over to the dead animal. He can't force me to do it, I won't.

Just as I think about running back to my position in the corner he grabs me savagely then puts his large muscular arm at the front of my neck choking me with his huge arm, I can't scream nor breathe at all right now.

I put both my hands on his arm trying to pull his arm away from its impossible, I can't even begin to imagine how much stronger he is than me. I hear Nathan and the others screaming for me but he keeps choking me.

When will he let go?

Will he let go?

I feel a tear run down from my eye down my face pass my chin then on his arm and in that same second he lets go and I fall on the ground.

I start coughing my lungs out, gasping for air and hitting my chest. I really thought he was not gonna let go and probably choke me to death. He picks me up again and brings me right in front of the dead bloody bears body. I can't look at it, the smell and look of it is nauseating. He puts the knife in my hand and instructs me to pull out an organ from the bears stomach. I close my eyes and think about some unforgettable memories with my family and I whilst I do this.

I remember last summer when we all went to the waterpark then we went roller skating. Summers are the best with my family and we always have a good time together. I think back on some great memories and before I know it he grabs me again and pushes me back by my previous position in the corner.

''You sick freak!'' Nathan yells at him as he turns around.

I watch as his hands form fists at his sides and I know he's raging now, I don't want him to hurt Nathan again.

''Nathan please don't tell him that'' I say as I struggle for air trying to speak.

''No he's a fucking sick freak! He came from hell! Look at what he made you do!'' Nathan yells again and I notice him start to breathe heavily, he's becoming more angry.

''Nathan stop it! stop telling him that, he'll hurt you'' I start coughing immediately after that sentence.

''Okay baby, stop talking for a while and relax your throat'' Nathan says and after that he stops talking.

I thank god it's over and I think that was it for day 3, I hope to god that was it. It's now Joven's turn and he does what he is instructed and returns back to his spot in less than a minute.

I got hurt the worst then Nathan but the others did what he instructed to do and didn't get hurt. My neck feels sore at the front as I put my hand on it gently rubbing it for the pain to go away.

After that, he then opens the door wide open and carries the bear outside the door then comes back and puts the organs we took out in a bucket then carries that outside then shuts the door on his way out. I don't think he locked with the latch though as I don't hear it snap from the outside.

''Babe are you okay?'' Nathan asks as the door shuts.

''Yeah I think so'' I respond.

''Did he hurt you really bad?'' he asks.

''Yeah he did''

''I'm sorry, I wish I could comfort you right now. Don't worry when we get out of here it'll just be me and you, we'll go away somewhere and we'll forget about all of this. We will do the same things I had planned for us'' Nathan assures me.

''That sounds great, I just really wanna be with you right now'' I tell him.

''You'll be in my arms soon baby'' he comforts me with his words.

''Okay you guys other people are here'' Gia says and Nathan and I laugh.

Today was nauseating, gruesome, horrendous and any other disgusting word you can think of to describe today but at least it's over.

Diana and Steven were right the activities are getting worse, they are getting more gruesome and I don't know how I'm gonna complete them to get out of here. I let my head gently fall back against the wall and I sit there and think about tomorrow and what's in store for us.

I don't know what's on the list for tomorrow but I have to try to do it in order to make it out here alive but something was weird, he was choking me so hard like he didn't want to stop but as soon as I started to cry and the tear left my eye and landed on his arm that's when he let go.

But why?