
I Can't Stay Away

Scarlet and her friends springbreak vacation takes a menacing turn when they are kidnapped. It later leads to mysterious, rough and unforgettable romantic journey between her and the captor when they are reunited.

Kimberly_Rambaran · Sports, voyage et activités
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11 Chs

Chapter 5- Where am I?

I turn my head a bit and I feel dirt on my face and my body is resting on hard ground. My head still throbs from the hard blow and my body feels immovable. Just as I try to move my hands to move some hair from my face I realize I can't. I try pulling them but they're chained and the more I pull the more it hurts my wrists. I wiggle my body to try to get up off the ground and I move to sit up. I look at my wrists and they are covered with large old metal chains. Without even looking around I immediately start screaming. I scream and scream until I hear a familiar voice calling me.

I finally stop screaming and look around, I notice everyone's here. They are all chained up too and are all about 10 feet apart from each other. I cry of relief to see them here and I look around at all of them and they are alive and fine for now, they are just covered in dirt as well. I look around the room and it's a tall room with dirt ground beneath us. The wall is made of hard concrete and the room is quite spacious. It looks like some kind of underground chamber. I look above and there is one light on the ceiling that looks like it's made of hard rock.

I notice a door to the front which we have to go through to get out of here, I try moving again but I can't.

I look a few feet in front of me and I notice a man and a woman who aren't a part of our group and I start to scream as I notice the both of them. The man is covered with cuts and blood and there are large stiches all over his lean body, the woman's body is covered with dirt and scratches.

''Scarlet!'' Gia screams over me to stop me screaming and it works.

''Where the hell are we?'' I ask with my lips trembling in fear and my legs shaking.

''I don't know'' she responds.

''He wouldn't have taken you it's Nathan fault'' Cole says.

''What! What the hell do you mean?''

''He captured all of us but he didn't know about you until Nathan asked where you were then he came for you'' Cole explains.

''I was worried that maybe he did something to her or took her somewhere else'' Nathan says.

''Yeah well he didn't and if you hadn't mentioned her she would've gotten out of here and gone to get help for us'' Gia says and then everyone starts arguing but me.

What the hell, if Nathan hadn't mentioned me the captor wouldn't have known about me and I would've been on my way out of here coming back with the police to rescue them.

Who is the captor? What does he want with us? Where are we? Does the old man at the gas station know about this? Where is he? Can he help us? So many unanswered questions fill my brain.

I knew from the start I didn't feel okay coming here, I knew something was gonna happen but not this, I didn't think we would get kidnapped.

''Scarlet!'' someone calls and I snap out of my thoughts.

''Did you call anyone or anything and told them we were missing?'' Joven asks.

''No, I wasn't getting service''

''Well why didn't you take the keys and drive back to the gas station?'' Joven asks.

'' I was going to but then I found this room in the cabin''

''What room?'' Nathan asks.

''By the bear statue in the living room there was a handle in the room, it led to a room under the cabin''

''And what was there?'' Gia asks with great curiousity.

''There was a table with car parts, sacks of bird seeds and really old dolls, there were some other things too but I didn't have time to look around because then I heard the door open but there was a camera in one of the dolls and I think there were other cameras in the cabin too but we just didn't see them'' I explain.

''Did you see what he looked like?'' Gia asks.


''We saw him'' Cole says.

''Well what'd he look like?'' Joven asks.

''Like he came right out of a horror movie'' Cole says and I take a huge gulp and my jaw starts shaking with pure fear.

''He's tall, really tall, has huge muscles that could kill us all and he was wearing a white tank top, black jeans and black boots'' Nathan says and I remember seeing the black boots walking around and I waited for them to go and when I thought they left they didn't and that's when he hit me.

''And he has an axe with him'' Nathan says.

''What does his say look like?'' Joven asks.

''We don't know he was wearing a brown mask on his face'' Cole says.

''Who are you guys?'' I ask the man and the woman.

''We've been here a week before you guys, we leave tomorrow'' The woman says.

''What do you mean leave tomorrow?'' I ask them. How do they know when and if they're gonna leave?

''This is vacation, once you have completed your activities he lets you go''

''Activities, what activities?'' I ask them wanting to know much more.

''You'll get your list tomorrow, you get it the day after he takes you and you have to complete them or he won't let you go'' the man says.

''Wait a minute, you guys remember the site said they will give us a list of activities and we'll be occupied each day, I think that's the list of activities'' I tell them.

''Wait so it's gotta be like normal activites right?'' Joven asks.

''No, they're brutal, he wants you to do monstrous things each day''

''Like what?'' I ask.

''He made me eat a plate raw wild meat then he put cockroaches in our ears then-'' she stops talking as I start screaming.

I can't, I can't go through something so horrifying or worse than what happened in Connecticut. After that, I thought my whole world would've been over and I would never be able to continue with life again and for a while it was really awful. I thought that life had gotten better for me and I would never go through anything like that again but I was wrong because here I am and I don't know what awaits me down here.

''Scarlet babe, it's okay we'll get through it, I won't let him hurt you'' Nathan says and I know he's just saying that to make me feel better but he knows that he might not be able to stop him or anything right now.

''Don't worry Scar we're here with you'' Joven says and he reaches for my hand since he's the closest to me.

We halfway hold hands then we all join hands with the ones that closest to us.

Just then the top of the door opens and someone throws a slab of red meat in here, the meat doesn't look raw, it looks half cooked. The man and the woman hurriedly and desperately grab the meat and start eating it. We all watch them with great surprise and disgust.

We all just sit there in our spots as we could barely move or do anything and after what feels like a few hours the door I hear the sound of a large door handle turning and just then the steel door to the front opens and my heart starts racing and more tears form in my eyes.