
I Can't Stay Away

Scarlet and her friends springbreak vacation takes a menacing turn when they are kidnapped. It later leads to mysterious, rough and unforgettable romantic journey between her and the captor when they are reunited.

Kimberly_Rambaran · Sports, voyage et activités
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11 Chs

Chapter 4- Where's Nathan?

I run back to the cabin and slam the door shut behind me.

''What happened?'' Joven asks me and causes everyone else to turn around.

''I think I heard something out there and it sounds like something's coming here'' I pant and walk over to the couch by them.

''Babe I think it's just your paranoia'' Nathan says and I get fuming mad. I'm tired of him telling me that, would it kill him to believe me just for once.

''It's not! I did hear something and I'm tired of you telling me that!'' I shout and I don't even look at everyone's reaction, I just storm off to my room.

I go inside the room and walk up and down with my hands in my hair. I try to remain calm because panicking is gonna make it worse. I hear the doorknob turn which makes me look up then I see Nathan walking towards me, I really don't wanna see him now. He walks up to me and stands right in front of me, he puts his hands on my shoulders to stop me from walking and I look at him.

''Are you okay?'' he asks me and I nod slightly.

''Did you take your pills today?'' he asks and I roll my eyes.

''Yeah and I don't like it when everytime I tell you something you keep saying it's just my paranoia and you never believe me'' I speak.

''Okay I'm sorry but remember I will protect so don't worry about anything okay?'' he says and I nod.

He takes me in his arms for a hug and we engage in a warm hug then he kisses my forehead. He holds my hand in his and walk us back out to the living room where everyone else is.

''Are you guys okay?'' Joven asks.

''Yeah, what are you guys doing?'' I ask them.

To keep ourselves busy we all play some party games, first we start off with truth or dare then we play spin the bottle which lands on Nathan a few times then Joven. I kiss Joven on the cheek but Nathan on the lips and it's a little awkward since everyone is looking. My eyes light up as its Gia's turn and as she spins the bottle it lands right on Cole! I see the excitement in her eyes as she moves in to kiss him. I kind of look away but after their kiss is over they both look at each other like they're gonna get it on tonight. Gia then goes to her room and gets some games she brought for us to play. We play twister, I am, Speed Stacker and Would you rather. We all are having so much fun and we aren't too drunk, we all just had a few drinks. It's now 9 and I start yawning and Cole and Gia both look really tired too.

We all decide to end the party games for tonight and get ready for bed, we'll continue the fun tomorrow. The fire is almost out and it's a little chilly in here. Nathan volunteers to go get more firewood to keep the fire going and I go to our room to take a shower and get ready for bed.

Before I take a shower I unpack some of my things and put my clothes in the drawers of the dresser. I put my pjs on my bed then head for the showers. I take long shower as I wash my hair as well, I take my time in here using my lavender body wash all over my body, enjoying the calming scents and the lathering feel of it on my body. I stand in the shower for a while just enjoying the water on my skin before I get out. I wrap my towel around me then walk back out to change into my pjs. I expected Nathan to maybe be in the room when I get out getting ready for bed as well but maybe he's still in the living room. I comb my wet hair and decide to let it dry on its own since my hair doesn't take so long to dry.

I walk back out into the living room looking for Nathan but I don't see him. No one is in the living room but me right now. I knock on Joven's door to ask if he's seen Nathan but he says he's doesn't. I knock on Gia's door and I'm not surprised to see her in her bra and Cole shirtless.

''Sorry to disturb you guys but have you guys seen Nathan?'' I ask.

''No, he didn't come back from getting the firewood?'' Cole asks.

''No, I don't know where is he'' I say starting to worry.

''Okay I'll go see where he is'' Cole says and puts his shirt on and goes to find Nathan.

I watch as he goes out the door to look for Nathan.

''Relax Scar, he just probably got a little lost or something, I'm sure Cole will find him'' Gia assures me.

This is definitely not the place to get lost so I hope to god he isn't. Please let him be okay.

''Yeah I hope so, he's been gone for half an hour now'' I say with my hands in my hair.

''Let's go wait by the couch for them'' she suggests and I nod and we walk to the couch.

''So did you guys do it?'' I ask her.

''Well we were going too but then you interrupted us'' she says and I know she's mad at me but isn't really showing it.

''I'm sorry I was just really worried about Nathan'' I tell her.

''It's okay, I'm sure they'll come back just now'' she says.

We turn on the tv and watch for a while as we await them.

An hour has passed and they haven't come back yet, now it's time to panic.

''Where are they? Why aren't they back yet?'' I ask in both confusion and worry.

''I don't know but don't worry they will come back'' she tells me.

''I'm gonna use the bathroom'' I say and head for the bathroom.

As I'm on my way back to the living room with Gia I hear Joven say something from his room to me in a moderate tone, not too loud nor soft but just at the right pitch for me to hear.

''Scarlet stay in your room and lock the door'' Joven warns and I'm perplexed but I do it since he seems to know something I don't.

I do as I'm told and do exactly that. Just as I lock the door I hear a boisterous thud and I bend down to try to see if I can see anything through the space between the door and the floor. I see what looks like Joven's feet being dragged to the living room and out the door.

What the hell is going on!

Who's there?

Where are Nathan and Cole? Did someone just take Joven? Where's Gia?

Are they coming for me?

My head starts pounding with so many questions and worry right now. I get the pepper spray out my bag and hold it in my hand as I stand by the door waiting for the attacker to come in. I wait and wait and there's nothing, not a single sound or signal that he's coming.

I have to go out there, I need to know what's going on, I need to know who's out there. I quickly take my pjs off and put on the quickest thing I could find which is a sleeveless dress that reaches my knees.

My hands shiver as they reach the door knob with my body trembling with fear and my mouth shaking. I slowly turn the door knob and the door creaks open. I slowly tip toe out the room and head into the living room. The front door is wide open and I search the cabin and no one else is here but me. I gulp then run up and quickly shut the door locking it from the inside then I head into everyone's room, nothing is there, no blood no nothing to show that they were taken, it's like they just vanished.

Why am I still here?

Why hasn't the person taken me?

Is the person still in here or did he leave?

I walk back into the living room and notice they keys to the van are on the counter in the kitchen. I take the keys in my hand but there are two reasons why I can't leave first of all I'm terrified to even walk outside to head to the van and second of all I cant just drive off and leave my friends here with their captor who's doing god knows what to them.

My hands are in my hair and I stand by the counter unsure of what the hell to do! I can't even call someone because my phone isn't getting any damn signal and I have to walk all the way out by the lake to get some and I don't even wanna leave the cabin right now. Just as I'm looking around something in the corner catches my eye by the bear statue. I walk over to it and I notice there is a handle to pull part of the floor up. I stoop down and pull the handle a bit and it wouldn't budge. I pull it again this time with more strength and it pops open.

It reveals a pitch black room underground. I run back to my room to get my phone so that I can use the light to try to see what's down there. I put on the flash and there is a ladder. I climb down the ladder and my feet touch old wooden floor boards. I walk and flash my phone in the direction I'm walking to see. I notice old metal car parts on a table. To my left I notice some large old dolls, the dolls are creepy looking and look like they came right out of a horror movie. One doll in particular looks so suspicious that I gently touch its face. Just as my fingers brush against the doll's face I notice it has a tiny red blinking light by the corner of its right eye.

It's a CAMERA!

I take such a huge step back I bump into the table with the car parts and just as I do that I hear a loud bang from upstairs, it sounds like the door just flung open. I hear the floor boards creeking and I know the attacker is here.

Just then the same doll starts making noise singing some creepy evil song over and over:

I know you're there, I know you're here, beware cuz I'm everywhere....

It keeps repeating non-stop and it's some kind of signal to let them know whenever someone is down here.

I look for a place to hide and I see a very low table behind some sacks of flour. I think I can fit under it. I grab a metal car part from on the table as my weapon and run to hide under there.

I hear the creaking of the floor boards getting closer and closer and I put my hand over to mouth to stop myself from crying as I see large black boots walking around the room. The boots are now an inch from me as a tear leaves my eyes. The boots then walk away and the creaking of the floorboards gets further and further. I remain in hiding for about 10 minutes and I don't hear a single noise nor see the black boots anymore. As I'm under there I have decided that I will take the keys and drive out to the gas station and ask the old man to contact the police or something to help to get my friends back and I'm about to do just that.

I slide out from the table and just as I move to stand up the metal rod gets roughly snatched out of my hand and something hits me so hard in the head that I immediately black out and I know my captor won for now.