
I Can't Be Your White Moonlight's Replacement Anymore

"Lilia... Please. I beg you. Please don't jump off the rooftop." Augustus commanded his wife but it was of no use. "I've given you enough chances. No more." Lilia screamed back at her husband. "Either you sign the papers. Or, I take your company down along with my life." "Lilia, stop this nonsense. You are pregnant. Come here, Lilia." August tried to persuade his wife for the sake of his reputation but she wouldn't just listen. "No! I've had enough. You love everyone and everything except me. So, why should I sacrifice my life for you in every lifetime? Sign them. Or, I'll jump." Lilia's trembling hands that were gripping the cold steel were ready to let go. "Fine! I'll sign the divorce papers. But, you won't get a cent from me. Remember it." Augustus shot back frustrated as he signed the papers. "I'll remember it well, Mr. Reynolds."

Larsena · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
10 Chs

My Wife

Lilia's P.O.V.


Augustus's voice echoed softly in my ears as he extended his hand, a steadying presence as I prepared to step out of the car. My eyes resting upon the imposing mansion looming before us, its grandeur both mesmerizing and intimidating.

Did I make the right choice?

As I hesitated, my other hand unconsciously rested on my stomach, seeking some sense of comfort from the little life inside me to the whirlwind of emotions stirring in my heart. Three days passed still a weird feeling in my heart refused to settle down. But, I just couldn't understand what it was.

"Augustus honey! You are finally home!" The screeching sound of Augustus's mother graced my ear as soon as my feet set on the ground. Her face twisted in a frown as soon as her eyes landed on me. "Why are you helping this little vixen!?"

Don't worry, mother in law. I share your distress as well. It's creepy to have him help me when he didn't give a damn about me for 3 years.

"Look at her audacity! She's rolling eyes at me too!" Augustus's mom fumed with rage as she pointed her finger at my face. It was as if she was ready to poke those fingers in my eyes.

"Mom. Enough. I think I already told you if you want to stay here please don't disturb my wife. If you have any problems with my wife, go back to dad's mansion. I will not tolerate anyone disrespecting my pregnant wife anymore."

Augustus's words stunned me. I glanced up at him, trying to read his expression.

My pregnant wife. I suppose his affection started from this child and perhaps, ended at it. There was nothing more to our relationship than this little life.

And, I suppose that was alright. After all, I'm just a stranger in this world occupying someone else's body. What right did I have to beg for love? What right did I have to make decisions for a body that never belonged to me?

The only reason for all my actions should be that baby that was left behind. That's it.

My eyes rested on Augustus's face which was as unreadable as ever, a perfect mask of calm.

But that calm... it was almost terrifying. Who knows what was going on in that brain of his? Why was it that my heart refused to think anything positive about this man? There has to be some god**** reason.

What was this feeling that bubbled inside me warning me to run away? Ugh! Fuck it!

"I'm fine, Augustus," I whispered, my voice barely audible, my palm gently touched his arm as his eyes snapped in my direction.

Honestly, I wasn't fine. His mother seemed to want me dead. And, his attention seemed to only fuel those flames. As long as she stays here for the safety of the little life growing inside me… I must stay out of her way as much as possible.

I won't be able to stay alert all the time. It's better to be safe than sorry.

"Lilia… It's not about you being alright. It's about my… our baby growing inside of you." Augustus said as his hand rubbed my back.

How laughable! I just… It's all about the baby. What did he see me as? A breeding machine? But, what was I even expecting from a man like him?

It was the truth that was haunting my heart. I cannot depend on him for anything. Not even my baby. Because something was to happen to it… He seemed like the man who would push the blame on his wife for his mistakes.

It would be so easy. 'You killed my child, Lilia.' And, then cry and keep blaming me over and over again till I… broke to bits and pieces.

But, how would I face the old Lilia… 'I gave you my body, Lilia. You couldn't even protect my child?' How would I even show her my face?

Whether it was in the past life of mine or this one… Relying on Augustus could be proven life-threatening.

"HOW IS THIS VIXEN PREGNANT, AUGUSTUS!? Honey, are you sure the baby is yours? Who knows who she was sleeping with behind your back. You can trust a serpent but not this woman, Augustus. I am telling you." Augustus's mother's words hung in the air like a toxic cloud, each one laced with venom meant to wound. But they didn't touch me. Not in the way she wanted.

The insults slid off me, finding no purchase, because I wasn't the old Lilia. I wasn't the naive girl who longed for their approval, who tried so desperately to fit into this broken family.

But there was anger—anger for the old Lilia who had endured so much, who had sacrificed everything, only to die without a single person weeping her death . Anger that she had wasted her life on a man who couldn't see her worth, on a family that didn't deserve her. Trash. That's all I could see in front of me.

I straightened my back, squaring my shoulders as I met Augustus's mother's glare head-on. Her words might not hurt me, but they fueled a fire in me—a fire that burned for the old Lilia, for the life she could have had if she hadn't been trapped between these people. Or, this marriage.

"Mrs. Reynolds," I said, my voice calm but laced with steel, "I'm not here to convince you of anything. Believe what you want. It doesn't change the truth, and it certainly doesn't change the fact that your son and I are having this child together. So, it would be better if you zip your lips up because your voice is starting to get on my nerves."

Her eyes widened at my boldness, a flicker of shock crossing her features before it was quickly replaced by anger. She opened her mouth to retort, but I wasn't done.

"And as for your accusations…" I continued, my tone dropping to something colder, more cutting, "you should be careful with those. They say a lot more about the person making them than they do about the person they're aimed at. Also, I don't mind suing you for defamation. So, the next time you open that mouth and spew trash in front of me… I'll see you in court the next day, dearest mother in law."

There was a moment of stunned silence. Augustus's mother looked like she'd just been slapped, her mouth hanging open in disbelief. They had enough fun for three years. It was time to greet the ground again. But, I didn't let that satisfaction linger too long.

I had to be smart. I had to be careful.

Augustus, who had been watching the exchange with a mixture of surprise and something else I couldn't quite place, finally spoke up. "That's enough, Mom." His voice was firm, leaving no room for argument. "Lilia is my wife, and she deserves respect. If you can't give her that, then you shouldn't be here."

"But, Augustus, what about Angela?"

Oh! Angela… So, that was her name. Welp! who cares.

"I'll be taking my leave first. I think I dealt enough trash for the day. You should accompany your dearest mother."

God… I'm tired.