
I Can't be The Protagonist Dad

He wake up and actually found himself as the father of the protagonist in his novel written to death by himself! Shock! Although there is no gold finger,Mo Lang is the protagonist's father, and his son is his biggest gold finger! He was thinking about holding my son's thigh and living a comfortable old-age life leisurely. However, reality is far more cruel than imagined! In the face of you big guys, the corners of the author's mouth rose up and drew an arc, I'll train him, My Xiu'er, like a great emperor!. Death is like the wind, always with me! From then on, the author began his intense and exciting life in another world.

Mimi_No_Neko · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

1:When fantasy becomes reality


Almost everyone will not realize it in their entire life that the world is actually full of absolutely untouchable and mysterious secrets.

In the mortal world, the same thing is repeated almost every day, and the whole life is mediocre.

But some things can only be understood after death. It turns out that there is really a miracle in this world!

That dreamy, mysterious and untouchable; but miraculous power descends on the body.


Mo Lang sat on the bed, looking at the strange environment around him with a confused expression.

"Where... is that?"

Mo Lang looked at this antique room with a puzzled look, and realized that this is not his own room, he appeared in a strange place somehow.

"Won't be this kidnapping?"

This idea couldn't help but arose in Mo Lang's heart, but it quickly disappeared. He remembered that he was at home! 'At home, I am not the only one at home, but also my parents and younger brother.'

Now in modern society, under the rule of law, how can there be such rampant and daring robbers, who dare to run into the houses at night to kidnap people. Besides, he is also a good citizen who keeps himself safe and has not caused any trouble.

Mo Lang sat on the bed, looked at this strange room, and then fell into thought.

For some reason, Mo Lang felt a strong tingling in his body. The pain made him frown. The blue veins on his forehead bulged like a snake, his face became painful, and his expression was a bit distorted.

He had never experienced such pain, heart-piercing pain, as if even his soul was torn apart.

He huffed madly," Huh~hu~ "

However, the his strong willpower made Mo Lang endure it. He just gritted his teeth, panting heavily, enduring this heart-piercing pain, and sweat continued like soybeans on the angular, determined cheeks. He strikes across and drops on the quilt.


In just one minute, a pool of water stains appeared on the quilt.

Mo Lang was a little numb, and he didn't know why he had such a strong willpower, and he was able to persevere under this pain without screaming.

When did you become so strong? Mo Lang vaguely remembered what happened before he closed his eyes.

"That night, at the invitation of a friend, I went out for a drink. I drank until two or three o'clock in the morning. I was already drunk and was sent back home." But the most terrifying thing is that there is no code for this day! That's right, Mo Lang is an Internet expert on a certain website, and his grades are pretty good. At least the kind that can support himself on 'this one has been out of the crowd.' (TL note: High traffic website problem.)

When he returned home, the family members were already asleep. Mo Lang returned to his room. He was already very drunk. He didn't even take a shower. Now he only wanted to lie down in bed. As for the update? It's a pigeon. Anyway, it's not the first day that I did this kind of thing.

(TL note: Mo Lang is net writer. )

Thinking about this, Mo Lang lay on the bed, naturally took out his phone, and swiped the comment area before going to bed. Not surprisingly, they were all reminders, sending blades, insulting the author's short and weak voice. (TL note: that's the haters baby!)

Seeing this, the corner of Mo Lang's mouth formed an arc of disdain. What a stupid and lovely reader~ If reminders are more useful, will I keep breaking them? Send the blade? Sorry, if you really send it, I don't need to work hard, just sell the blade to make money. (TL note: Blade lol!)

However, what is surprising is that there was a big boss who gave a huge reward!

Seeing this, Mo Lang jumped out of the bed in surprise, even dancing with his hands, his excitement and the drunkenness of his brain disappeared a bit.

[Mr. Thousand Machines rewards "xxxx" with 100,000 coins]

In the comment area:

[ Mr. Thousand Machines: Dog author, I hope to see the latest two chapters tonight. If it's in other books, I'll give a reward, adding ten more is not too much, but you... two more should be able to do it, right?]

[ Mr. Thousand Machines: Also, there are more than 1,000,000 points in my app that are nowhere to be placed. Recently, I want to give a reward for being a cute, dog author. I hope you can understand what I mean.]

Seeing this, Mo Lang's eyes were generous and radiant, and the corners of his mouth were almost cracked to the roots of his ears.

Holy Sh*t! Until now, I have never seen such a hand-written reward. Now, the legendary Silver Meng is about to come to him. For a moment, Mo Lang was energetic, and quickly tapped his finger on the phone screen.

[ Daoran Lay: Don't worry, boss! The little one will give you the code word now.]

Mo Lang quickly licked the big man's thick legs, then lost his phone, turned on the computer and entered the writer assistant.

The excitement for a while, made Mo Lang forget that he was still tired, his drunken body, and that he had also forgotten that, yesterday, he and his friends spent the night in the canyon.

The improvisational spirit slowly dissipated in Mo Lang's code words, and then an endless sense of exhaustion rushed into his heart, and his drunkenness hit his mind, making Mo Lang feel dizzy. He looked at the words on the screen vaguely.

No way! I can't sleep! Mo Lang shook his head, picked up the water on the table, drank tons and tons, regained his energy, and continued to code. Mo Lang really felt that he couldn't hold on to his sleepiness, but thinking of the reader's blades and rewards, Mo Lang still chose to fight fatigue under the tiredness and temptation.

As time went on, Mo Lang felt his body heavier and heavier, his eyelids were as heavy as they were filled with lead. In the end, his consciousness became blurred, his eyelids closed, his head hit the keyboard, and the whole person fell asleep. ... Was asleep when I coded?

(TL note: coded means when he was typing)

I won't be too exhausted, and died suddenly! And then crossed!

Thinking of this, Mo Lang couldn't help but sink.

As a net writer, he is proficient in the routines that the protagonists transmigrates. Isn't his current situation the most common one of the traversal plots?

Sudden death + wake up + strange place = travel through

This... this information is a bit big, almost making Mo Lang subconsciously ignore the severe physical pain he was facing.

Anyone who can become an online writer is a middle-aged teenager who likes whimsical ideas and has an open mind. Even Mo Lang once fantasized about crossing by himself.

But Mo Lang also knew that it was a fantasy after all, and he had passed the second year of secondary school. Traveling through something was just any idea to escape reality. (TL note: just an idea)

But Mo Lang didn't expect that the crossing he had imagined would actually come to him. I crossed! Mo Lang's eyes widened, his eyes were full of shock, he quickly looked at his body, it happened that some white cloth tapes were wrapped around his body with red blood stains on it.

Because of the code words in my house and lack of sunlight, my pale skin has also turned into a strong bronze colour. There are many crisscross scars on the bronze skin. (TL note: I don't know how code words are related to writing.)

A refreshing short hair style turned into long hair tied back in his head.

Through these, Mo Lang can be sure that he passed through. The body is no longer the original self, and the strong tingling sensation from the body rushes to the brain nerves, telling myself that this is not a dream. All this is true! In this sleep, he was separated from his parents forever, travelled to a strange world, and became a strange.

The change of the plot and the sense of gap made Mo Lang a little unacceptable.

Thinking of the increasingly aging faces of his parents and the paleness on the temples, Mo Lang felt extremely uncomfortable.

I have promised them that they will be able to live a comfortable retirement life.

However, if there is no time to realize it, you are already in two worlds.

As a mature adult, it is naturally unhappy to travel.

It's kind of sad and heart-breaking.

"I'm so stupid! Really! I shouldn't be greedy for rewards and cuteness."