
I can’t stop

Life was amazing for Noah . He had an amazing relationship with his family, had good friends, and was acing his classes. Noah was known for his kindness and how much of an extrovert he was. Everyone loved being around him. But his interest was never really peaked by anyone. No matter how many people confessed their feelings for him he his feelings never evolved for anyone. At least until she came into school.

_princesscharming_ · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


The Royals have me sit with them on any class I had with any of them. A thing I learned about them is that they are incredibly smart. Like in my algebra class, Anika wasn't paying attention and the teacher, Ms. Wilson called her out.

"Miss Danvers." Anika looked up from her phone to the teacher, her eyebrows raised. "Yeah?" Ms. Wilson clears her throat seeming slightly intimidated by the girl's stare. She pointed at an equation on the board. "You seem to know everything I'm talking about. Why don't you answer the question for me?"

Anika pressed her lips together and put her phone in her back pocket. The chair screeched as she stood up. "Why not?" She gives a small smile and walks next to Ms. Wilson. Grabbing an expo marker, she began writing on the board, mumbling numbers and words as everyone stared expectantly. She stepped away and closed the top of the marker. Ms. Wilson's eyes ran over her numbers over and over again.

"Can I have a word with you after class, Ms. Danvers?" She asks sitting down on her desk and Anika put the marker down. "Of course you can." She sat back down and everyone stared at her. She was the youngest out of the entire class but she knew more than pre-AP 18 year olds.

Another thing was athleticism. The six of them had gym with me and they were really competitive. Like REALLY.

Without noticing, everyone had unconsciously sat themselves on the bleachers as we stared at the six play. It was the three youngest against the three oldest, playing basketball. Anika, Corey, and Tyler had the ball and Corey tried shooting but Cullen blocked it then passed it to Daniel. Anika stole it from Daniel and tried shooting again from across the court. The ball went around the ring and the six ran to the hoop. By the time Aden got to the basket the ball had tipped over and the ball fell in the hoop.

Aden smacked the back of Anikas head and she kicked his shin in return. "Awww come on dont be such a baby." She ties her lace and Cullen passes her a water that she barely managed to catch before it hit her face. "Says the bitchiest." She stood up, glaring at her brother. "I really want to best the living day lights out of you but it's not worth my time." Anyone could hear her growl even from the bleachers.

When the bell rang everyone had seemed to get out of their trances and I took in a breath realizing that I was sitting down. Corey grabbed a hold of Anika's shoulder tugging her away from Cullen.

"Come on. We've got class, and I don't want to be giving free eye candy." She rolls her eyes at him but kept her glare on Cullen. Everyone rushed to their locker rooms and I saw coach holding back the six before the door to the boys locker room closed.

"It was incredible. Cullen just knew everything!" I looked up from my food to Kylie who was gushing about Cullen. "I think it runs in the family or something. The same thing happened with Anika in Wilson's." I put a apple slice in my mouth, chewing. Kylie raises her eyebrow. "Reminds me. They seem to take an interest in you." She points her fork at me. "Yeah you've been sitting with at least one Danvers every period." Millie chimes in.

I shrug my shoulder taking another slice in my mouth. "It happens all the time. Plus, I don't mind being friends with them." I swallow the apple.

"Did you guys here about what happened in Gowners class?" Millie puts her phone down. She looks around the table and we look at her questioningly. "No one told you guys about what happened with two of the Royals?" She looked at us bewildered. Kylie sighed. "If your not going to tell us then-" No. I am." She interrupts. I take a bite of my sandwich.

"Well. Anika and Cullen Danvers got into a fight in his class. It was so bad even Gowner didn't interrupt." She raised her eyebrows adding to the suspense. "Well what was it about dumbass!" Kylie yelled but Millie only smacked her head. "Shhhh! I don't know it was about food. Anika kept on saying not to eat something but Cullen said otherwise. Their brothers seemed totally worried." I imagined those two fighting. Then I remembered how they acted in gym.

I took a drink of my water and put it back down on the table with a bang. "We shouldn't be so snoopy. It's not our family anyways." My voice came out gruff and stern. Like how it was earlier. I clear my throat.

"Yeah Noah's right. We're giving them so much attention and it's only their first day." Mike says looking at the girls. They nod. "But I mean how could I not talk about those hunks. Even Anika is a total hottie. And I'm straight." Millie states bringing her phone to her face again.

Kylie scoffed. "I couldn't deal! I saw her and my heart went boom boom. And did you see her at gym?! Smart, athletic, cool, and hot. She's the whole package!" Kylie held her hand over her heart and put her other to her forehead. I looked over at the table where the six of them sat. Anika, Corey, and Tyler were goofing around and Daniel and Aden were laughing at them. Cullen was staring at me and his gaze startled me. I smiled and gave him a small wave before looking back at Anika. She really was.

Aden told Anika something and she looked up to meet my gaze. With a small wave and smile, her attention went back to her brothers. It was weird how it was that small of an action that made my smile grow.

Turning back to my table I saw Kylie and Millie talking then Mikes sly smile that looked at me. I rolled my eyes at him already knowing what was on his mind. "Shut up." I mumbled and his smile grew. "I haven't said anything." A small smile was on my face. "You didn't have to." He shrugs the smile never leaving his face.

"I heard coach was having them join the sports teams." I put a slice in my mouth. "Which ones?" My eyes flicker to Mike before looking back down to my plate. "All Of them." I raise my eyebrows leaning unto my chair. "Damn." He nods. "Maybe with your luck he might put Anika in the boys team." I chuckle sitting up. "She has the skills. It wouldn't be luck." He smiles wide. "Awww alright lover boy." I laugh at him and he shoves my shoulder.

"Who you loving?" Millie asks. I shake my head but Mike betrays me. "New girl. Can you believe it? It was like love at first sight." He sighs happily and I put my hand against his head pushing it away. "I never said that!" He sits straight. "You didn't have to." I roll my eyes again.

They continued eating and I couldn't help but steal glances at Anika. I was sort of... drawn to her.

She stood up and my eyes followed her. Grabbing her tray she took it to the front and put it away throwing away the food that was left on it. She didn't eat anything. I grab an apple and rush out of the lunch room leaving my tray and my friends. Putting on my bag I followed Anika. As soon as I was out of the cafeteria she stopped half way through the hallway and turned to see me. It was pretty weird cause I didn't make that much noise.

But I took it as a chance to strike up conversation. "Hey did you eat?" I skipped over to her and her gaze followed me. She gulped but shook her head. "No. I'm not really hungry. More..thirsty." Her eyes left my eyes for a split second but went back. I raised my eyebrows. "Woah. Do you wear contacts? Your eyes were brown before." I point at her eye and she holds my finger before it got too close.

"No-Yeah. I like the color." She releases her grasp on my finger and smiles at me. I return it. "It suits you really brings out everything." She starts walking and I stay at her pace. "I heard you and your brothers were joining sports." I stuff my pockets in my front pockets. She nods keeping her eyes straight ahead. "I also was asked if I could join some other activities for school. But sports is really what I like most." We continued in comfortable silence but it didn't satisfy me.

"You and your brothers could stay for practice today and see how coach wants things. He's really picky." She laughs. The butterflies in my stomach flew as fast as they could around me. Her laugh wasn't cute but it was genuine and it made me happy.

"Well then I hope to see you at practice today, Noah." My eyes widen. She never said my name. None of them had but I was glad she was the first. "Yeah." She gives me a soft smile before turning into a hallway and I watched her back as she walked away.

She was so cool.