
I can’t do that, I’m disabled!

After Minami gets rejected by her crush, she is approached by a mysterious boy, Riyuzaki. Her best friend, Kimiko, is also acting strange. What secrets are they hiding?

dalekvim · Sports, voyage et activités
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15 Chs

Calling out for me

As I lay in the dark, I waited for the sound of Kimiko sleeping. I felt uneasy going to sleep before her. It's not because I suspected that she would attack me in the night. I don't think that she wants to hurt me. It's more like she's confused. People who can't show their feeling to the people that made them feel that way, tend to keep that hidden and suppress it until it reaches a point that you can no longer contain it. Maybe something like that is happening to Kimiko.

"Remi, are you awake?"

I saw the outline of Kimiko's head come from the side of the bed and move toward Remi. Kimoko's face is completely black. My body tensed up, but Kimiko didn't seem to notice.

"Ki-chan, your too loud~"

Remi, rather anti-climatically pushed Kimiko's face away.

"You've always been jealous of Mimi, right?"

Remi's hand stopped.

"What are you talking about?!"

"Well, isn't that why you always bully her? You might be able to fool her by acting innocent, but you are actually a jealous bitch, right?"

There is another pause and I watch as Kimiko takes Remi's hand and put it in her mouth.

"W-what are you doing? Stop!"

For a moment, I also thought that Kimiko would bite off Remi's fingers. I had read some where that depending on where you bit, biting through a person's finger can be easier than biting through a carrot. But, the sound she made is more like slurping.

"Shh, Remi you don't want to wake up Mimi."

Remi nodded.

I am sure that Kimiko knows that I am awake; she had both Remi and I doing exactly what she wanted.

Kimiko moved Remi's hand out of the way and climbed onto the bed, saddling herself over Remi.

"You asked if I wanted to kiss you, right?"

Kimiko brought her face closer to Remi.

"I sorry!"

Remi turned her face away from Kimiko, in the direction opposite to me. However, it looked like this is exactly what Kimiko was after and she closed her mouth over Remi's ear. My eyes are now starting to get used to the darkness and could make out the she nets of warm saliva connecting Remi's ear with Kimiko's mouth. A small feminine squeal escaped from Remi and she put her hands over her mouth to suppress it. The sound of Kimiko's tongue and teeth as she mercilessly nibbled at Remi's ear, and Remi's high and quick breath along with the gentle creak of the bed, livened the light.

Suddenly, a question occurred to me. The more I thought about it, the more important it seemed to become. How is Kimiko, who to my knowledge has never had a boyfriend (or girlfriend), never seemed interested in ecchi things, suddenly able to do these things with no shame or hesitation. This isn't something can't be learned from just looking at the internet, right?! So, the question is, who did she learn it from?

"You know, you're really good at telling stories, but you are actually quite… Well, innocent isn't the right word, is it? How about pure? Have you even kissed, Remi?"


"How about we fix that?"

Kimiko grabbed Remi's face and turned it towards her.

"No, please. I want my first kiss to be with someone I like."

"He~ You're capable of having thoughts like that? I don't think I've ever heard you beg before. Why don't you beg some more?"

"I'm sorry! You're right. I'm a bitch. I said spread rumours about Mimi, because I'm jealous. I'm really sorry. Please, don't kiss me. I'm begging."

"Are you sorry about Takada, as well?"

Takada? What did Remi have to do with Takada?

"Y-you can't blame that on me! Maybe, he was going to reject her any way."

"Fine, just tell me what you told him. I'll decide what to do after that."

"…I was just joking. I didn't think…"

"It must be pretty disgusting of you can't even say it. So, Mimi, what do you think?"

Remi turned to me.

"Mimi, you're awake!"

As you can imagine, with everything I heard I felt some complicated feelings about Remi. Although there's nobody that bad mouthed me quite as much as Remi, I never imagined anything like what Kimiko had said. Since I thought we were friends, I didn't believe that Remi had said those things intending to be cruel. But she hadn't refuted a single thing that Kimiko had said. I may not care about Takada anymore, but I couldn't forgive that Remi had said all those things in order to hurt me.

That said, the more I thought about it, the less I cared. I didn't have time to hate trash like her. I had more important things to worry about. There is a person right in front of me that had looked after me since the day I came to high school. The cool, but kind, girl that I love very much. That girl is in trouble right now. She is confused and, in her own way, is calling out for me.

I grabbed Kimiko and forced my lips onto hers. I tried to remember how she had done in that time. That's right! I opened my mouth a little making Kimiko open her's too and I put my tongue into the gap. I consumed her soft lips and ran my tongue against hers. When we separated, we are still connected by a chain of saliva.

"Remi, do you mind letting us have the bed?"

I asked in my polite cheery way. Remi seemed a little confused, but complied by wriggling out from under Kimiko and rolling off the bed.

I pulled Kimiko down to lie with me and rested her head on my chest. She started to cry again, so I ran my fingers through her hair until she fell asleep.