
I can’t do that, I’m disabled!

After Minami gets rejected by her crush, she is approached by a mysterious boy, Riyuzaki. Her best friend, Kimiko, is also acting strange. What secrets are they hiding?

dalekvim · Sports, voyage et activités
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15 Chs

An idea that could solve both our problems

"He~ You have a date! Good for you, onee-sama~"

My sister Reiko flicked her hair to the side as stepped in front of me. Her words couldn't be more different from her expression.

"Even though, you just got dumped. As expected, nothing fazes onee-sama~"

"What do you want, Reiko? I told you to stop using 'sama' didn't I."

"Kya~ What's with that mean expression! I only call you that because mum and dad always treat you like a princess, right? Onee-sama~"

I sighed. I can't argue with her on that point. She is right. Because of my disability, our parents always put me first. I imagine that must have been hard on Reiko. There must have been a lot of things that she had to miss out on my behalf. So, I couldn't blame her for hating or being ashamed of me.

"Anyway, who did you seduce this time, onee-sama? Another footballer?"

I know I can just ignore her teasing and not reply, but I didn't want our relationship to become one where we aren't able to talk freely with each other. It's better that she took her frustrations out on me than somebody else. I wanted to be able to do at least that much.

"He's called Riyuzaki. He's-"

Reiko cut me off by answering her phone, which had just started ringing.

"-whatever. My friends are calling me now, bye~"

My sister walked out of the room while speaking loudly into her phone.

"No, I wasn't talking to anyone. Huh, really! No way~"

She used to get bullied when in her previous school when people found that she and I are sisters. I understood why she did hid the fact that I existed from her friends, but that didn't make it hurt any less.

I made my way to my bedroom and hauled myself onto the bed and rolled around to face the ceiling. For some reason I felt exhausted, but then a single thought, suddenly returned all my energy.

"A date with Riyuzaki, huh?"

Even as I said it my heart pounded. I rolled around and buried my face in my pillow, my head filled with embarrassing thoughts. I wonder what I should wear. That right, I don't have any cute clothes to wear for the date and Saturday is the day after tomorrow! What do I do?

While I ruffled my hair in frustration, my phone stared to, ring.


"Is it a bad time?"

Kimiko's voice sounded soft and distant.

"No, no, no, it's just that you don't usually call, Ki-chan, so I was a little surprised. Are you ok?"

"…It's about what happened at school today…"

Wait, did some thing happen at school… Oh, that's right, we kissed! How did I forget that?!

"C-could we meet-up and talk about it, just the two of us?"

Kimiko is usually so confident and reliable person, that I could hardly believe the person speaking to me right now is her.

If Ki-chan needed to talk, then I would be glad to help, but when would the two of us be able to talk alone? It is too late to meet up now, and Rimi always sticks to us like glue at school.

Suddenly, I got an idea that could solve both our problems.

"Yeah, of course! Let's go shopping together tomorrow afternoon."

"Tomorrow… Wouldn't the weekend be better?"

"There something I need to buy, please~"

"I'm fine with it."

"Then it's a date!"



"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

During the conversion, Kimiko had seemed unusually quite and tense. I wonder if I did something to upset her. Now, that I think about it, I wonder why she kissed me. Even if it was her way of cheering me up, isn't frenching a little overboard? I mean, she was inside me for a little bit! Maybe she feels guilty about it? Well, it's not like I mind; if things go well, I might be able to use that technique on Riyuzaki one day. The thought made my face heat up and I buried my face in my pillow again.