
Chapter 7

Waking up my vision was still very blurry. I saw myself in a hospital bed with a drip in my hand. I tried to sit up on the bed but I was feeling too weak. "Wh…what happened?"

"Hey there relax you are still recovering," A deep voice said as I felt someone touch my hand

and I could swear I heard Caden's voice.

I shut my eyes again and rested back in the bed and then minutes later I woke you to loud noises.

"But she is under police custody!" one voice screamed.

"She is lying in the hospital bed unconscious," another voice yelled.

Minutes later an average-height light-skinned doctor entered the room.

"Good morning Mrs Ruby, how are you feeling today?" The doctor asked with a smile on his face.

My vision has not fully cleared but I was able to respond to the doctor "Erm… I am fine, I just feel a little lightheaded, that's all."

"Okay you were just stressed out and it really affected you, especially for the fact you are pregnant," the doctor said before leaving the room

"Doctor wait! How is my baby? I hope my baby is fine" I asked the doctor with a worried look on my face.

"Yes everything is okay you just need to rest Mrs Ruby" the doctor replied to me then he left the room.

My head was very heavy and I didn't know what to do then Caden entered the room and I couldn't hold myself back as I just threw myself into his arms where I felt safe

"Caden I'm so scared right now, I'm so worried about what's going to happen now," I said as I broke down into tears

Caden pulled back and then gently held my face "Nothing to be afraid of little dove, I see that Jasper already found out about your pregnancy but he does not know the baby is mine, I promise you little dove everything will be fine soon and I will come and get you and my baby"

I looked into his beautiful eyes. I really didn't know how to express the emotions I felt around him but I knew they were real. "So Caden What's going to happen now?" I asked him, my face filled with worry.

Caden looked into my eyes and then said "they is court case coming up in an hour to I hired lawyers to prove your innocence"

I pulled Caden in for a hug again. "Oh thank you so much Caden, I don't know what I would do without you."

Minutes later the door slammed open and it was my mother "Oh dear Ruby I'm glad you're okay" and then she pulled me for a hug.

"I'm fine mother, I'm glad you're not missing," I said as I hugged her back tightly.


An hour later I was discharged from the hospital and it was time to go to court

"Come on Ruby we're gonna be late" my mother said as she gently held my hand as we went outside to go into the car.

When we got out of the hospital paparazzi began to crowd us and they began to ask us questions while shoving microphones in our faces

"Mrs Ruby, are the rumours true? Did you really try to kill your husband"

"Is it true that you're pregnant for Mr Jasper?"

"Do you really hate your husband so much that you tried to kill him?"

I could not believe that this is what people think of me, like I'm some type of criminal. My heart sank as I ignored the question and held my tears back as we walked to the car. I began to burst out in tears.

My mother wrapped me up and gave me a hug "It's okay my daughter we will prove your innocence today in court."

I hugged her back but I said nothing as I was short of words by what just happened.

When we finally got to the court we all sat down and the case began. I went to the witness stand and a man brought a book in front of me.

The judge looked at me "Mrs Ruby can you put your hand on that book and take an oath"

My body was trembling but I did as he said,

The judge proceeded to talk "Now repeat after me, Mrs Ruby"

I nodded my head, then the judge began to say "I Mrs Ruby solemnly swear that this testimony I shall give in this courtroom shall be nothing but the whole truth."

With my hand on the book I repeat as she said "I Mrs Ruby solemnly swear that this testimony I shall give in this courtroom shall be nothing but the whole truth."

The judge had a serious look on his face as he looked at me "Mrs Ruby where were you on the night when Mr Jasper was shot?"

My body began to tremble as I had never been in the type of situation before "The day Jasper was shot I was dancing on the dancefloor with Jasper" I replied in a soft tone

The judge looked at me as the whole crowd was quiet the judge spoke against "Can I please have Mr Jasper Tate on the witness stand please

The judge looked at Jasper "Mr Jasper Tate you have to take an oath and promise that you will say the truth and nothing but the truth"

Jasper stood still then put his on the book "I Jasper Tate solemnly swear that this testimony I shall give in this courtroom shall be nothing but the whole truth."

The judge then proceeded to ask him questions "Do you remember anything that happened before you got shot?"

Jasper was quite for a minute then he spoke "I do not remember quite much from that night I just remember talking Ruby to the dancefloor and then feeling a sharp pain in my body and then blacking out"

"Okay thank you Mr Jasper that will be all" The judge said and a police officer came into the courtroom with the same man that blamed me at the police station.

"Order in the courtroom, Now Mr Wilson you are claiming that it was Mrs Ruby who paid you a large amount of money to shoot Jasper on that night?" the Judge asked staring at the man

The man was in handcuffs as his body was Ruby trembling as he began to speak " Yes Mrs did indeed send me text messages telling me to do so and she also send me $70000 dollars to do so"

When I heard what he said I felt like walking to him and giving him a slap on the face.

"Okay Mr Wilson do you have the text messages you received from Mrs Ruby" the judge asked him

"Yes your honour, I have the screenshots" Wilson said as he just stood there in shock

"Okay show us the screenshots on the screen" the Judge said as he turned to look at the screen.

I stood there, my body trembling in shock as I turned to look at the screen and I saw what looked like me sending text messages to someone to shoot Jasper and I just knew that Tiffany was behind everything as I saw her sitting in the crowd with an evil smirk on her face.

Everyone in the courtroom gasped as I bowed my head in embarrassment.

"ORDER IN THE COURTROOM!" The judge yelled as she hit the gavel on the table "So what do you have to say for yourself Mrs Ruby?" The judge turned to look at me

I just stood there with my body trembling and I was so shocked that Tiffany would go this far "Your honour I promise you these text messages are fake and I never paid anyone to shoot Jasper someone is framing me" I said aI i was holding back my tears.

The Judge looked at me with pity "Mrs Ruby can you prove that someone is indeed trying to frame you?"

I bowed my head facing towards the floor as I nodded my Your Honour"

The judge looked displeased as she hit the gavel again and said "Okay everyone I have heard enough I think I'm ready to render my decision."

"HOLD ON I CAN PROVE RUBY IS INNOCENT!" a loud deep voice yelled from behind as the courtroom turned to see who it was.