
I become the Supreme deity at the start

When Solarian, an everyday individual, faces an untimely demise, he discovers that death is not the end but a gateway to a new, unimaginable existence. Reincarnated as a being at the zenith of power, he embarks on an extraordinary journey, morphing into a god revered and feared across realms. But what would you do if you were in his shoes? Would you embrace the role of a benevolent guardian, spreading kindness and prosperity, or would you succumb to the allure of becoming a malevolent ruler, wielding fear and dominance? So, let's follow solarian in his journey as he truly the supreme deity.

Origin_Progenitor · Fantaisie
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The conquest of the west

Year 1695(December)

The Aurion army, having claimed victory in the north, began their journey back home, taking with them the defeated barbarians, now reduced to chains and slavery. However, not all the soldiers made the journey back. Of the surviving 17,000, only about 5,000 were ordered to return to their homeland.

The rest, some 12,000 troops, were left behind in the northern lands. This decision was made to ensure control and monitor the subdued barbarian population, with the plan being that these soldiers would only return home once reinforcements arrived to take their place.

The captured barbarians were of particular interest to the Aurion forces. Their unique ability to wield aura, a power that had proven to be a formidable challenge against Aurion magic, was something the conquerors sought to understand, and if possible, master.

Initially, attempts were made to extract information about this mysterious power through torture, but the barbarians remained defiantly silent.

Lacking the more sophisticated methods of interrogation used by the elite members of the church, the decision was made to bring the barbarians back to Aurion. There, it was hoped that the secrets of the aura could be unlocked.

Year 1700

After a grueling journey that lasted more than five years, the remnants of the Aurion army finally returned to their homeland.

The sight of them, a mere 5,000 strong, waving the flags of the Heavenly Church and the Aurion Kingdom, was met with shock by the populace.

The once mighty force of 300,000 had been reduced to a fraction of its size. However, the initial shock turned to joy as news of their victory and conquest of the northern lands spread.

Despite the happiness, a deep sense of loss pervaded, the memory of those who did not return weighing heavily on the hearts of the people.

The king and the church rejoiced at the news of the northern lands' conquest. Yet, High Priest Eldrin's reaction was mixed.

While the victory itself was a cause for celebration, the staggering loss of life enraged him. He had anticipated a much lower casualty rate, expecting no more than 30,000 to 50,000 soldiers would be needed for the conquest.

He had plans for the remaining forces to embark on a new campaign to the west.

Now, with the unexpected power shown by the barbarians, those plans lay in ruins. The discovery of the barbarians' aura, a power that could rival their own magic, had changed everything, forcing the high priest to reconsider his ambitions and strategies.

Year 1700

The barbarians brought back by the Aurion army, now prisoners of the church, faced relentless torture.

The church sought to uncover the secrets of the aura, a powerful force that had devastated their ranks in the northern lands.

Unlike the aurion army, which relied on physical means, the church employed both physical and psychological methods to break their captives. Eventually, the barbarians yielded, revealing the mysteries of the aura and how to wield it.

Armed with this knowledge, the church wasted no time in initiating a program to train their soldiers in the use of aura.

However, this training was reserved not for the veterans of the northern campaign but for a new generation of soldiers raised over the past five years.

The veterans, having served their purpose, were rewarded and allowed to retire in peace.

Year 1701

The new army, trained in the ways of the aura, showed remarkable aptitude. The aura, manifesting as a radiant white light enveloping their weapons, became a symbol of their newfound power.

Over 12,000 troops were now proficient in its use, signifying a significant leap in the church's martial capabilities.

With an active force of 40,000—12,000 aura wielders, 8,000 mages, and 20,000 still in training—the Heavenly Church's military might had grown exponentially.

In contrast, the royal court commanded a more modest force of 25,000. The church's popularity surged, fueled by increased devotion to the Supreme Deity and a steady flow of donations.

This financial advantage allowed the church to focus its resources on expanding its military, unlike the royal court, which had to balance military spending with the broader needs of the kingdom.

The disparity in military strength between the church and the royal court highlighted the church's rising influence and the shifting power dynamics within Aurion.h

Year 1705

The ranks of aura users within the church swelled to an impressive 40,000, and a structured hierarchy of power levels, akin to those used by mages, was established for them.

This new hierarchy included stages like novice, apprentice, and adept, but with the addition of "aura user" to denote their distinct skill set, such as "novice stage aura user."

In this period of burgeoning power, the church founded the Heavenly Knight Order, an elite group composed of the kingdom's strongest knights. Their mission was unequivocal: to serve the Supreme Deity, and to spread and safeguard the Heavenly Religion by any means necessary.

Year 1710

The Aurion Kingdom began to recover from the devastating population losses incurred during the "Northern War," the conflict with the barbarians now officially recognized by this name among scholars. In this year, King Hariu passed away from natural causes, and his son, Prince Euhion, ascended the throne.

At merely 5 years old, Euhion's reign started under the manipulation of the Heavenly Church, marking a continuation of puppetry in leadership, albeit under a new master compared to his grandfather, Evan, who was controlled by the noble clans.

Under the church's influence, King Euhion was allowed a semblance of authority, so long as his decisions aligned with the interests of the church and its doctrines. This shift in power was orchestrated by the new High Priest Soren, grandson of Eldrin.

At just 25 years old, Soren was deeply devoted to Solarian, having been indoctrinated from a young age by a family that was fervently loyal to the Supreme Deity.

An adept mage and a novice aura user himself, Soren proposed the strategy to turn King Euhion into a figurehead for the church, ensuring that the ecclesiastical power continued to dominate the political landscape of Aurion.

Year 1715

High Priest Soren, driven by a vision of unifying the world under the Heavenly Religion, proposed the ambitious goal of conquering the western lands and the elven territories.

Initial resistance to this plan surfaced, largely due to the kingdom's recent and devastating war efforts, which resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

However, Soren's resolve and rhetoric quelled these dissenting voices or we could say that anyone opposing soren just went missing the next day and their dead bodies were found later.

In preparation for the conquest of the west, the church aggressively recruited and trained more soldiers, increasing the size of their army to an impressive 100,000 by year's end.

This force was not comprised of ordinary soldiers; It had 50,000 aura users and 40,000 mages, with only 10,000 being non-enhanced humans, illustrating the church's commitment to leveraging both magical and aura-based combat capabilities.

Year 1719

After two years of preparation and travel, the Aurion army arrived at the western lands, a region fragmented into five constantly warring kingdoms: Mariselle, Valoria, Grenfall, Thornwick, and Aldori.

Despite their internal conflicts, these kingdoms shared a common vigilance against the Aurion Kingdom and had the capacity to unite against a common foe.

Valoria, positioned on the eastern border of the western lands, was designated as the first target of the Aurion campaign.

However, as the Aurion army approached, they were met with an unexpected and shocking sight—an allied force of over 800,000 soldiers from all five kingdoms, prepared for battle.

This revelation stunned the Aurion commanders. Their strategy had hinged on a swift and covert assault on Valoria, aiming to secure it quickly and with minimal casualties before the other kingdoms could react.

This plan was not borne out of fear or doubt in their military strength, but rather a desire to preserve the lives of their troops.

The presence of such a large, united enemy force suggested a leak within their own ranks meaning their was a traitor in their ranks, a possibility that was as troubling as it was urgent.

However, with no time to investigate the potential betrayal, the Aurion army hastily formed up, readying themselves for the clash.

As both armies surged towards each other, the tension of the impending battle was palpable. The Aurion army, with its mix of aura users, mages, and regular soldiers, a numerically superior foe.

The first day of the war

On the dawn of what would be known as battle of Valoria, the air was thick with anticipation.

Despite the vast numbers against them, the Aurion forces were undeterred, their resolve steeled by their belief in the Heavenly Religion and the righteousness of their cause.

As the sun rose, casting long shadows over the battlefield, the commanders of the Aurion army gave the signal to advance. The ground trembled under the march of the soldiers.

The aura users, with their weapons shimmering in ethereal light, led the charge, their presence a beacon for the rest of the army. The mages, arrayed behind them, began to weave their spells, launching volleys of magical energy that arced across the sky like shooting stars.

The clash of forces was cataclysmic. The sound of metal on metal, the roar of spells detonating, and the battle cries of thousands filled the air, creating a cacophony of war. The Aurion army, despite being outnumbered, demonstrated unparalleled discipline and prowess.

The aura users, at the forefront of the battle, cut through the enemy ranks with devastating efficiency. Their weapons, empowered by their aura, seemed to pass through armor and shield as if they were mere cloth.

The mages of the Aurion army played a crucial role in their initial success. Their spells carved swathes through the enemy lines, creating chaos and disarray. Fire rained from the sky, ice encased the ground, and bolts of lightning struck with deadly precision.

The combined assault of the aura users and mages created a relentless onslaught that the coalition forces struggled to withstand and were getting crushed like ants.

Despite the ferocity of the battle and the significant losses inflicted on the enemy, the Aurion army was unable to achieve a complete victory on the first day. The sheer number of the coalition forces meant that for every soldier that fell, another stood ready to take their place.

The battlefield, a vast expanse of open land and strategic points, allowed the enemy to regroup and reinforce their lines, making it impossible for the Aurion forces to secure a decisive win.

As the day wore on, the intensity of the conflict did not wane. The ground became a tapestry of destruction, littered with the fallen from both sides. 

By the time nightfall began to blanket the battlefield, both armies were forced to retreat, leaving behind the echoes of the day's conflict. The first day of battle had ended with a decisive victory of aurion army.

Second day of the war

On the second and final day of the battle of Valoria, the first light of dawn did not bring hope but a somber realization of the inevitable clash that awaited. The Aurion army, having regrouped previous night, stood ready, their spirits undeterred by the prospect of the day's brutal confrontation.

Across the field, the coalition forces of the five western kingdoms were already getting scared as they lost half of their troops in just the first day of the war.

As the sun climbed higher, It's rays casting a golden hue over the battlefield, the Aurion commanders issued their orders. The air vibrated with the hum of aura-users preparing their shields and weapons, while mages whispered incantations, their fingers tracing patterns in the air. 

The battle commenced with a surge of energy that rippled across the battlefield. Aura users charged forward, their forms a blur, as they cut down the enemy with their warrior's ferocity. Their weapons, bathed in a radiant glow, struck with precision and power, leaving trails of light.

The mages, also unleashed their magic with renewed vigor. Flames were shot alongside bolts of ice and arcs of lightning, creating a symphony of destruction that rained down upon the coalition forces.

The coalition, though vast in number , were very easily faltering under the relentless assault. The unity and power of the Aurion army, bolstered by their mastery of aura and magic, began to turn the tide decisively in their favor. Each push, each charge brought them closer to victory, their momentum seemingly unstoppable.

As the day wore on, the brutality of the conflict reached its zenith. The battlefield, a once-verdant land, had transformed into a canvas of desolation, marked by the scars of battle and the fallen from both sides. Yet, in the midst of chaos, there was a singular focus in the eyes of every Aurion soldier—a resolve to end the conflict, to achieve the victory that had been so dearly bought.

In the final hours of daylight, a pivotal moment happened. The Aurion forces, recognizing a weakness in the coalition's defenses, orchestrated a decisive strike.

Aura users and mages combined their strength, creating a wave of energy that swept through the enemy ranks with unbridled force.

It was a spectacle of power and precision, a culmination of strategy and skill that broke the will of the coalition forces and crushed them like insects. 

With the defeat the allied army the west was was now under the aurion kingdom.

Now, the only place left to conquer was the elven kingdom.






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