
I become the Supreme deity at the start

When Solarian, an everyday individual, faces an untimely demise, he discovers that death is not the end but a gateway to a new, unimaginable existence. Reincarnated as a being at the zenith of power, he embarks on an extraordinary journey, morphing into a god revered and feared across realms. But what would you do if you were in his shoes? Would you embrace the role of a benevolent guardian, spreading kindness and prosperity, or would you succumb to the allure of becoming a malevolent ruler, wielding fear and dominance? So, let's follow solarian in his journey as he truly the supreme deity.

Origin_Progenitor · Fantaisie
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34 Chs

Taking an incarnation

As the years passed within the realm of reincarnation, it became a bustling nexus of souls transitioning through cycles of life and death. Millions had already passed through, their essence fueling Solarian's grand design.

Perched atop the gate of reincarnation, enveloped in meditation, Solarian absorbed the essences of life like golden threads weaving through his fingers.

Opening his eyes to observe the continuous flow of souls, a thought struck him. "I should go and have some fun too," he mused, voice echoing softly in the vastness of the space.

With a gesture that seemed both tender and monumental, Solarian tore a fragment from his soul and cast it into the swirling gateway below. 

Daemon Continent:

In the heart of the Caiwaria Demon Empire, amidst a storm that was going around for weeks, a prince was born. His arrival was heralded by extraordinary omens: gold and flowers descended with the rain, marking the birth of someone destined to stand apart.

Emperor Cairion and Empress Urnia named their son Asmodeus, and also made him the crown prince.

Year 3520:

Twenty years since the birth of asmodeus, With long black hair framing his face, red eyes that seemed to peer into the abyss, and horns that added to his imposing visage, his beauty was as arresting as it was intimidating.

Yet, it was not his appearance alone that set him apart but his unparalleled prowess in magic and aura manipulation. A master mage and a grandmaster aura user, his talents were unmatched, his potential boundless.

Asmodeus' reputation was as dark as it was deserved. His cruelty knows no bounds, demonstrated vividly when he led an army against a vampire kingdom.

This act of aggression was sparked merely because their king insulted him, predicting a disgraceful end of dying and being eaten by dogs for Asmodeus.

In retribution, after seizing the kingdom, he captured the vampire king and queen, along with their children.

In a horrifying display of vengeance, he cut the queen in pieces and forced the king to consume her remains. He then subjected the king to the same fate, compelling their children to partake in this gruesome act, before ultimately feeding the prince and princess to dogs.

Year 3521

In the year 3521, the crown prince Asmodeus was dethroned by his father due to his excessive cruelty, and his half-brother was appointed as the new crown prince.

Enraged by this decision, Asmodeus attacked the imperial palace at night, confronted his father, the emperor, defeated him, and then decapitated him.

He displayed his father's head at the entrance of the capital city, where it remained for an entire year, symbolizing his rise to power as the new emperor.

The noble clans, horrified by the tyrant's actions, attempted to rebel against Emperor Asmodeus but were brutally suppressed.

Their members were subjected to a vicious cycle of being thrown into a volcano, pulled out at the brink of death, healed with magic, and then thrown back in, repeatedly, until they were utterly broken.

Year 3525

By 3525, Asmodeus had advanced to an arch stage mage and arch stage aurist, amassing an army of 5 million demons brainwashed into worshiping him.

He embarked on a campaign of conquest across the daemon continent, seizing the southern region from the vampires.

Any resistance was met with ruthless efficiency; dissenters and their families were exposed to sunlight, leading to their demise.

Asmodeus's conquest resulted in the fall of hundreds of kingdoms, with a staggering loss of 169 million soldiers during these battles.

Year 3530

By the year 3530, Asmodeus had conquered half of the daemon continent, establishing the Heavenly Daemonic Empire.

The remaining kingdoms and empires, terrified of becoming his next targets, formed an alliance and launched a combined assault against the Heavenly Daemonic Empire.

However, their efforts were in vain, as they underestimated Asmodeus's power and were soundly defeated.

Even those who surrendered were subjected to days of torture before being executed by the empire's forces.

By the year's end, Asmodeus had successfully brought the entire continent under the dominion of the Heavenly Demonic Empire.

Year 3900

By the year 3900, Asmodeus had achieved the pinnacle of power, becoming a supreme stage mage and aurist.

Yet, his ambition for unparalleled might, a kind beyond anything previously known or achieved, burned fiercer than ever.

Year 4500

Fast forward to the year 4500, Asmodeus had broken the bounds of the imaginable, ascending to a stage beyond the supreme — the sage stage.

This extraordinary leap in power came about serendipitously when he encountered a spirit venerated by hundreds of millions of members of demon race for millennia.

On the cusp of ascending to a faith god, this spirit was subdued and absorbed by Asmodeus, catapulting him into the saint stage.

Driven by an insatiable hunger for power, Asmodeus embarked on a quest to find and absorb more such spirits on the brink of godhood.

His relentless pursuit allowed him to ascend even further, reaching the arch saint stage.

It was during this zenith of his power that memories long buried surfaced, revealing his true identity as an incarnation of the supreme deity, Solarian.

Year 5000

By the year 5000, Asmodeus found himself ensnared by ennui. The world that had once been his playground now offered no new conquests or challenges.

Deciding to reunite with his original form, Asmodeus's soul departed from his mortal coil, which then disintegrated into nothingness.

However, Asmodeus left behind the method to achieve the stage beyond the supreme stage on the daemon continent, along with a scroll that reveals the existence of another continent, as vast and powerful as their own.

He did this in hopes that the two continents would engage in battle, providing him with more soul and spirit power.