
I become the Supreme deity at the start

When Solarian, an everyday individual, faces an untimely demise, he discovers that death is not the end but a gateway to a new, unimaginable existence. Reincarnated as a being at the zenith of power, he embarks on an extraordinary journey, morphing into a god revered and feared across realms. But what would you do if you were in his shoes? Would you embrace the role of a benevolent guardian, spreading kindness and prosperity, or would you succumb to the allure of becoming a malevolent ruler, wielding fear and dominance? So, let's follow solarian in his journey as he truly the supreme deity.

Origin_Progenitor · Fantaisie
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34 Chs

Supreme deity

In the black and motionless void, a young man's transparent body floated, appearing like an illusion. He looked to be around 20 years old, dressed in pure white garments.

His eyelids suddenly began to twitch, and he slowly opened his eyes. But before he could react, a sudden surge of excruciating pain hit him like a wave, engulfing him in a never-ending torment.

It was as if his body and soul were being ripped apart into innumerable pieces.

Along with the intense pain, a flood of memories started to rush into his mind. Flashes of his past life flickered before his eyes, a life that seemed so distant and unfamiliar to him now.

The suffering continued for an unknown period of time, and just when he thought he couldn't take it any longer, the pain ceased.

He opened his eyes again, and this time, there was no pain. But he knew why he had experienced such agony – it was the result of his memories being transferred to him.

In his previous life, he had been a regular person from a world known as Earth. But his life ended tragically when he was hit by a truck on his way back home. And somehow, his soul had merged with a 'Will of the Existence', transforming him into one of the supreme deity.

It had been countless years since he died, and this was the first time he had opened his eyes in the void. He had no desire to return to his previous world, as he doubted if it even existed anymore.

Plus, ever since the memory transfer, he was unable to feel emotions like he used to.

Though he vaguely remembered bits and pieces of his past life, his memories were hazy, and he couldn't even recall his name from before.

But as he emerged from the pain, a new name surfaced in his mind – Solarian.

Suddenly, he heard a mechanical sound echoing in his mind. A transparent, system panel appeared before him.

It seemed to be loading some information and adapting to his knowledge.

After a few moments, a voice resonated in his mind - 'Welcome to the Heavenly Divine Creation System, Host. Would you like to accept and connect with the system?'

Without any delay or emotion, Solarian replied, 'No.'

'What did you say?' the system exclaimed in a loud voice, taken aback by his response. 'No? But, you don't understand. You need this system. you need me. Don't you know what a system is?'

'You are a system like in some fantasies right? Who help protagonists?' Solarian asks with an edge to his voice.

'Y-yes, then how can you reject me?' the system responds.

'Because you, systems, are annoying as fuck and always ruin the fun and try to enslave your owners, so you should just fuck off, before I make you fuck off,' Solarian retorts while tapping the 'No' button once more.

But instead of leaving, the system becomes even more insistent, trying to convince Solarian that it is only trying to help him. It continues to bombard him with information, steps for the mission, and tips and tricks. The more the system talks, the more frustrated Solarian becomes.

As the system persists, Solarian's irritation turns into rage. Without a second thought, he tears apart the system panel and reaches inside to grab something.

What he takes out shocks him - it's not a powerful entity or a magical object, but a robotic woman. However, this isn't the picture-perfect robot one would imagine, but rather an ugly and overweight one.

It was the system.

The woman tries to explain and plead with Solarian, begging him to stop and listen to her. But it was too late.

In a fit of anger, Solarian chokes the woman, and she starts to break down into particles before disappearing completely.

'Stop, stop,' the woman pleads, but it falls on deaf ears.

'Little shit, I told you to fuck off before I made you fuck off. Now you have to die because you annoyed me,' Solarian says with a cold and callous tone.

Solarian's expression was serene yet intense, his eyes reflecting the cosmos he was molding with the mere wave of his hand. "Let's start the creation of a supreme deity's dominion, shall we?" he said, his voice resonating with a power that seemed to echo through the void as the void didn't had any other voice and was completely empty .

As he waved his hand, a dazzling spectacle unfolded. Brilliant orbs of light materialized out of the void - a sun, a moon, and countless stars that twinkled like diamonds against the dark canvas of space.

These celestial bodies were the base for the world he was going to create now

The memory transfer right after solarian's awakening had flooded his consciousness with profound knowledge and understanding.

He now know the full extent of his powers as a supreme deity, a being who could bend reality to his will, crafting entire worlds from the mere whispers of his imagination.

He was the child of existence , born from the ''will of existence'' that gave birth to all things.

Yet, the role of a supreme deity was not solely that of a benevolent creator. These divine beings shaped worlds for their own purposes, drawing sustenance from the very souls that inhabited their creations.

Each soul born within a deity's realm was entwined with a golden thread of fate, its luck and destiny subtly siphoned to empower its creator.

Existence have give everyone fate and luck and the supreme deities could stole and absorb this fate and luck from them.

Upon death, a soul's essence would be absorbed, nourishing the deity's spirit and augmenting their already formidable might. Even the abilities of the departed would be claimed, adding to the deity's arsenal of power.

A supreme deity's authority within their domain was absolute. They could manipulate time, warp space, and alter the very laws of nature with a thought. Such was the extent of their dominion.

As the celestial bodies took their places in the firmament, Solarian focused his attention on the void below.

With a wave of his hand , he summoned forth a world. It was a very vast expanse of land which materialized, its surface was rugged with mountains and valleys and it almost seemed endless.

He pointed a finger towards this newborn land, and endless water started to flow. Oceans were made from this water, their waves crashing against the shores. Rivers were also made from the water of oceans.

Then, with a another raise of his hand, the ocean's depths churned. The seabed trembled as colossal landmasses emerged, breaking the water's surface.

Islands and continents arose, their edges colliding and merging, forming a complex tapestry of terrain. Mountains soared towards the sky, valleys dipped into the earth, and plateaus stretched far and wide.

With a mere thought, Solarian accelerated the passage of time within his newly created world. Centuries unfolded in the blink of an eye.

As he watch , the barren land transformed. Verdant forests erupted across the landscape, a sea of greenery that stretched as far as the eye could see. T

owering trees, their leaves shimmering in a kaleidoscope of hues, reached towards the heavens. Beneath their canopy, an array of plants flourished, painting the world in vibrant colors.

"Wow. This is beautiful. But it will be more so if there are living creatures in it!" he mused, his voice tinged with excitement and anticipation.

He pondered for a moment, contemplating the next phase of his grand design. A spark of inspiration struck him, and he decided to craft a source of life, a genesis for the myriad creatures he envisioned roaming his world.

A gaint forest, at the southern side of the continent, was a marvel to behold. Trees of unimaginable beauty soared skyward, their leaves glinting in the sunlight like jewels. Silver, blue, pink – each tree was a masterpiece, a testament to Solarian's unrivaled artistry.

Vines laden with exotic fruits dangled between the branches, their vibrant colors a feast for the eyes.

At the heart of this ethereal forest lay a lake, its waters crystal clear and pure. The scene was one of utter tranquility, a perfect balance of nature in its most pristine state.

But this serene tableau was not to last.

Suddenly, the ground beneath the lake began to tremble. A low, rumbling sound echoed through the forest, growing louder and more intense.

The once peaceful lake churned violently, its waters roiling as if agitated by some unseen force.

Then, at the centre of the disturbance, something extraordinary happened.

A tree began to emerge from the depths of the lake. It grew at an astonishing rate, its trunk thickening and stretching skyward with incredible speed.



The sound of cracking wood filled the air, a cacophony that resonated throughout the forest.


With a final, resounding SPLASH, the tree broke through the surface, sending a massive wave cascading across the lake. This was no ordinary tree. It was a colossal entity, already two km thick and still growing. The tree become so tall it almost touched the clouds.

"The Tree of Life, Yggdrasil," Solarian murmured, the words leaving his mouth with a reverent tone. 

With a decisive nod, Solarian turned his attention to the world at large, his creation that sprawled majestically before him. "I will name you Elysora," he declared, his voice resonating with the power of creation.