
I Became the Villain

So, a transmigrator, a reincarnator, and a regressor walks into a bar, this sounds like the start of a terrible joke, but this is now my reality. I was just reading the recently trending medieval fantasy book titled Glory to the Emperor when I suddenly found myself transmigrating to another world with the identity of the rich, handsome, and heir to the Ravenmoon Dukedom, Herbert Ravenmoon. In other words, I became the novel's first dogshit villain. Unfortunately, I am supposed to be the story's first-half villain that the protagonist will use as a stepping stone to rise to the top. As a result, not only will I get my fiance stolen from me, but I will also have my family ruined and I will die an early death. With my foreknowledge, I will try to reach a happy-ever-after ending. Schedule of Daily updates: 8:00 pm UTC+08:00

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Chapter 29: Featherwing Fortress IV

"Princess Amelia, although it is unfortunate, we would soon have to part again."

The two ladies immediately paled, they didn't know what was happening and thought that they were being forcefully sent back to the capital to travel under the winter weather. Seeing their shocked expressions, Herbert felt a sick sense of joy but he kept on acting as if he did not notice how his words could be interpreted differently.

"As much as I would like to accompany you two ladies, I have been tasked with being positioned to be stationed at the Featherwing Fortress for this year's monster tide."

Hearing his words, Princess Amelia breathed a sigh of relief. However, she also understood that this wasn't necessarily a good thing either. Her target was Herbert and if he wasn't here then staying at this place would have no meaning.

"Well, would you mind it if we joined you during your stay at the Featherwing Fortress?"

Lady Elena also understood Princess Amelia's weariness so she immediately asked Herbert.

"This is quite difficult. Featherwing Fortress isn't a comfortable place to stay either and I don't think that it would be suitable for your highness to spend your holidays there."

"We don't mind it, right Princess Amelia? We're also interested in seeing Sir Herbert in action. We wouldn't be a bother and would just cheer you on from the sidelines so can you please bring us with you?"

Hearing her overly enthusiastic words, Princess Amelia couldn't help but feel a little bit worried. She wondered if it was indeed fine for them to follow Herbert. However, her worries were lessened a little when she saw Herbert making a difficult expression. He appeared to be quite troubled and this gave her the confidence to speak up for herself.

"Sir Herbert, if it isn't a trouble, I would also like to see you in action with my own eyes. I wonder if this is possible?"

Herbert then looked as if he had struggled a long time before he gave in and came to his conclusion.

"If your highness insists, then would be my pleasure to have your presence in the Featherwing Fortress."

Inwardly, Herbert snickered at the both of them, he had just mentioned that he would soon be leaving to the Princess and Lady Elena to which they immediately replied that they would like to accompany him. It was far too easy to see that they had their selfish agenda toward him and he did not mind taking advantage of it.

"Well then, I would have to trouble the both of you to prepare for another day's worth of journey. I apologize for leaving you with little time but we would be leaving by today."

Once the ladies had finished preparing, Herbert along with his company left with the escort of soldiers from the Unkindness troop. With his strength, Herbert did not really need them, but as he had nobles accompanying him, it was necessary for him to bring guards, especially with what happened to the original Herbert.

After a day's worth of traveling, the group reached the Featherwing Fortress. By this time, the winter snow had already started to fall. This was why the three ladies that were with him had been wrapped in thick clothes to make them warm.

"Young master, welcome to the Featherwing Fortress."

An old man with a white beard greeted Herbert with a salute as he went down his carriage. He had the same blue eyes and platinum-blonde hair as Herbert. He was also a member of the Ravenmoon family and is a natural awakened. As the person in charge of the fortress, his strength wasn't low.

"Elder Klaus, it has been a long time. It's good to see you again."

Herbert saluted him with respect, he wasn't unfamiliar with the person in front of him, but their relationship wasn't that good. Klaus was someone who held the original Herbert in high regard, however, as one with high status within the Ravenmoon Duchy, he was also in the know about Albert's situation. This was why he had treated the current Herbert in a lukewarm manner. In spite of that, both of them still had to pretend as if things hadn't changed to keep up Herbert's disguise.

"I have heard from your father that you would be coming here, but…"

Klaus then looked at the three ladies who followed Herbert before continuing.

"I don't think that this place is a good vacation spot."

"You misunderstood me, Elder Klaus. I am not here to enjoy my stay. I am here to train."

With an eyebrow raised, Klaus did not look convinced. Nevertheless, he did not give Herbert a hard time as he still guided Herbert and his group into their temporary lodgings. As soon as Herbert got the chance, he took Ingrid with him to meet up with Klaus.

"Elder Klaus, I have something to ask of you. She is newly awakened and I took her here for live combat so that she could train. I hope that you could spare some men to arrange for that."

Klaus nodded and did not see any problem in doing this task. He then took a look at Ingrid a little puzzled. He recognized that she wasn't someone from the Ravenmoon, nor was she on the list of candidates that were being nurtured to become an awakened. However, he did not satisfy his curiosity as he knew that if it was something that he should know about, then Herbert would have told him.

"There's one more thing. Has there been any unusual movements from the monsters around here recently?"

"Unusual? I don't think that I have received any reports about that recently."

Herbert inwardly frowned, he guessed that he had been too early this time. There was a reason that he had decided to push the climax of his operation to make Lady Elena into a spy at this location. In the original story, once the protagonist had started his campaign to wipe out all of the traitorous nobles being led by the Ravenmoons, the entire Northern region had fallen into disarray. This prevented any preparations for that year's incoming monster tide which resulted in countless civilians being involved.

As a result, the protagonist who was merciful and had pitied the poor souls had taken upon himself the duty to quell the chaotic situation, and in order to solve the calamity, he opted to lead a squad of elite awakened to slay the snake-type monster that had led countless monsters into human territory.

It was then where his luck as the protagonist showed its value as he had luckily obtained an egg of the monster that he had slain. Eventually, this snake had been raised by the protagonist and became his pet.

What Herbert wanted to do was simple, if he could obtain the protagonist's pet in advance, then it would naturally be a blessing for him. But if he couldn't then he could simply slay its mother to prevent the protagonist from encountering its spawn in the near future.

"What's the average strength of the monsters in the area?"

"Near the outskirts, the average strength of the monsters should be within ranks 1 to 3. Once we go deeper we could start finding monsters at ranks 4 to 8. As for what's at the core area, I did not send any scouts to survey the place as there could potentially be Transcendent ranked monsters."

"The White Horned Snakes, do we know anything about their territory?"