
I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

[Tower Defense & Dungeon Attack RPG] I saw the ending to the game no one was able to clear. But, when I came to my senses, I was inside of the game. In fact, I was in the tutorial stage, a place where strategy was impossible. “I’ll clear this bullsh*t game no matter what…!” . . [This novel does not belong to me; all rights belong to its author. I merely upload it, and translation credits go to: MattReading.] Original Author: 류은가람 Official Page: https://m.series.naver.com/novel/detail.series?productNo=5904911

Zeom · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
720 Chs

Chapter 309

A river flowed through the central continent.

This river, named Iris, separated the southwestern and northeastern parts of the continent. It was a large river flowing from the inland sea adjacent to the Imperial Capital of New Terra to the outer sea in the east, serving as the lifeline of civilization, making the central continent prosperous and fertile.

The Everblack Empire, which had greedily consumed the center of the continent, viewed this river as both the actual boundary of their dominion over the Imperial Capital and an absolute defensive line against any external invasion.

Thud, thud, thud...

Troops began to appear from the west side of the river.

The force that had led the charge against the empire's enemies for a long time, acting as the empire's spear and shield against outsiders.

The First Legion of the Imperial Army.

This division, known as the "Pilgrims of the Border" because they had never once moved from their post at the national border since their inception, was now heading towards the Imperial Capital.


At the forefront stood the commander of the First Legion, the supreme commander of the imperial forces, and the first Crown Prince.

Lark 'Avalanche' Everblack slowed his horse's pace as the river came into view. His knights and soldiers halted as well.

Lark looked straight ahead in silence. In front of him stood a massive bridge built to span the Iris River, and on that bridge,

Clank! Clank! Clank!

Stood an array of troops that had seized control of it.

The Imperial Capital Defense Force.

The standing army directly under the Imperial Family, responsible for the outer defense and internal security of New Terra.

The supreme commander of the Empire, Lark, couldn't even issue them an order. Their commander was.

"It's been a while, brother."

Fernandez 'Ember Keeper' Everblack.

The imperial chief administrator, the commander of the Aegis Special Forces, and the second Crown Prince.

Dressed not in armor but in the formal attire of a civil official, unlike his fully armored brother, Fernandez greeted Lark from his horse. 

"Why are you here, brother? As far as I know, the situation in the Bringar Duchy hasn't stabilized yet."

Behind his monocle, the 2nd Crown Prince's reddish eyes hinted at a smirk.

"Or perhaps you've secretly executed the Duchess of Bringar and stolen her Dragon's Blood without my knowledge?"


"Even if that were the case, it's astonishing that you've returned leading the entire First Legion. You are aware, are you not? Only the Imperial Capital Defense Force is allowed to conduct military operations in the Imperial Capital."

Lark remained silent, simply gazing intently at his brother.

"I'd rather not mention it, but brother."

Fernandez hesitated momentarily before smoothly declaring,

"Beyond this river lies the territory of the Imperial Capital. The moment you cross this bridge with your troops, I can't help but suspect treason."


"To avoid any misunderstandings about your intentions, I had to block the way like this. You understand, right?"


After long moments of silent observation, Lark finally spoke.

"Are you aware of the disturbances in the Imperial Capital?"


"Yes. That's why I came here personally to find out the truth."

Fernandez slightly tilted his head, then laughed lightly.

"Are you referring to the shadow factions? Haven't I been working hard to curb their nefarious activities?"

"And what if those shadow factions never actually existed?"

At Lark's pointed question, Fernandez's smile froze.

"What if all of this... is just a play you've staged?"

"Brother, I don't know who fed you such nonsense, but..."

Fernandez sighed lightly, raising both hands in a placating gesture.

"Wouldn't it be a bit unfair to nullify all the hard work I've put in over the past seven years?"

"...I'm sorry, Fernandez, but I have no intention of continuing this conversation with you."


A massive steed beneath Lark snorted heavily. Petting its mane to calm it, Lark spoke coolly.

"I must see Father. Where is he?"

"Don't you know? Father is still logged into Everblack in the Abyss, protecting the empire."

Fernandez smirked.

"He wouldn't be aware of the affairs outside, after all. He's likely caught in an endless battle with the deities on the other side."


Lark closed his eyes tightly.

If only their father had been able to manage the empire's affairs properly...

This internal decay would not have occurred.

"Brother, you handle the affairs outside, and I handle the inside. Isn't that what Father entrusted us with? We should both do our best. In our own places, in our own roles."


"This is my last warning, brother."

As Fernandez waved his hand,


A flying vessel from the skies behind landed just behind Fernandez.

It was a vessel from the Imperial Capital Defense Force. The menacing engine roar echoed from the metallic body of the flying ship.

"The interior of our nation is my responsibility, and the exterior is yours, as Father wished. We can remain as amicable brothers."


"Pull back your troops and return to where you belong. This incident will remain a secret. Father will never know."

But then Lark, drawing in a deep breath, declared,

"I am Lark 'Avalanche' Everblack!"

His shout was so powerful it seemed to ripple the waters of the Iris River.

The startled Imperial Capital Defense Force soldiers took steps back.

"I am the eldest son of the great Emperor, the rightful heir, and the legitimate commander of the army."


Drawing his sword, Lark growled fiercely, reminiscent of a roaring tiger.

"You have no right to block my path to the Imperial Capital. Make way, for I will uncover and punish the real traitors."


"Fernandez. If you are truly innocent, trust me and step aside. If I'm mistaken, I will take the appropriate punishment myself."

Fernandez smirked bitterly.

While Lark truly was a trustworthy person, the problem was that Fernandez himself was far from innocent.

Lark's suspicions were entirely correct. The shadow factions in the Imperial Capital never existed, and it was Fernandez who had plotted treason.

And Lark, realizing this far sooner than expected, had rushed to the Imperial Capital.

'Where did he get his information? From whom?'

Fernandez narrowed his eyes.

But that wasn't what mattered now.

The imminent confrontation was the real issue.

"...If you refuse to yield even after all I've said."

The first Crown Prince pointed his gleaming sword forward.

"I will consider anyone who obstructs me as a traitor."

The undefeated knight.

The most powerful human.

Although the Imperial Capital Defense Force was well aware of the achievements and dedication of the first Crown Prince to the empire,

They held their weapons steadfast, refusing to yield.

Defending the Imperial Capital from external forces was their very reason for existence.

"Make way-!"


With a kick to his horse, Lark charged forward, his white cloak flapping in the wind.

Following closely behind the charging first Crown Prince were his knights.

In silence, with icy stares, the soldiers of the First Legion raced behind them.

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump!

Watching his charging brother and the knights, Fernandez murmured under his breath.

"Brother. I repeat."

The second Crown Prince waved his hand toward the sky.

"I hold no personal grudges."


With a sharp engine sound, the flying vessel released a burst of fire from its thrusters.

Magic flames from the Mana Engine propelled the vessel at an incredible speed, charging toward enemy lines.

Clank, clank!

The front of the vessel transformed, revealing dozens of Mana Cannons.

The ship intended to approach, fire, then quickly retreat.

Overwhelming firepower, incredible agility, and layers upon layers of protective magic spells provided extraordinary defenses.

A flawless weapon equipped with firepower, agility, and defense. This was the pinnacle of modern magic engineering.

Such a strategic vessel, rumored to cost as much as a small nation's annual budget, now approached.

Yet, Lark didn't flinch. Instead, he charged directly towards the vessels.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Lark's steed was exceptional among warhorses.

Darting forward, he reached the forefront just as the vessel closed in, and leaped up from his saddle.

Pew! Pew! Pew!

Dozens of Mana Cannons fired from the ship. Hundreds of magic-infused shells rained down like hail.




When Lark swung his sword horizontally, all projectiles exploded mid-air.

Lark saw the pilot inside the cockpit. With his sword, he whispered,

"I'm sorry."


Landing on top of the vessel, Lark's sword pierced its hull.

A blue blade's energy clashed with the ship's protective spells, sending red sparks flying.

But Lark's sword triumphed, cleaving deep into the vessel.

Lark held onto his embedded sword, charging from the vessel's nose to its tail, slicing it open.


As he reclaimed his sword and landed back onto his horse's saddle,


The vessel exploded in a massive fireball.

This impossible feat left every soldier of the Imperial Capital Defense Force agape. Fernandez muttered incredulously.

"That's a bit much."

Yet, as he mumbled, Lark was already closing in on him.


The Imperial Capital Defense Force was decimated.

While Lark's power was awe-inspiring, the stark difference between the First Legion and the Defense Force's battle capabilities was also evident.

The First Legion, which spent its life battling enemies at the borders, was significantly more experienced than the Imperial Capital Defense Force, which had mainly maintained order within the city.

To compensate for this gap in power, the Defense Force relied on modern technology like the flying vessels. But against Lark's sword, they proved meaningless.

Even so, Lark did not kill most of the Defense Force. He subdued them.

Those who resisted to the end were executed, but those who surrendered peacefully were captured alive.

He still didn't see them as enemies.

"I have just one question, Fernandez."

From within the subdued Imperial Capital Defense Force, Lark asked coldly.

"I understand everything else, but there's one thing I can't grasp. I wanted to ask you directly."

Fernandez was also captured.

From the start, the second Crown Prince didn't put up much resistance. After the vessel crashed and the tide of battle turned, he peacefully raised both hands, waiting for his brother.

Lark approached his younger brother with his sword drawn and gently asked,

"Why? What purpose does all this serve? Why did you do this?"

"...You wouldn't understand, Brother."

Even in this situation, hearing his elder brother's compassionate voice, Fernandez gave a bitter laugh.

"People like you, Brother, who are whole, just, and believe in a 'kind' world where everything is warm... don't understand that this world is fundamentally flawed."


"In that sense, Ash would probably relate more to me."

Thinking of their youngest sibling who wasn't present, Fernandez chuckled.

"That guy always knew... he understood that this world is twisted from its very foundation."

"What the hell are you..."

Lark couldn't finish his sentence.


Before he could react, Fernandez had lunged forward, impaling his own throat on the sword Lark held aimed at him.