
I Became The Strongest Hunter And Humanity´s Last Hope

"I cannot die...I cannot die...I cannot die" was heard a voice drowned in a dark cave. Paul was lying on the ground covered in blood, two limbs missing. In the last moments of his team made up of grade D and C hunters against the Final Boss in charge of the dungeon, they were injured. On the verge of death and their despair, they decided to use Paul, who was the weakest hunter on the team, as bait so that the other members could escape. He was attacked at point-blank range by the Chief leaving him on the verge of death and in critical condition, at this point he should be dead, but he was alive due to his strong will not to leave his father alone in the hospital. Paul lay on the ground praying to whatever God existed to help him. He didn't know if miracles really existed, but he hoped one would happen to him so he could survive this situation. Suddenly, he heard a voice in his head. [Search complete.] [Checking compliance with the requirements]. [Requirements completed.] [Connecting the system to the host.] [1% ... 2% ... completed successfully.] [Host condition...seriously injured.] [Self-healing begins.] Welcome to the world of hunters!

borqueh · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 - Paul Walker, the F-rank hunter

"I cannot die...I cannot die...I cannot" a voice was heard in a dark, cold and desolate cave. The voice came from a legless, bloody person lying on the floor.

It was Paul Walker who minutes earlier had suffered the betrayal of his team of hunters.

Before the final fight with the boss, his team had managed to collect many materials with mana inserted inside. These materials provided the bodies of the dead creatures generated by the dungeon when it reached a certain point of mana level.

His team was mainly made up of hunters of rank D and C, with Paul being the weakest, a rank F. Paul was not one of the team's attacking forces, he was only dedicated to taking the mana materials out of the cave areas and dismantling the bodies of the monsters that the team killed. Although the monsters looked down on Paul because the collectors were of no use other than dismantling and collecting, Paul did not care. He took this job because he had to pay his father's medical bill.

Paul's father was an ex-military man who was betrayed by his squad during a dangerous mission in the dungeons. He managed to survive when another team came in to see the situation inside the dungeon, but at the cost of being mutilated. He had no limbs and was unconscious. He was quickly brought to medical attention, and they attempted to connect the limbs found by the last team that entered the dungeon with healing magic. But it was too late, all this happened when Paul was a 13 year old boy, now he was 16. He worked as a collector for 3 years, although every team that touched him looked down on him, he didn't care, as mentioned before, he did everything just for his father.

As his team arrived at the door of the final boss, they entered the room without a second thought. At this point their arrogance and greed had reached a very high level, ignoring Paul who was constantly warning of the danger that lay behind that door.

There were only two C-rank hunters on the team, while the other seven were D-rank and Paul was the only F-rank.

When they entered the room they could see the final leader, he was a five meter tall and muscular minotaur. When the team saw him again they didn't think twice and ran to attack him. The fight went well for a while, until the final boss activated the berserker mode that was rarely seen in a boss. When the berserker was activated, the situation took a 180-degree turn. Members began to fall wounded, generating every second multiple injuries to the participants, including Paul who was lying far from the battle.

Seeing this situation, the members began to run quickly to the door of the room to escape. Paul was the closest, and seeing the action his party members were taking, he ran to the door as well. Just as he was about to pass and escape, someone grabbed him by the shoulder, and the next second he was flying in the direction of the final leader. When he looked down he could see his team's attacker throwing a sadistic bloody smile at him, he was the one who had thrown it. Paul fell to the ground and tried to call for help from his party members, but none of them listened to him, they ignored him and continued to run away. Paul seeing this he cast a series of curses and then stoppe, there was no point in wasting his energy on those traitors. Vowing revenge, he went to review the situation he was in, but before he could do anything, he was hit by a giant fist. He was thrown 10 meters, hitting the wall of the chamber and spitting blood. Then, a series of blows from the final boss followed, for the last action, he took his weapon which was a giant axe and cut Paul in half.

The final boss, upon seeing his work of art, laughed hysterically and then went to throw himself into a corner of the camera.

At this point Paul could not do anything, not even move, he should be dead but due to his strong will he was able to last a few minutes.

He prayed for a long time in his mind for some God to help him, if there was such a God. He wanted a miracle to happen and he could escape from this hellish pain. He did not want to die and leave his disabled father alone in this world. Suddenly, I hear a voice in his mind.

<The search is complete.

<Checking for compliance.

<Requirements met.

<Connecting system to host.

<Successfully connected.

<Host status...seriously injured.

<Initiating self-healing, absorbing mana from the surroundings.

When he heard this voice in his head, Paul didn't understand anything. But when he could lower his head and see his body, he could see how it regenerated at an exceptional speed, he could see how his intestines and his bones regenerated. He was moved by this and thanked any force that had accomplished this. Minutes later, he was completely healed. He jumped up and began to move his body in silence, hoping not to wake up the final boss. He checked his body and knew that everything was put where it should be, he could not feel better. Even her malnutrition that she had suffered due to paying her father's bills had been resolved. Although he was just as thin as before, at least he had a little more muscle than in the past, and he no longer felt those typical dizzy spells from lack of nutrients. Excited he went to check how the boss's camera was doing, he could see how the boss was sleeping in the corner, when he saw this, he didn't hesitate and moved in the direction of the camera. When he got close enough, he started running. Finally he was able to get out, he had planned to get out of the dungeon fast, as he had no tools or equipment that could help him. Thinking about his equipment, Paul became angry and in his eyes shone a murderous look, he planned to take revenge in the future, but now, he had to look at the present. He started to run towards the dungeon exit, but before leaving he stopped. If he came out of the room completely unharmed and in better shape, this would look very strange and suspicious. Seeing this, he approached a dungeon wall, picked up a sharp stone and began to harm himself. He did not want to make the wounds so serious that they would not take so long to heal, but he had to do it as believably as possible, he only made minor wounds and then he left the dungeon.

When he came out he could see many people surrounding the entrance of the dungeon. When an interviewer saw Paul coming out, she quickly approached him and asked him a series of questions. Paul did not want to answer at this point, he just wanted to go home quickly and check what had gone through his head earlier. He did not respond to the interviewer, but simply walked straight out of the crowd that was still watching him and headed to the street, took a cab, and went straight home.

When he arrived in an area of the poor neighborhood, he went to one of the establishments which was a hotel in bad condition, climbed the floors and went to his room ignoring everything around him. As soon as he arrived, he put water on the boil and waited until he was ready. Once the water was ready, he took out of the refrigerator one of the five boxes of instant noodles, made the water inside the box of videos and waited five minutes for them to be ready. When he finished preparing, he didn't wait and ate them without taking into account the pain of his tongue in the heat of the food. After finishing his feast, he went to his room and jumped into his bed, falling asleep instantly. He was tired from all that had happened, although his serious wounds had been healed, his energy had not been returned.

Hours later, when he woke up, he realized that it had become night. He saw the time on a clock near his bed and could tell it was 11:00 PM. He had slept for 10 hours. Feeling energetic, he went to the corner of his room where his old laptop was. When he turned it on, he wasted no time in investigating the strange voice he had heard in the chief's cave. He searched and searched for stories of hunters, but mostly they were crazy and not very credible stories, like flying through space or traveling through time. Desperate, he could not help but think that it was that strange voice in his head. When he thought that in his head, that voice was heard again.

<I am the system, dear host.

Hearing the voice, Paul jumped out of his chair in fright. He looked all over his room and could not see anyone who had spoken to him. "Hello," Paul asked, hoping that the voice would speak to him again, but he waited several minutes and nothing. Curious about this, he thought again about what he had said before. When he thought about his previous words, the strange voice could be heard.

<I am the system, dear host.

Seeing that the voice answered again and that it was calling itself "system", he went on to ask a series of questions. Most of the questions were about who this "system" was and who created it, or who had given it to him in the first place, to these questions the system responded by saying "Insufficient level" or "Insufficient permission". When he asked a question about why his body had healed, the system finally answered.

<The host was in a severely wounded state, the system responded by collecting mana from the surface to initiate self-healing.

Hearing this, he thought again and was surprised. Healing using surface mana was a high level technique, only hunters at the top of the A-range and S-ranges could achieve it. Excited about this, he asked the system what other functions it had and it finally answered all his questions.

He only seemed to answer questions that were at his permission level or that were relatively simple. When he listened to all the answers on the system he could see that it had a similarity to today's video games. Excited again at this, he went on to say "State Window", which led to a semitransparent, sky-blue window opening up in front of him.

- Name: Paul Walker

- HP: 10/10

- Mana: 20/20

- Profession: None

- Level 1 (EXP 0/100)

- Strength: 8

- Dexterity: 5

- Vitality: 4

- Defense: 3

- Senses: 6

- Intelligence: 12

Seeing these numbers, Paul asked the system what they were. It answered that they were the statistics of his body, the HP was his life and the Mana was logically his Mana. The level was where he was right now, which was level 1, the lowest level. On one side of this was the experience that when he reached the limit, it raised the level and increased Paul's statistics. Then followed the statistics of his body. Paul couldn't help but notice that it was 100% game-like. When he saw his stats he could tell that his intelligence was relatively higher than the others. When he saw this he couldn't help but think about becoming a Wizard, since they depended on the mental power they had, which was basically their intelligence. But he quickly put that thought out of his mind, if he became a magician he would have to spend a lot of money and resources. That was the least he had at this time. Looking at his other statistics he could see that he was very weak, he had very low defenses, if someone hit him he would not be able to do anything to defend himself. If his HP was his life, then if he reached zero...

He could not help but think about it and unconsciously swallowed his saliva. He was 10 years old at the time and if someone tried to beat him and took his HP, he, although he would not be on the verge of death physically, could easily die because his HP reached 0.

This was a negative thing on the part of the system, but that was left aside knowing the other benefits of the system. Something positive was that he could learn books of skills easily, he only had to place his hand or make direct contact with the book and the system would send all the information to his brain or simply learn it directly, he could also master the elements very easily, something that few people could do.

This is the second novel I write, I hope you like it, I did it on the theme of hunters and dungeons. If you like it don't hesitate to donate power stones and give your reviews about the novel, if you are curious about my other novel you can search it in the search engine as "The Shadow System", which by the name you can easily deduce that it also has a videogame theme. xd

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