Nufort Adams was a child of fortune. It was safe to say that he had never lived a life that was difficult or full of hardship. Anything he had done had come easy to him and he had also been a man of big dreams.
So naturally, when it came time to choose his future, he aimed big and tried to become a big shot in the guild.
That was his first dose of reality. Far from being the best, it would be a stretch to say that Nufort Adams was even average in the guild alliance. He was someone who was constantly being upped by someone else.
So naturally, it did not take long for him to decide that this field was not for him. He was simply unable to keep up with the growing power level around him and nothing else.
He had realized that he was the frog of a small pond. He had yet to see the world and his new reality was harsher than he had even imagined. He could not take the comparison and competition in the guild.