
The Fight- Chapter 4

Lexi: Let go of me!

Axel rushes over to Lexi and Cole.

Axel: She said let her go man!

Cole: Stay out of this dude. This has nothing to do with you.

Axel punches Cole to the ground.

Lexi: Oh my gosh!

Cole gets off the ground and punches Axel in the face.

Lexi: You guys, stop!

Axel and Cole go back in forth punching each other, until Cole knocks Axel out.

Lexi: Axel! Cole stop! Your going to kill him!

Cole backs down. And Lexi runs over to where Axel was passed out.

Cole: See you around Lex.

Cole goes back to the party.

Lexi: Axel! Axel! Can you hear me?!

Axel: . . .

Lexi lays Axel in the back seat of his car and drives him to the hospital.

2 hours later.

Doctor: He should be fine. Just a minor concussion. He'll wake up soon with a little rest.

Lexi: Okay, thank you.

The next morning.

Axel: Mhm...

Lexi: Axel, can you hear me?

Axel: Lexi, is that you? What happened? Where are we?

Lexi: We're at the hospital. You got in a fight and passed out.

Axel: Why does my head hurt so much?

Lexi: You have a minor concussion.

Lexi's phone rings and she answers.

Stacy: Oh my gosh! Thank god your okay. I've been calling you since last night. What happened? Why haven't you been answering my texts or calls? I was so scared something happened to you! Don't ever do that again!

Lexi: Stacy, slow down, I'm fine. Some dude and Axel got into a fight and Axel got knocked out. So I took him to the hospital. I meant to text you but forgot to.

Stacy: As long as your safe. But who did Axel get in a fight with?

Lexi: Some dude named Cole.

Stacy: Cole? The boy you slapped?

Lexi: You know him?

Stacy: No not really. First time I ever saw him was at the party last night.

Lexi: I'll call you when Axel gets released from the hospital.

Stacy: Okay. Meet me at the café when you're done.

Lexi hangs up the phone.

Axel: Is everything alright?

Lexi: Yeah, it was just Stacy worrying about me. I have to meet up with her once you get released.

Axel: I'll be alright. You can go ahead and meet up with her.

Lexi: Are you sure? I can wait. I don't want to just leave you alone and-

Axel: Lexi, I'll be fine. Now go.

Lexi smiles and leaves the hospital to meet up with Stacy.