
The Beginning- Chapter 1

Hi, my name is Lexi. I'm going to tell you about how my life changed forever. Just because of one boy. Well technically two boys. Anyways, let's get started. It all started when I woke up one Wednesday morning.

Mom: Lexi get up! Your going to be late!!

Lexi: Ugh, I don't wanna!

Mom: Get up, NOW!

Lexi: Fine, I'm up, I'm up.

Lexi gets dress and walks to school.

Stacy: Hey Lexi.

Lexi: Hey Stacy.

Stacy: So... have any plans tonight?

Lexi: Yes, I plan on going to the movies later.

Stacy: Oh, so you have a date?

Lexi: No. Axel wanted to go to the movies.

Stacy: So you do have a date?

Lexi: No, we're just hanging out.

Stacy: Is it just the two of you going?

Lexi: Yeah, he said he didn't want to bother anyone else. And he knew I wasn't doing anything later, so we decided to go to the movies and out for pizza.

Stacy: Then what are you doing after that?

Lexi: Um, I don't know. I guess we're just going to go home.

Stacy: Okay. Well, if you guys aren't doing anything after that, there's a party that starts at 8 and ends at midnight.

Lexi: Stacy, you know I don't like going to party's anymore. Not since the last incident.

Stacy: But that happened 2 years ago. It's not like she followed you when you moved.

Lexi: Based off of how crazy she was, it's still a possibility.


Stacy: Meet me at the gate after school.

Lexi: What for?

Stacy: We're going shopping, obviously.

Lexi: Why are "we" going shopping?

Stacy: Just meet my at the gate, Bye!

Lexi watches as Stacy runs off in the distance.

Lexi: Whatever.

Lexi heads to her class.


Mrs. Smith: Your late!

Lexi: The bell just rung.

Mrs. Smith: That's no excuse. Now have a seat Ms. Jones.

Lexi takes her seat.

Mrs. Smith: As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted.

Lexi: . . .

Mrs. Smith continues on with class.

An hour later.


Mrs. Smith: Don't forget to finish the homework that's due tomorrow.

Everyone leaves the class.

Kayla: Hey Lexi.

Lexi: Hey Kayla. What can I help you with?

Kayla: Oh nothing. I just wanted to know if I could walk with you to class.

Lexi: Sure. I mean, we are going to the same class anyways. I don't know why your asking me.

Kayla: . . .

Lexi: Is there something else I could help you with? I mean surely you didn't want to just walk to class with me.

Kayla: I mean now that you mention it. There's something that I wanted to ask you.

Lexi: . . .

Kayla: Are you dating anyone?

Lexi: No, why?

Kayla: Do you have any plans tonight?

Lexi: Yeah. I have some plans with Axel and Stacy, I guess.

Kayla: Oh really?

Lexi: Yeah.

Kayla: When you said you had plans with Stacy, did you mean at Jon's party?

Lexi: I didn't ask who's party we were going to. I just said that me and Axel might drop by if we didn't have anything else to do.

Kayla: What do you mean "If me and Axel didn't have anything else to do"?

Lexi: Axel wanted to hangout later today.

Kayla: You mean like a date?

Lexi: No! Like I told Stacy, we're just hanging out.

Kayla: Well we might wanna hurry to class if we don't wanna be late.

Lexi and Kayla hurry to class.

Lexi: We made it!


Ms. Snow: Just in time. Have a seat girls.

Lexi and Kayla: Yes miss.

Kayla and Lexi take their seats and class starts again.

I just want to let people know: This is a script like story. My stories will get better with time so bare with me.

Kay_gamingcreators' thoughts