
I became kilgrave

Ever seen a character with power and scoff at the way they misuse it? Ever contemplate what choices you would make if given a chance to take their place? The things you would do differently? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By: Cambrian Beckett

wail_6382 · TV
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64 Chs


I'm sat in the car across the street from a familiar bar, watching it with a critical eye. After a moment I send a text to Malcolm asking him where Jessica currently is. He responds by saying him and her are currently questioning the DA about Hope's release and not really getting anywhere. Smiling, I tell him that's perfect and to keep my up to date on her whereabouts for the next little while.

When I step out of the car, I pop up the collar on my coat to obscure the skin underneath. I'm wearing gloves, but nothing covers my head or my face. I'm just not the kind of guy to wear hats and a mask would be just as obvious as the skin. So when I step inside Luke's Bar, I'm not surprised that I get a lot of double takes and curious looks. My eyes are on the muscular man behind the bar though and as he turns to see who's entered while still cleaning a glass, our eyes meet.

I don't know what I was expecting, but I'm actually a bit disappointed when I see no recognition in Luke Cage's eyes. I guess Jessica never had a chance to tell him what Kilgrave looked like. As I come to stop at the bar, he takes a moment to eye me up and down before asking gruffly, "What do you want?"

"You remember me Luke, surely. It's me, James. We're old friends. I know I know, I look a bit different these days, but I'm still the man you knew all those years ago."

He blinks and a moment later nods and smiles, "Jimmy? It's good to see you. A bit different? You're turning purple man."

I chuckle, "Yes, well things happen. We really should talk Luke. You think so too, I'm sure."

"Yeah, we really should talk. Hey Roy! Watch the bar for me!"

He shouts that last bit to the elderly man who waves a hand dismissively. A few moments later Luke is leading me up to the apartment he has above the bar and we're alone. He turns to me and raises an eyebrow, "So Jimmy, what do you need?"

I keep my reaction to that little nickname down to a small tic in my eyebrow even as I answer him, "I need a great many things Luke, but from you, I need protection. First of all, forget everything Jessica told you about Kilgrave. That night with the bus driver, Jessica didn't show up and save him. She wasn't even there. At the end of it, it was you and you alone who decided to spare the man's life, knowing Riva wouldn't want you to kill him."

I continue speaking, knowing my words are taking effect even as I do so, "With that out of the way, you want to help me in whatever capacity you can. You want to come with me and take a job as my personal bodyguard and best friend. With Riva gone, you feel the need to move on from life as a simple bartender and I offer you an opportunity that you can't help but want to take."

Luke blinks at the sudden onslaught of what I've made him desire, but after a moment he speaks, "You offer an opportunity that I can't help but want to take… I'll have to sell the bar. Maybe Roy will be interested…"

Still smiling, I take a note with my address and phone number and hand it to him, "Here Luke, once you're done handling your affairs, bring yourself and whatever you can't leave behind to this address. Any issues crop up, call or text me. You value my opinion above all others. You don't know what you'd do without my advice."

Luke takes the info with another nod and smile, "Thanks Jimmy. I don't know what I'd do without your advice. I'll see you soon."

With that we both leave the apartment behind, going our separate ways with the surety that we'd see each other soon. As I slide into the back of the car and we began moving away, I reflect on my newest acquisition. Luke Cage will be quite the asset, I'm sure of that. If nothing else, because he was an excellent living bullet proof vest for me to hide behind if it came down to it.

Looking at my watch, I noted that I was right on schedule. A schedule that had been growing busier of late, but soon enough I would hopefully in a position to cut it back a bit. My eyes falling to my reflection in the window and the growing tint of purple in my skin, I had to admit that I needed to be in a position to cut it back soon. Exposing my new skin color to too many people was not advisable.

Leaning back, I sigh and rest my eyes. So much to do, so little time.