
I Became Her

Normal life become not normal. And a love story of the forgotten past.

bubble_tea05 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

I Became Her

Blake with his last strength ,tried to level his face to her face and embrace her tight to make her body stop from wiggling. He manage to see her lips and put his lips on top of hers.

Daniella feel the tight embrace and a thing on her lips. Now , she becomes calm and her imaginations stop. She then realize that the one holding her and and trying to help her is a human. But this human is not only touching her lips but now is invading inside with his toungue. It seems like her body reacts by copying also what the person is doing , now their tounge meets and kiss intensely.

Then he gently loosen his embraced and swim going up. Both are out of breath when they are on the surface of the water. They are now under the water that is flowing coming from up the mountain. Blake touch the cheeks of Daniella with his palm , they both stared at each other. In an instant , the eyes color of Blake's eyes have change , it is now a pale yellow shining under the moonlight. Staring at Daniella intently.

Instead of getting scared, Daniella become attentive. She get away from his touch while getting away from him and avoiding his gaze. Silently, she collect her clothes and coat to cover her body.

Daniella is silent when she come back from the falls. " That eagle eyes... " She deeply sighed. " I just heard the story from my father that night but seeing it in person , it is diffirent. " Daniella thought.

During the journey , Blake is silent about it. He is avoiding her and she is avoiding him too.

After a few days, they have reach the palace. Everybody is exhausted so they went to their own quarters. " You go and rest Flora, I know that you are tired. " Daniella instructed her to go because she notice that Flora is yawning. " Thank you your highness. " Flora oblige.

Without wasting time, Daniella sit on the table where the the treasure box is located. She then open it.

"I have learn to read and write , thanks to my teacher. My naughty twin sister went to seek for Jojo since she is not interested to learn and ask me to cover for her. Mother knew us well and see through me about my lies, she was very upset. "

"I am sick again and everyone is worried. I see mother cried because of me and also Layla. "

"Mother and father said they found a healer to cure me in another kingdom , we are preparing to go to that kingdom . Layla insisted to go with us."

"It seems I cannot take my treasure box with me since Layla will go with us , I am sure she will just insist to play with me. I guess I will just write again when we will come back in the kingdom. "


That moment King Sven and his wife find out about the healer, they took Lyka and since Layla insist to go they bring her too. Because it is a sudden decision , they only pick a few elite soldiers to go with them. Not far from the border , outside the kingdom , there are people who are waiting to attack them. Arrows coming from different direction are now flying towards the few soldiers who are outnumbered. " It is a trap! It is a trap! " one soldier shouted. " Protect the royal family! " one soldier shouted again.

Inside the carriage is the queen who is now hugging her both daughter. " Mother, I am scared. " Lyka said . " Don't be ! I am here! " she said. Because it is a sudden decision, King Sven did not bring his armor and his sword that he is using in the battle. " I will get their attention, you must bring the carriage as far as possible from here. I need only a five men with me , the rest can go with the carriage. " King Sven order. " But your highness---" one general said. " They are more important than me! Protect them at all cost general! " King Sven said in final.

The carriage go to the opposite direction. King Sven together with his five men were fighting against the enemies who have an endless number . Whenever they defeated some of them, more of them are appearing out of nowhere. Even king Sven and his men are skilled , their stamina cannot hold for how many hours fighting the enemies alone. Now king Sven is only surviving because of the living persona inside of him.

The carriage flipped when the three men after it shoot an arrow to the horses that is carrying the carriage. The ten elite soldiers need to face the three men for them to stop. " Your highness please you need to get of here and hide yourselves somewhere , after we kill the three of them then we will go after you. " One of the soldier said. The queen who hit her head somewhere in the carriage, now her forehead is bleeding while embracing the twins who are now crying. She immediately take action , her body is aching from the the flip of the carriage and her head is dizzy but with all her strength , she take the kids out of the carriage and run towards the trees. She ignore the thorns from the plants and the sharp leaves of the wild grass that is cutting through her feet. She want to run fast but the two kids who are with her are now out of breath, especially Lyka. " Mother, I cannot run anymore. " She whispered. The queen feel that her head is spinning and so she kneeled , " Listen to me okay. Layla ,take care of your sister okay? Go as far as you can from here or hide anywhere with your sister,okay? " her tears are coming out of her eyes and kiss their forehead. " Your father will come and find you both,so please survive my children... " she said while crying and touching their both chubby cheeks. " Mother... " Layla whispered. " Now go! Go! " she said. Layla being a six years old, she don't have any choice but to listen to her mother. She assist her sister by putting hero one arm around her neck and walk far from the place.

Young Fernan, the fifth prince at that time and one of the leader who wants to assssinate the bloodline of king Sven. He left the two men to fight with the soldiers that are guarding the carriage , then he notice a woman who are holding a two girls side by side coming out of the carriage, he have a hunch that this is the beloved wife and children of King Sven. He smile and went after them. They go to the forest but of course ,it is their territory he can easily catch up to them by walking and running. For not too long while following the sign of the footsteps, he find the woman who is now lying on the ground unconscious. He put his index finger below her nose and feel that she is still breathing slowly. Seeing the woman lying on the ground , he was suppose to kill her but she reminded him of his wife at home. His innocent wife that is always waiting for him not knowing their plans today. He walk past her and began to search for the girls.

Layla who is crying just walk with her sister beside her " Leave me here for you to walk faster, at this point he will catch us both. " Lyka is now whispering. " Don't talk to me if you don't have anything to say Lyka, save your breath ." she said. Lyka smile " You are always stubborn." Lyka commented. They both find that the end of the road they chosed to walk is a cliff. Layla who is now tired is on her knees and crying , hugging her sister who is now on lying in the ground.

" Please don't kill us... " Layla is pleading to the man who is now standing a few steps from her back. Lyka who don't have an energy at that just close her eyes and is waiting for her demise, Layla is still hugging her that her face is covered by her chest and cannot see the man infront of them. " It is warm... maybe dying in your arms here might be also good for me..." Lyka thought. The man who is watching the girls is now confuse , he is now persecuted by his conscience. " They are just kids, the same age as Blake . How can I kill them..." Fernan thought. Then they hear a thunder and rain starts to fall. At the edge of the cliff where Layla is tightly hugging her sister, the part of that land become soft because of the rain. It is a landslide, both of them fall. Fernan is shock at the same time worried for both life. He walk carefully but fast to the end of the cliff and see a little hand tightly holding the grass that is not part of the landslide. One hand is holding the grass up and one hand is holding her sister hand. " Please help us..I am now getting tired. I -- I cannot hold longer. " Layla pleads with her life and her sister's life. Fernan tried his best to get the little hand but because of the mud and rain , is hand is slippery. And he see that that land where he is standing have a possibility to landslide again. Both kids are equivalent to one a half adults plus the mud and the rainfall that is why Fernan is having a hard time pulling the liitle hand. " It is muddy and slippery. " Fernan burst out. " Layla , let go of me and live. " Lyka said. " No No No No! Never in my life that I will live without you! And mother and father! And Sven ! I will live forever with all of you! " she shout. " But mother said there is no forever? Father said we all dies but in diffirent way. " Lyka said her point. " Don't you ever release your hand from me , Lyka ! I will be forever not to talk to you! " Layla shout at this point . " Please! Please! If the gods are listening , hear my plea!!! Save us both for us to live with our mother and father !! I will sacrifice anything for us to be alive this time !! Please! Please! gods and mighty creator hear my prayer!" Layla don't have enough energy to speak out loud.

Layla feels that Lyka is trying to loosen her hands.After a minute Lyka let go of Layla's hand.

That time the god of time who is playing chess(as we call it in modern time) with the divine god of war heard the voice of a little girl. " Uncle, can you hear someone? " god of war ask not sure if it is an imagination. " You hear it too? " god of time ask. " Uncle you must remember your promised ... now is the time . " a voice of Yula that comes with the wind that only the god of time can hear. The god of time who have miss his niece is standing up and become alert. After Yula died he is waiting for her presence to visit him but she never did. Now, only this time because of that little girl prayer, he feel her presence and hear his beloved niece voice. For some reason he feel that he is the one who needs to do it , to save the little girl.

The god of time went back to his place and god of war followed him.

" You are here to watch my death , uncle? " Yula is now sleepy. She is dying because of her sickness. "My sweet child... I can give you more time to live , infact I can give you never ending life ." the god of time holds her hand. She use her strength to shakes her head and smile. " In this life I learned so many things. There are time to be happy , time to be sad , time to wait and there are time for everything. " she whispered.

Tired from work but still writing! Fighting!

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