
I Became Alien X & Trolled everyone

What if a bored guy who loves trolling people became one of the most op existences in the universe in his next reincarnation and got his old memories well that for u to find out in this fan fic of mine.

Moltem · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs


Zenith Held Rimuru and then floated above the clouds to SCP 231-7 house while he was flying he kept thinking in his mind.

'Hmm I wonder can alien x powers beat the scarlet king, if not I will just try getting more power to defeat him maybe also absorb his powers to get his powers and upgrade alien x's World laws'

(a/n: Basically for those who don't understand the bs I just made here uhh, I made alien x powers the omnipotence and stuff and called them world laws and if he absorbs more powerful beings his world laws will be more powerful, the meaning is killing more powerful enemies = become more omnipotent )

'I don't think I can just snap the scarlet king out of existence, since he's an existence above the elder gods and even more powerful than 682 (Big lizard), and the only known existence to equal him is the 2 death brother who cursed SCP 049 (Plague doctor)'

meanwhile, Rimuru just looked at Zenith and felt that he was thinking of something troublesome so he hugged zenith while wiggling around him trying to tickle him, Zenith was amused with his actions so he said.

"You're trying to cheer me up haha, You are really kind, But don't worry I will take care of everything for you don't worry."

Zenith then started speeding up while looking at multiple houses, he didn't wanna teleport to the woman to startle her, and he also knew multiple SCP foundation members are still following her, and they probably are locating her cause they know zenith stole SCP 999 (Rimuru) to show him to his SCP 231-7 (7th bride).

After a while of searching for it he then made a time stop while saying under his breath

"Za Warudo!"

He then located every foundation personal near Rimuru's mother and he then knocked them out and then time resumed, he then moved with Rimuru to his mother's house and then he kept knocking on the door till the door opened and a voice entered his ears.

"Hello, Who are you"

Zenith was confused about how she was normal and not a psychopath after all that torture

"Hello, I am zenith and this is Rimuru, I have something important to talk about may you invite us in it's about your son in the SCP foundation"

"Son? Scp foundation, Sorry I don't what you're talking about maybe you confused the house you wanted"

Zenith was confused cause she didn't seem to be lying

'Wrong house what? no, I am sure it's this one why else would the foundation guard this place, OH they probably used memory loss drugs on her, So he put his palm on her forehead.'

"Excuse what are you do--"

"Don't worry you will remember everything but I will take away the sensation of pain you felt so you don't recall the pain you felt there."

Suddenly Zenith eyes turned green and Rimuru's mother head had a green glowing outline on her and then Rimuru's mother started remembering everything how she was raised in the Children of the scarlet king's Cult and how she had 6 other girls raised together and they suddenly were pregnant and Children of the scarlet king's Cult hand kept saying they were the 7 brides of the scarlet king

And then she remembered how they preformed that surgery on her to make her not give birth and they didn't give her any pain relievers and purposely made the surgery more painful and they didn't even care for her screams but she remembers when the Children of the scarlet king's Cult hand got raided by people who call themselves the SCP foundation.

She thought they were gonna save her and her 6 friends but after they rescued her, But they just took her and her friends and then tortured her more, a lot of her friends commit suicide and after the disasters, they brought by giving birth, they prevent her from commit suiciding by tying her and not allowing her to swallow her tongue, all while feeling that torture she kept cursing her child, Why did I have to bear you, All this endless torture for a child I bore, She hated him from her core.

But strangely after all that the pain she received she didn't remember it as if it didn't exist she was happy and confused at the same time, But still her hate for her child didn't fade she wanted to kill her own child her own to arms strangling him slowly so he can feel all the pain she felt even thought that pain of strangling wasn't even 0.1/100th of the pain she felt.

"Now that you remember everything, let's talk I am zenith and this is your son Ri-"

The woman didn't care she just jumped at Rimuru trying to strangle him she held him by his neck but strangely Rimuru was just smiling while hugging her

"Die you bastard because of you I suffered from all that!"

Rimuru didn't care and just let take everything out she kept punching him and scratching him but he just smiled and kept hugging her and trying to tickle her


After a while she noticed she couldn't do any damage to Rimuru as if he was regenerating fast, so she broke down and then she kneeled on the floor crying while still cursing him but this time she was out of breath and was a low voice.

( a/n He's a slime, she's seeing the human form)

Zenith looked at rimuru and looked at the woman he didn't want to interrupt cause he felt that rimuru didn't want him to interrupt him, But he felt pity for both of them the mother and the child, so he muttered under his breath.

"What a wicked world we live in.."


Thank you victor1997 for correcting me about the people who held the 7 brides not being the serpent hand but the Children of the scarlet king's Cult