
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantaisie
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193 Chs

Chapter 89 - 89. The Phantom Thief Yorfang

In response to Bernice's question about his own appearance, he recited the true truth.

Bernice suddenly became quiet after my answer.

She would just put her head down, cover her own cheeks, and take her deep breaths.

It wasn't until I heard Innes' voice from the hallway that she hurriedly exchanged greetings and parted ways.

I tried to raise Bernice's favorability rating as much as possible during the day, so she must have made a good impression on me as her.

As long as she was interested in me, it seemed that there would be no trouble.

It wasn't until Sierra confirmed that Bernice was completely leaving that she popped out of her urethra.

[Bonnyeo? Isn't her original daughter also curious about things, such as what Sierra, the purple moon, looks like...]

Sierra was putting her hand to her own face... Copying her Bernice.

She subsequently describes her own features exactly as Bernice did hers.

Eventually, after all the explanations were over, I opened my mouth.

"Master is also beautiful."

[ ...Do? ]

Sierra's eyebrows rose at my answer.

Sierra slaps her hand away coldly.

Soon, her lips opened in her cold eyes.

[Disciple, I want to ask who is more beautiful...? ]


Even if you ask me, I have nothing to say.

Whether it was Bernice or Sierra, it was true that they had outstanding looks, and it was very difficult to determine who was more beautiful.

"I'm sure it's Master..."

Scratching her head, she answered.

Since Sierra is right in front of her eyes, wouldn't it be wise to lift her up?

[ ...How do you wait? Lie! You dare to tell lies in front of the original girl...! ]

Eventually Sierra pointed her finger at me and started staring.

... She had told her that Bernice could tell the truth from her lies.

"Haha, that could be..."

Despite my reply, Sierra's narrowed eyes showed no sign of returning to her original state.

Even when looking at the Sword Saint, a similar feeling of life was emanating from it.

I left that Sierra and let out a cough and went on the road.

As always at times like this, the answer was to change the topic.

"Kuhmm... I have something to do before I go back to the dormitory."

Soon Sierra follows me and puts her head in.

[ What to do? This time...? ]

"I heard that the lights in the whole city went out... There's something suspicious. ...If you're a thief, wouldn't this be your target?"

[Umm... Ah, you're referring to the 'Danger' that used to be called Yorpang. Certainly in the current situation... But, did such rumors really circulate? ]

"Sure. Hearing rumors... It's not that hard."

Sierra, who was staring at me, looks at my ear.

Well, even if it was information that I knew through the game, it wasn't wrong because the rumors were actually true and the rumors were true.

It would not be difficult to catch a small whisper whispered among a large crowd, but the 'excellent sense' that reached level 10 made it possible.

Then Sierra crossed her arms again and said.

[ ...How did you know where he went? ]

"According to what I've heard... They said they gave notice that they would steal something 'precious' from the academy."

The phantom thief Yorfang had the same cliché-like characteristics common to phantom thieves in other media who predict what he will steal.

However, this time, the item to be stolen was not specifically specified. No, I guess I didn't.

This should have been seen as something that would damage Jorfang's face, but he decided that if he didn't do this, he wouldn't be able to steal what he wanted.

Looking back, it made sense.

Characteristics of Innocence Academy.

Moreover, it was also a problem that it was an open class period.

Beings outside the standard, such as the Archmage, the Sword Saint, and the Saint, were walking around the academy openly.

Even as Yorfang, he would have wanted to avoid confronting them head-on.

[It's precious... I don't know what's precious, and when it comes to making money for outsiders, the first thing that comes to mind is the armory. ]

"Armory seems like it, too. But..."

I slurred my words and moved on.

As Sierra said, robbing the Academy's arsenal full of all sorts of mystical weapons would be of great value.

In fact, the academy will be thoroughly guarding the arsenal with this in mind.

Yorfang aimed at this.

Because the arsenal is so wide, a lot of people have been invested.

Security elsewhere is relatively lax.

What Jorphang was aiming for was a kind of 'magic stone' called 'the world tree's dew', which was responsible for supplying the entire city with magic power.

Located somewhere underground in the city, this manastone alone was responsible for the entire city's magical power consumption, but it had an enormous value.

Of course, things like her money aren't that important to her.

Even from the academy's point of view, few people even knew of this existence, so 'Could you come to steal this?' I remember that I didn't pay much attention to it.

First of all, since I played the game hard, I don't know the exact location of the 'Dew on the World Tree'.

Since the supply of magic power had stopped a long time ago, it had to be seen as a situation where Yorpang had successfully stolen the goods.

Even so, I was able to relax because I knew that Yorfang would come to steal a painting hanging in the main building without leaving the academy right away.

For him, it was like a bonus.

The very old painting is famous for being a mysterious painting that neither the cadets nor the instructors know why it is hanging.

This was a picture of an old warrior's party.

It is probably a picture that the wise man hung up a long time ago.

And the picture of the warrior party was very close, just a few steps away from the place where he had parted with Bernice.

It was going through the checkout.

In fact, nothing big will happen just because you don't catch Jorphang.

I don't know how it is, but in the game, the dew of the world tree and the picture of the warrior party she stole are restored in less than a day. Not to mention the things she stole.

However, I didn't hear the news that Yorfang was captured, but I think someone at the academy solved it quietly.

What I was aiming for was different.

After catching Yorfang in the game, I was able to rob her of her belongings, and there was one very nice item among them.

It is the 'subspace pocket'.

It was an item with the concept of expanding inventory slots for players who already had an 'inventory'... But I didn't have an inventory, so this meant a lot to me.

'Then, how do I stun Yorfang...'

You couldn't kill Yorfang in the game.

It might be right to say that I shouldn't have killed him.

In the first place, Yorfang, who was busy running away without fighting properly, somehow cut down on his stamina to the end, but only reached a fainting judgment.

He was a famous thief, so I couldn't kill him for stealing things or for cleaning up.

'But right now, it seems like I'll die easily if I cut it with a sword.'

Yorfang was only excellent at running away, but his combat power was not strong.

No matter how much I thought about it, if I cut off his head like a game, I would see a fountain of blood gushing from Yorfang's neck.

I didn't have any means to capture Yorfang.

At least I could use reverse cloth to quickly cut off his ankle... The idea was coming to mind.

But he thinks there is no need to see blood.

I decided to think about it some more as I walked towards the painting with Sierra.

Sierra quietly followed me, looking at me with the feeling that she was up to something again, as always.


"Hmm~ Hmm~ Hmm~"

A woman was walking her way humming her song.

In her hand was a jewel the size of her fist.

The dew of the world tree.

I heard that it was a magic stone with that name.

She couldn't believe that this little thing was lighting up the whole city.

A woman slowly looks around her.

The whole city was immersed in darkness.

All of this was the result of what this woman had done.

People used to call her that.

'The Phantom Thief Yorfang.'

However, even this name was learned thanks to a notice sent by Yorfang, and there was no detailed information about whether Yorfang was male, female, or elderly.

Yorfang was such an outstanding thief.

As a child, Yorfang, who grew up in the slums, was pickpocketing on the streets just to get through the day.

She was quite talented.

Her dexterity differed from that of other orphans of her age.

After accidentally obtaining a 'magic thread' that can be manipulated at will, she has a bigger goal.

It's not just about getting through the day... Let's have everything we want.

Was it some kind of compensation psychology?

Yorfang had so many things he wanted.

As she got to know the world, the things she wanted continued to increase.

She didn't know her satisfaction.

No, she wasn't satisfied.

Yorfang, who obtained her magic thread and obtained material abundance faster and more easily than before, lost something of her.


When she was pickpocketing in the slums, she felt full and she lost that thrill.

Jorphan was pervert.

She didn't feel it when the stimulus was enough, but when the stimulus went away, she wanted more.

So one day, she ends up sending her notice before stealing her things.

When her notice was sent, her security became tight and Yorfang could feel the thrill of her again.

After that, she grew bolder.

At some point, when she came to her senses, she was known as 'The Phantom Thief Yorfang' on the continent.

She was now living up to people's expectations and the value of her name, not stimulation.

In the meantime, 'Innocence Academy' comes into Yorfang's eyes.

An educational institution where promising young people from all over the continent gather in one place. It was so closed-minded that not much information was released to the public.

Yorfang decided to aim for the 'open class period' when many outsiders flocked to such Innocence Academy.

But even as she herself, she couldn't write down in detail what she was going to steal in this her notice.

It's because the 'outsiders' were too grandiose even if they were grandiose.

It was her intention to do things on the third day, not the first or the second.

According to the information she had, by the second day, everyone was in the Colosseum, she said.

So there is no audience to watch her own 'show'.

So it was the third day.

The corner of her mouth went up, and Yorfang put the 'dew on the world tree' she was holding into her pocket.

Then, the clamor of those who do not know what happened is sweetly heard in her ears.

As she had predicted, she stole valuables from Innocence Academy.

She stole the 'light' from the academy.

I really liked the night view of the dark city that lost the light.

Among people, sorcerers begin to use their magic to light the fire. There were quite a few of them carrying torches.


Feeling primitive in its appearance, she snorted at her.

In the meantime, her presence is mentioned in the buzz that has been heard around.

It's Yorfang.

The thief Yorfang's actions were clear.

Yorfang naturally passed by those who were so whispered.

Sensing her presence, they met her eyes and turned her head again to share her story.

No one doubted her.


Yorfang looks down at her own attire.

Before she did her job, she had stolen the uniform of an unknown cadet who had sneaked into the dormitory.

It just wasn't the right size for her size.

A lot of space was left, especially around her chest.

Yorfang pauses her legs for a moment.

Jorphin himself didn't have any confidence in her body, but it was because I thought that even if the difference was great, she was too harsh.

After clearing her head, Yor Fang moved her feet again.

She had no intention of staying at the academy for long.

But she couldn't give up the 'picture' she had seen on the first day.

She was a very old painting, and as she was interested in art, she couldn't get past her hands.

"...That's about it."

It was when Yorfang muttered that she was turning around the corner of her hallway, illuminated by the moonlight.

As she remembered, the painting was visible on the other side of her hallway.

However, a person was standing in front of the painting.

'You're looking at the painting despite all this chaos?'

Jorfang had such a question, and she approached him.

She observed him with the moonlight illuminating the hallway.

The calm-looking man with black hair had white bandages around his eyes.

'Ah, that's him.'

Yorfang thought.

She says there is a blind prosecutor, but the cadet must be this guy.

Just then, a luxurious sword stood out from his waist.

Because Jorfang was not interested in the cadets' battles, he never went to the Colosseum himself.

He was only able to guess his true identity because he could only hear the conversations people were having while stealing things on the street.

Only then did Yorfang understand.

Why is this man here?

If you were blind, you wouldn't even know if it was dark around you.

However, Yorfang had a small question.

Soon after, Yorfang approached him cautiously and asked.

"Excuse me, what are you doing here...?"

Even if it was Jorpang, the sight of the blind man looking at the painting felt very strange, so I couldn't just ignore it.

Then, he who was looking at the painting turned his head towards Yorfang.


The man's head is tilted.

"Would you like me to stay still in front of the painting...?"

Yorfang asked again.

Then, the man who pointed forward with his finger gave a clear tone of bewilderment, as if asking what he was talking about.

"...Was there a picture here?"