
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
193 Chs

Chapter 72 - Trace, Trace

"The demon's blood scent is terrible no matter when you smell it."

I said that and slowly looked around the room.

This room, which used to be the waiting room for the actors belonging to the troupe, has become a mess due to the aftermath of the battle.

Inside the room, demonic body parts were scattered, and menacing sword scars engraved on the walls came into view.

"Did you say that you are a theater actor who has been making a name for yourself recently? This is the first time this has happened."

I looked at the face of the demon with all its limbs cut off, placed in one corner of the room, and said.

'Why are these guys who always acted in the dark...?'

The question was not easily resolved.

I could somehow understand being in the theater, but getting punched in the face as an actor was another story.

Perhaps he was targeting nobles, especially high-ranking officials, who came to see the play.

"What do you think of Inez?"

I asked the leader of the Silver Wing Knights, Inès, who was watching this from the side.

After looking around her room, she turns her head to me.

"Hmm... Although it was chaotic, it seems that the battle ended faster than expected. Both sides had menacing speed... But the unknown swordsman seems to have been faster."

"I see, besides... I didn't take the horns."

While answering Innes' explanation, I approached the corpse of a completely dismembered demon, bent my legs, and inspected the horn on its forehead.

The horns were dark red in color.

It wasn't even the demons of the 'black horn', but it would have required considerable force to deal with alone.

Remnants of demonic energy were leaking from its cracked horns.

How many humans have died at the hands of these dirty demons.

I snapped my fingers to purify the demon energy remaining in the room and stood up.

'Does not taking the horn mean that I do not belong to any country or organization?'

The demon's horn was basically a means to prove that he had defeated the demon.

"What information can you find out from the sword scars? A certain school of swordsmanship..."

I approached Inès, who was staring at the sword marks on the wall, and asked.

"I'm picturing what the battle would have been like... At first I thought it was a swordsmanship, but I don't think this is a swordsman. Because swordsmanship doesn't leave such rough marks. The swordsmanship is a bit more neat. He said he scratched the wall himself with his sword... Right there."

Innes pointed with her finger towards the far entrance of the room.

It's not a sword sword, so how can a sword reach this far?

It was nonsensical, but the present Innes was not telling lies.

That's how much he believed in his own thoughts.

Since he didn't have extensive knowledge of swordsmanship, he had to believe what Innes, who belonged to the round, a knight of the round table, said.

Knights of the Round Table.

Also called 'round'.

It refers to ten of the best knights on the continent.

Originally, there were twelve seats in the round, but one seat was left vacant after the original rounder died, and the other seat was left as the seat of the swordsman.

The swordsman threatened not to join the round, but they still left his place.

"I think this is the first swordsmanship I've ever seen, saintess. I'm sorry I couldn't help you."

Ines, who was examining the traces, lowered her head and said,

"...Innes, raise your head. Whoever it is, it's enough if you can figure out the intentions of this unknown person who found the demons that we weren't aware of and secretly dealt with."

I walked around the room and looked around.

A body part that has been cut into several pieces.

Did he inevitably cut it off in the middle of the battle?

Did he even get pleasure from killing demons?

Or was it just because he wanted to hurt him?

For a moment, I was immersed in my thoughts as I kept my eyes on the somewhat cruel sight.

A commotion is heard from outside the room.

Soon, one of the members hurriedly enters the waiting room and shouts.

"Saintess! The golden lions have arrived...!"

Knights of the Golden Lion.

They belonged to the Kingdom of Terrasia, and were a knighthood that caught demons hiding in the land of humans similar to us.

There is an unwritten rule that dealing with demons doesn't care about country, race, or jurisdiction, so why did they come here so late?

"Get out of the way!"

Soon after, a blonde man wearing golden armor, representing the Golden Lion, enters the room with his men.

"...Sir Terlos, long time no see."

Terlos Okentia.

He was the leader of the Golden Lion Knights.

"I thought there were a lot of things with wings on the way, but the saintess came personally."

"I'm in front of the saintess. You'd better be careful with your words, Terlos."

Innes responded in a sharp voice to Terlos' insulting words. In response, Terlos said, 'Oops.' And spread both palms.

"It's okay, Innes. So... Why did you come here?"

My chilling voice echoed throughout the room, and Terlos looked at the subordinate next to him and opened his mouth.

"It's nothing else, because the demons here are the demons our subordinates dealt with."

"I heard that his horn is still stuck in his forehead?"

Innes immediately refuted Terlos' absurd assertion.

"Well... He forgot to bring his horn, haha!"

Terlos laughed awkwardly and tapped the shoulder of the subordinate standing next to him.

"...It's my first solo subjugation... I'm sorry. Hehe..."

Soon, his subordinate also scratched his cheek and gave a fishy smile.

"Puww... Sir Terlos. Have you prepared a play because this is a theater? It's a very ridiculous play. How about practicing a little more..."

When I, who was watching them, burst into laughter and said that, Terlos' eyes fluttered with bewilderment.

They were spouting lies.

A peculiar unpleasant aura was clearly felt.

There was no error in the ability given by the Lord.



Then, as I quietly called Ines, the new model of hers standing next to her disappeared for a moment, then appeared in front of Terlos's subordinate and pointed a sword at his throat.

"Did you dare tell a lie in front of the saintess, the apostle of the Lord?"

Immediately, Inez's bloody voice followed.

Terlos' man was terrified and his body trembled.

"Wh-what are you doing! Innes!"

Terlos also tried to draw his sword right away, but his foolish action was blocked by my words.

"If you draw the sword as it is, I won't stand still either. Lord Terlos probably doesn't know that the cause is always with us."

Terlos, who had been hit by me, stopped moving and was unable to utter a word.

I looked at him and said.

"If a new saintess appeared, she shouldn't have looked at the abilities she possessed. Let's go back now, Lord Terlos. I'll pass on this rudeness."


In the end, Terlos's men who couldn't overcome Injes' murderousness were hit and fell backwards.

'That a guy like that single-handedly subdued demons... Isn't even funny.'

Although Iñez had told me that Terlos, the leader of the Golden Lion Knights, was a much more foolish person than he looked, I didn't expect him to be this stupid.

"...Go back."

After Terlos said that, he kicked his prostrate subordinate and left the room.

His men immediately got up and went after him.

"How come the kingdom's bastards are always late with information... I don't think they know what the saintess' ability is..."

"It could be. Didn't Inez say that Terlos was just a scarecrow anyway?"

"Yes. I wasn't there this time, but the vice-captain of the Golden Lion. It's safe to say that he's leading the Golden Lion, not the captain."

"Terlos is stupid, so it's easy to use."

"...I'm sure he's up to something. I don't know if he didn't plan this time, or what his intentions were."


I drool as I listened to Innes' explanation.

Vice-captain of the Golden Lion Knights.

He hadn't even met him at the place where he regularly reported the subjugation of demons to the allied forces.

I think I'll have to meet him to get a sense of what kind of person he is, but he seldom showed up.

At that time, Ines said 'Ah.' It comes to me with a sound.

As she approaches me, she opens her mouth.

"The word information reminded me, but there was information about an acupuncturist who was praised as a 'blind saint' in a small village not far from this city."

"It reminds me of the blind acupuncturist Anthony met. Maybe he stopped by in that town."

"Yes, I heard that he went around the town treating people. And..."


"There was information from an informant in this city that he seemed to have seen a man with a white bandage covering his eyes last night. Was not near a theater."

"Hmm... Are they the same person?"

"A blind man who covers his eyes with a bandage... If there is reliable information, it seems highly likely that they are the same person... But a picture of a blind acupuncturist handling a sword and catching even a hidden demon is not well drawn."

"Hehe... I agree. It's quite interesting."

He smiled at Inez's competence and looked at the horribly slaughtered 'demon tribe' on the other side.

No matter how you look at it, these traces seem to contain a lot of emotions... I wonder if there was a grudge against this demon.

It wouldn't hurt to visit the village where it seems clear that he was.


The same goes for Antony's daughter, Emilia.

What kind of person is he that everyone he meets puts such a voice in his mouth?

If the person who slain the demons and the person who healed Anthony's daughter were the same person, then he was both armed and dispositional, and it seemed that nothing was missing.

If he didn't belong anywhere, he was a talent he wanted to recruit into the Knights.


I found the 'Black Hand' near the academy to dig up Krektar's information.

They were the ones who hid the location of the branch one by one because it was not an information guild, but there was one person who had already accumulated a kite in the black hand.

After entering her branch, I pulled on my robe and entered the room where she was.

"Hehe, is Aisel here?"

Lying down on the desk, she didn't even look at me, but she recognized my identity at once.

Even the small information that I was approaching this place would have entered her ears as the 'branch manager', so it was natural if it was natural.

"Do you know how sad I am that you haven't come to visit me lately?"

Even though it's been a long time since I've seen her, she always greeted me with a smirk.

The more the regression, the more it was repeated, the more I didn't need to use the information guild, so it was inevitable for me.

"Oswald. Tell me if he has a hiding place, and if so, where it is."

I ignored her complaining about being upset and sat down on her chair in front of her desk, facing her and going straight to her point.

"Oswald... You mean the famous theater actor?"


Answering her, her teeth gnashed.


However, the name Krektar was more familiar to me.

It was one of those disgusting demons who came to kill me every time on the same day, killed my family and clan, and used me as a test subject.

The massacre of the Lüdwig clan happened when I was very young... Before I even attached myself to the family.

The regression I was experiencing was also a kind of 'curse' that came about when I was taken as a test subject and subjected to experiments.

Fortunately, they don't even know that I'm a regressor.

Among them, Krektar was unique.

I never dreamed that I would be an actor in a play based on the theme of demons living in hiding in the land of humans.

It may have been information that I would have never known because I was not interested in plays.

If it hadn't been for the last episode, while walking around the city with Jeto, I had accidentally bumped into him in front of a theater.

At that time, I killed him with Jeto.

Since he killed him right away, there was no time to dig up information about him.

'We were together then...'

Memories of fighting Zeto come back.

A bitter taste lingered in his mouth.

I immediately cleared my head.

This time, I was going to kill him alone.

Now, it seemed possible to easily subdue him and torture him by himself.

At that time, the words that came out of the branch manager's mouth were somewhat absurd.

"I don't think you're going to see a play... So maybe you're interested in demons?"

The branch manager who stood up from his desk asked me while stretching himself.

'Even if he had a black hand, he wouldn't have been able to know that Oswald was a Demon Crektar...'

...But why did the word demon come out of her mouth?

I could understand the reason from her softly continued words.

"Oswald was found horribly butchered. With horns growing from his forehead. He said he had been cut into several pieces... Ugh. It was so horrible that I stopped reading the report."

Someone killed Krek'Thar before me.