
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantaisie
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193 Chs

Chapter 43 - Pleasure

Chapter 43 - Pleasure


It is also often expressed that the film is cut.

I don't know if it's because I lost my mind or because I lost my memory after that.

Unknowingly, your body moving on its own and wandering around somewhere is definitely not a very good experience.

'I wonder if it overlaps with the instructors' dinner...'

Reina's personality is as reckless as her fighting style.

Besides, she drank, so... It wasn't a ding-kang that a mediocre cadet could block.

I pushed aside Eisel and Sierra, who were staring at me, and sewed the buttons on my shirt one by one.

Around the time I buttoned up my shirt.

I heard someone's footsteps approaching the room.

She opens her mouth as she enters the open door.

"Are you awake?"

The owner of the voice was Priscilla.

'Then this is... Priscilla's house.'

Overall, the interior was clean and there was not a single piece of furniture in a striking color.

Priscilla was getting ready for work, but she was in her underwear, her shirt off.

Perhaps because she thought I was blind, she felt no shame in the way she dressed herself.

Just like when you teach me acupuncture.

Priscilla's voluptuous figure was enough to awaken her senses from the time she taught me her acupuncture.

'...Looking back now, it's fortunate that there were no acupoints in important areas.'

Her face heats up as she thinks of Priscilla, who taught her acupuncture.

It's because after the level of her excellent senses went up, she actually had a pretty good memory for her senses.

Then, while I was sitting on the bed, Priscilla approached me with a bewitching gait.

Soon, Priscilla stood by the bed and quietly examined my condition.

Then she puts her hand out and puts her on my forehead.

"...I thought he had a fever because his face was red. Well, fortunately, he doesn't have a fever."

Priscilla seemed to have misunderstood whether I was sick or not.

"I don't remember, but what happened? The shirt is untied, Miss Eisel is sleeping next to me..."

I told her to clear her head of her headache from her hangover and the sensations of her shimmering Priscilla brushing her skin.

"You stretch, then Eisel stretches... Even if it's Kaliman and Reina, can't we put you guys there too? So I brought them home. I live alone and only have one bed... Thanks to that, my neck is sore from sleeping on the sofa. Did."

Then Priscilla grabbed her own neck, turned her head, and opened her closet beside her bed to get her clothes, she said.


Eisel, who was sitting next to her, stared at Priscilla and wrapped her blanket tightly without saying anything.

"Usually, when something like this happens, I wonder if it would have been better for me, as a man, to sleep on the sofa separately, haha..."

"Still, it's been a long time since I've been here, so I'll have to give you a bed. Otherwise, I'll feel uncomfortable. Besides, both of you can't move well because you're drunk."

"Thank you for taking care of me. ...Did anything else happen during the night?"

I smiled at Priscilla and thanked her, then asked her most important question.

Maybe I muttered something I shouldn't have mentioned in my drunkenness, or I crossed the line between a man and a woman that shouldn't be crossed... Anyway, that shouldn't have happened.

In particular, the murmur was so important that I had to ask Sierra again to confirm it.

"...Anything different? Eisel kept clinging to you the night before? But what you're worried about hasn't happened, I guarantee you. I don't know about the shirt either."

Priscilla replied, glancing at my shirt.

I was worried because I was involved with two secretive people, but it was fortunate.

It looks like Priscilla wasn't really doing anything different unless she was acting.

"What made you worry so much?"

Eisel, who was listening to Priscilla with her, spoke with a voice mixed with laughter.

I tried to ignore Eisel's question.

This made it clear that what had just happened was a joke on her part.


"...Caught up?"

Saying that, she turned her head in the direction where Aisel was.

"Recently, I've gotten into the habit of holding something to sleep..."

Eisel, who had only her face sticking out with the blanket wrapped around my questioning voice, lowered her head and muttered in a low voice.

...The reason is cute, so let's move on.

It wasn't just Kali, who had a dull beard, but Eisel was a bit stuck in her sleep, so there was no reason to dislike it.

However, Sierra, who was behind Eisel, seemed to have a different idea.

[Disciple, it was a nice sight to see...? ]

Sierra, unable to tell whether she was laughing or angry, said that to me.

There was an unknown eerie feeling in her characteristic languid voice.

After that, Sierra goes into the urethra.

Sierra taught me her 'trick' to not lose her mind, but she failed her.

Watching this, I brushed my hair back thinking about how to handle the aftermath.

"By the way, aren't you guys going to school?"

Priscilla, who packed her clothes and left the room, spoke to us who were still in her bed.

When I thought about it, if Priscilla, the academy's medical officer, was preparing to go to work, there was a high possibility that we, the students, would be late.

First of all, going to school came first.


Sierra went into the urethra and still didn't come out.

After she moved her soul into the urethra, she seldom entered the urethra.

'It looks like it's pretty tight...'

I guess I won't be able to talk to her until I get back to her dormitory.

The reward was finally received when it was time to leave Priscilla's house.

I put off the pleasant worries about where to spend the money for a while.

...And as expected, Eisel and I were late.

When Edward saw that Eisel and I went to school late together, he said, 'Huh?' He let out a kind of exclamation, and then quickly told me to go back to my seat.

I quickly went back to my seat to avoid the eyes of the class A cadets, but Yuri was waiting there with a face full of question marks.

Yuri, who hesitated for a long time after that, asks me a question in a small voice during class.

"Um, did the two of you get late together?"

"Ah, that's what..."

I was about to continue the explanation to solve Yuri's question.

"Because I drank and slept with Jeto."

Eisel, who was on the other side of the glass, cut me off and came in with words full of misunderstandings.

Eisel looked at the glass and tilted her head.

"Huh...? Sleep together...?

Yuri muttered that upon hearing Eisel's words, then turned her head toward me.

"I wonder what would have happened if that wasn't a lie."

The eyes of Yuri, who spoke to me in a cold voice, were dead.

It wasn't a lie, but a very long explanation was needed because of Eisel's remarks that would cause quite a few misunderstandings.

Fortunately, when the talk of the instructors' dinner, especially her duty officer, Priscilla, came out, Yuri finally returned to her usual face, as if her misunderstanding had been resolved.

"Hmm... Zeto is weak in alcohol. Then it would have been better if he drank in moderation, but Eisel has a knack for misleading people."

After hearing all of my explanation, Yuri came up with a theory, then tilted her head over me and looked at Eisel and said,


Eisel responded silently to Yuri's words.

Because I was in trouble because I was caught between the two, I changed the topic and answered after Yuri's words.

"Due to Instructor Reina's personality, it was difficult to refuse. Plus, she was drunk..."

"...Well, if it's Instructor Reina, it's worth it."

Yuri nodded her head, probably thinking of Reina, whom he had run into several times while passing by.

Shortly thereafter, Yuri takes a good look at Edward, who was in class, to see if I still have questions, and avoids his gaze, and Yuri whispers to me again.

"...By the way, Zeto, I heard you're going to have a sparring match with a class C cadet? Really?"


"Yeah, did you say Kaen...? She remembers him handling a sword as well."

"How do you know that Miss Yuri?"

"Rumors like that have been circulating among the cadets since the morning, right? It seems that more attention has been paid to the cadets from Class A and Class C."

From Yuri's words that followed, I knew at once that my plan had gone awry.

'Should this be considered a rumor intentionally spread by Kaen...'

Only me, Kaen, and Sierra knew about Dalian... Kaen was the only reason for rumors.

Originally, it did not get such a hot reaction as the sparring between the students.

It seems that the fact that he gained fame due to the Lycanthrope Incident the other day had a big effect.

'Is it the same as liking attention...'

It seems that the rumors were spread without explanation to me, the person in charge.

Considering Kaen's personality and purpose, it means that this sparring is not just a sparring from the moment when the situation arises that she intentionally spread rumors.

Perhaps this was the purpose from the beginning.

She had been requesting sparring before my fame.

But the important thing is that Kaen's purpose was clearly visible now.

It will be a mindset to win people's attention at once by winning over me, who has a high reputation through Dalian.

As Sierra requested, I was planning to return the couple, but it seems that it is not easy to return it under the circumstances.

I don't know if it's because of a series of events or because of a hangover, but my head is pounding.

I think I should meet Kaen in person and have a close talk.


"Is it really okay for me to eat alone?!"

A girl with pink pigtails sitting across from her looks at the piece of cake on her table with a bright face on her face.


"I couldn't eat it because it was expensive, but thank you! Ehehe..."

Kaen laughs stupidly, not taking her eyes off her piece of cake.

'Come to think of it, Kaen did occasionally work part-time in the city...'

He is a disciple of the Sword Saint, but as for why he has no money, in the first place, the swordsman does not have much money.

Still, considering the position of the swordsman, it is more correct to say that he is not very interested in money rather than having no money.

He was very humble.

As soon as class was over, he took Caen, who was in Class C, to the cafe.

I already knew through the game that Kaen would like the desserts at this cafe.

Kaen, full of anticipation, puts the finely cut piece of cake into her mouth.

Soon, her face melted away.

'He eats very well...'

I don't know anything else, but until this reaction, it wouldn't be acting.

"...Miss Kaen, I heard a rumor about Dalian."

As I, who had been watching her, went straight to her point, Kaen's body, which was messing with her cake, stopped and wiped her mouth.

"I was going to tell you anyway, but hehe... A friend from my class brought up a story about Cadet Jetto, so we started talking about Cadet Jetto..."

"Thanks to that, it seems that there are more eyes to watch Dalian."

"That's right, it's just an ordinary sparring... Cadet Zeto seems to have become much more famous than I thought. Oh, I thought what happened in the labyrinth was cool too!"

As I watched Kaen's gloomy fuss, I managed to hold back her sigh.

'By now, Kaen is probably level 30.'

Since Kaen was a special character, her level was incredibly high from the start.

My level was now level 25, so even with a simple calculation, it was 5 levels higher.

Kaen knows very well that she is strong.

So she must be looking down on me that much.

However, since she has reverse heaven, her chances of winning were good enough as long as she didn't use her swordsman's sword skills.

As for me, I had no intention of hiding the inverse, and there was no reason to do so.

No, considering the fundamental reason Sierra made her reverse, she might be able to win even if Kaen pulls out her swordsmanship.

But she looks the best in the picture where she wins before she unleashes her swordsman's swordsmanship to keep things as uncomplicated as possible.

Coincidentally, Chapter 1 of Yeokcheon was suitable for inflicting a critical blow on an unwary opponent.

Looking at Kaen's flimsy performance, I sensed that her purpose was aligned with what I had in mind.

Then what you had to do was simple.

"...So Dalian is tomorrow?"

I tapped on her table and spoke to Kaen.

"Are you okay?! If you don't have time..."

"No, let's do it tomorrow. I'm sure the other cadets will remember it that way, and if there are a lot of spectators, the sparring will be fun."

I cut off Kaen's excited voice and said,


Kaen is taken aback for a moment, as if she hadn't expected me to agree so easily.

"...Is it so!"

Within seconds, Kaen answered as if she had finished her calculations in her head.

I looked at Kaen with her soft smile.

I don't know when or what caused her relationship with Kaen to start in such a twisted way, but as much as Kaen acted on her own, I plan to twist her plan to the fullest.

Kaen was treating me as just a tool to get the pleasure she wanted from her.

As for me, I have no intention of letting Kaen use me as a tool.

After the conversation, Kaen started eating the cake again.

Meanwhile, I thought about Sierra, who seemed to have no intention of entering the urethra and coming out, and naturally touched the handle of the urethra at the waist.

'How can I relieve Sierra's mood...'