
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
193 Chs

Chapter 173 - 173. The Cage (Complete)

Eisel went to the inn room where Jeto was staying late at night.

It was not a normal visit with a knock on the door.

Because she saw Jetto standing near the wide open window.

Jetto was not sleeping.

Thanks to the Bracelet of Prayer, she didn't feel any physical fatigue, so she didn't have to sleep, and it was because she recognized Eisel's approach right away through her senses.

Eisel approached the window.


"... Miss Eisel."

"You said you were looking for me?"

Eisel, who hadn't used honorifics even when the two of them were together, lightly climbed over her window sill and entered the room, she said.

"Yes. More than that, the reason I'm here is..."

"There are ways."

"...Well, that's what it must have been."

Jeto asked knowingly.

Aizel responded calmly.

Entering the room, Eisel looked inside her with her sullen face.

Soon after, Jeto, who was wearing a coat, asked.

"...Are you not going back?"

Won't she go back to the academy?

It was a formal question for the sake of naturalness.

"What if I can't go back?"

"Then I can't help it."

"Jetto is back."

Eisel also decided to try persuading her with words.

If he gave up now.

Because we won't hurt each other any more.

"...Would you like that?"

"I'll go back when everything is over."

"What is everything?"

"There is such a thing."

So please come back from here.

Aizel said so.


Zeto was silent.

There was no way I could do that.

He decided to take out his hand first.

"Shall we just run away together? Leaving everything behind."

Eisel, hearing Jeto's voice, thought.


You choose that way

He really hasn't changed.

At that time, his words sounded really sweet.

It was the same even now.

After following him, nothing really happened, and Eisel was able to avoid being killed by his demons. He was able to survive

Well, it was all lies invented by Jeto.

There was no way he could escape from them so easily... Eisel at the time was lost in a sweet dream and couldn't come to his senses.

But this time it's different.

Because he knows everything he's going to do next.

Eisel also decided to take out the hand she had prepared.

"...I guess so."

Eisel postponed.

Pretend to be heartbroken.

He pretends to be led by his seduction.

"Is there a place you want to go to? Like the sea."

"I want to go to the sea too, but..."

She smiled broadly as she approached Jetto.

I hope that bright smile will be conveyed to him.

When this is all over, I hope that this bright smile won't contain a single lie.

Eisel with a bright smile continued her words.

"There was a place I wanted to go to from a long time ago."

"Wherever Miss Aisel goes..."

Soon, Jeto also smiles.

"...I'll follow you wherever you go."



We were moving our feet to the "Cage" For Zeto.

Which way would be better

I pondered over and over again.

Imprisoning him by force seemed unfortunately close to impossible.

I had to give up the method of relying on drugs such as sleeping pills. In the first place, Jeto used that method on me before, so will it work for him?

I will definitely be suspicious and deal with it.

So I'm not the way...

...Decided to choose a place.

He needed a safe place to hold Jetto for at least a few days.

"...What kind of place is it? A place called the gap in the demon realm."

Jeto asked me.

We were on our way there.

Gap in the devil.

It was a strange terrain between the Kingdom of Terrasia located at the center of the continent and the Holy Kingdom located in the west.

A cliff of unfathomable depth entering the plain. It is known that many monsters lurk beneath that basement.

Previously called the Cliff of Asceticism, this place also became a place to check the skills of adventurers who made monster subjugation their business.

To become a platinum-grade adventurer or something, you have to mine a special ore that only grows in the cracks of the demon world.

There are separate entrances and exits, and of course we headed towards the entrance.

Strangely, thanks to the barriers near the entrance and exit, monsters cannot come in and out, so monsters in the gaps in the demon world do not flow backwards.

"It's a fun place to just listen to the description."

Jeto smiled lightly as he listened to my explanation.

"Do you know that Kurden of the Flash?"

"Oh, I've heard of it. You must be one of the Knights of the Round Table, right?"

"Yeah, Kurden once entered a rift in the demon realm, and he set a record and got out the fastest."

"How many days did it take?"

"In normal cases, it is known that it takes about a week to two weeks... But Kurden said he got out in just two days."

"That's great. Are we going to go in and try to set a record?"

"No, just to watch."

I thought with a light smile.

Kurden of the Flash, which is famous for its quick sword and outstanding speed, also took two days.

Although he died, Zeto, who had a track record of defeating many demons at once, including Murka, would not be dangerous in the gap in the demon realm.

Even so, it was unlikely that he would return faster than Kurden. Even if Jeto was faster than Kurden, there was a calculation that it would take a day.

The gap in the demon realm is that deep and wide.

There is only one day left until the final battle.

Now that I'm on the wagon, it will take a day to reach the gap in the Pandemonium. At that time, after locking Zeto in the 'cage', I planned to prepare for the decisive battle right away.

The plan seemed perfect.

Unless Jetto, who had the same thoughts as me, pushed me off the cliff first.

Of course, I didn't mean to do that.

'...More than that.'

What's even more bizarre is that around this time, the demons' attack, which should have started immediately, still hasn't happened.


I quietly took a look at Jeto, who was sitting quietly in the carriage.

He only tapped his fingers now and then, and wasn't even swinging his sword.

If the man right in front of me isn't blocking the attack, then who the hell is blocking it?

It was the same as last time.

There have been no raids since I was with Zeto.

I guessed that in the previous episode, he would have been taking advantage of the demons while avoiding my gaze by buying food or snacks.

But this time, aren't they riding in the carriage together? There was no time to escape my gaze.

Is it just that the attack is delayed?

If that's not the case, is there no attack this time?

Is it a coincidence or an anomaly?

I couldn't get a feel for it at all.


"...He's dying again."

Albed, who was on the horse, looked at the map and said.

On the map, Eisel's location was shown in real time through the tracker he had created.

It was clear that he was riding a wagon or horse, judging from the considerable speed.

Albed tried to send her demons nearby to drive her away, but no news came back from her.

'I asked if I saw a platinum-haired girl, I'd tell you the news right away...'

The demons were disappearing without saying a word.

Albed had a special ability.

As one of the Legionnaire's many children, he inherited one of the Legionnaire's powers.

The power to lead weak demons.

Because he was still at a low level, he was not an army, but he was the one who could control the number of small units in real time.

As long as it was connected, it was possible to transmit sound from a fairly long distance, but the guys who were approaching Eisel were all disconnecting without a sound.

Even if it was lightning magic, could it be handled secretly without even the slightest gap for transmission sound to come and go?

Hardly understanding, Albed frowned.

At this, Murka, who was next to Albed, opened her mouth.

"It must be that it is impossible for small children. Even if not, I thought I would have to step out myself. I don't know how I raised my strength, but it was enough to defeat Ekis..."

"I wonder if there is a helper with me. There are a lot of things I don't like about being killed by Eisel."


Murka, who stopped her horse by the reins, let out her drool.

"Even though they're nothing more than hunting dogs, we can't let the prey die. Stop raiding and gather your troops."

"Yes, I will collect the rest of them."

"Where is Eisel heading?"

"... Judging from the direction, it seems to be heading towards the gap in the demon realm. It's like a wilderness with few people around."

"I guess they guess we're coming too."

At Murka's words, Albed nodded in affirmation.

At the same time, the connection of the last demons he sent is quickly disconnected one by one, and then completely disconnected.


Albed was nervous and clicked his tongue.

'I thought I could get some information...'

Is it a helper or an Aisel?

I don't know the identity, but it was using a very subtle method.

Meanwhile, Jetto, who was in the carriage, stopped tapping his fingers.

'...The raid was just the last one.'

He was using Shady's power without Aisel's knowledge to devour demons who touched his senses. It would be more accurate to say that he blew his neck with a sharp shadow.

Jetto thought that if there were no raids from now on, it would cause great confusion to Eisel after this.

Jetto wiped away the blood that flowed from his mouth as his life force was sucked out by using Shady's power.

'It's a gap in the demon realm...'

Knowing information about this world through games, he also knew about the cracks in the Devil World.

He remembered that it was a place where he could earn experience points and a place he had to go through when taking the adventure route.

'It's not dangerous, but I can't avoid taking time.'

Because there is no shortcut in the gap in the demon realm.

'By the way...'

Wasn't the nightmare a nightmare?

In Eisel's actions, he swallowed bitterness, convinced of his failure in the past, which he had no memory of.

Zeto had a vague idea of ​​what was about to happen, but...

...I decided to hang out.

Certainty will hold her ankle.


Zeto and I were able to reach the gap in the Demon Realm before it was too late. According to the calculation, it took about a day.

Unfortunately, it wasn't even close to the gap yet.

In any case, the gap in the Pandemonium was a place that was out of human control, and even though it was sealed, it was full of monsters.

This prevented residents from living nearby.

So, the carriage stopped in front of an inn located in a forest a little far from the demon realm.

The innkeeper, who was drawn out by the sound of the carriage, said, 'If you're going to the gap in the demon world, I'll stay here.' I tried to solicit customers, but I moved on, saying that I was only here to take a look.

Jetto immediately followed me.

That was the time when we were heading to the gap in the demon realm.

I got out of the forest and looked at the barren land and asked him a question.

"Jetto... Are you okay?"


"Even if I don't go back to the academy."

"I thought it would be better if we go back together. I like deviations myself."


I muttered and remembered Jeto's words.

Maybe it's because it's different from the last episode when I was informed that I was being chased by demons. Jeto's answer was slightly different.

There were many things I wanted to ask him.

Do you have any memories of previous rounds?

Did he really make a comeback like me?

How could such a terrible curse be engraved?

Do you love me enough to save your life at the cost of saving it?

But I decided to keep my words as sparing as possible.

Day ahead.

Because in one day everything will be over.

It won't be too late if you ask slowly then.

This time... Jeto won't die.

That's how we gradually approached the gap in the demon realm, and the time for the decisive battle was approaching.

Fear was creeping up in a corner of his heart, but he tried to overcome it by holding Jetto's face in his eyes.

To save Zeto.

For the future together with Jeto.

I had to overcome.

Didn't he show it before?

The sight of destroying my terrible fate.

Arrived soon after.

"The gap in the demon realm..."

The gap in the demon realm that looked like a huge pit was in the form of a sunken ground, and despite the bright moonlight, the bottom was so deep that I couldn't see the end because it was locked in darkness.

"...More than that, is there really a place called the Demon World?"

"Well, it's probably just a name people gave it. I don't know if the Demon Realm really exists."

"Hmm... You mean there's monsters swarming down here? It's a strange place. I don't even get the hang of it... How deep is it?"

Jeto peers down at the gap in the demon realm.

He couldn't even see ahead, but he was surprisingly aware of his alertness, perhaps because he had a sense of humor, and he was standing in a fairly safe position.

"This is the entrance."

"I'm going here? I won't die if I fall..."

Jeto blurted out his words in a trembling voice.

"It's not like that. They say strong winds are blowing to absorb the impact of the fall."

I shook my head and said that.

"Hmm... I guess you feel like Miss Lucia."

"The monsters below don't even feel that strong to Zeto. They're at the level that only gold or platinum level adventurers can challenge."

Step by step, I explained about the gap in the Demon Realm. I mean, he has to come in later.

"Then, shall we really set a record right now? Did you say two days?"


I wish I hadn't set a record like that.

You won't be able to build it anyway, and even if you do, it will take a day.

That was enough.

As a cage to temporarily confine a blind bird.

"Yes... Zeto."

I slowly prepared my mind.

"Yes, I am listening."

Soon after, he turns his head from the pit and smiles kindly at me.

"You said you liked me before..."


Immediately, Jeto's lips were closed.

It wasn't something worth talking about right now.

But I had to tell you now.

Because I don't want him to misunderstand my actions that will follow soon.

"I'm sorry I couldn't answer you back then."

I lowered my head because I couldn't stand him face to face.

"...Me too..."

I approached Jeto who was standing at the edge of the cliff.

Emotions rose, but I didn't want to show tears.

Because this is not the end, it is the beginning.

"...I really like Jetto too."

I laughed.

Brighter than ever.

I smiled at the blind man, wondering if that would hide this feeling.

Then he touched his chest.

It was weak, but I felt an ominous energy.

Zeto's curse was still eating away at him.

But if I get over this, I'll be able to solve everything. That everyone would be happy

I didn't doubt it.


I said that and pushed Jeto away.

Pushed him down the cliff.


Zeto fell into the bottomless pit without any resistance and remained silent.

...Please forgive.

Because everything is for Zeto.

After this night, I'll finish everything and wait for Zeto.

Soon, the darkness pouring through the gap in the demon world completely swallowed Jeto.


I immediately turned my back, wiping my wet eyes.

The blind bird was confined to the most secure cage.

I'll try to get out of it, but I hope you don't overdo it.

'All that's left is...'


Sooner or later he'll be looking for me.

I'm just preparing for it.


The man's mouth opens as he falls through the cracks in the demon realm with his silky hair flying.


Soon, his form melts away and disappears, caught in a shadow protruding from the wall.