
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
193 Chs

Chapter 149 - 149. Harem (2)

The love of one man and many women.

Sadly, this was never considered a normal form of love.

If it was my greed, it was greed.

My greed that I want them all to be happy.

I just hope that this greed is not too much for me.

For now, I decided to listen to Zeppetti's plan.

It was because Zeppetti's voice that said he had a plan was quite reliable.

Soon, Zeppetti, who was standing on one side of the roof railing, opened his mouth.

"...Right now, the priority is to build a framework. Right now, it can be seen as a state of nothingness without any form."

Continuing his speech, Zeppetti quietly tilted his head.

"I roughly understood what you meant."

"It's the first step to building a framework, but you have to be special to them, to the point that they won't be able to give up on you easily, even if something absurd happens, such as sharing Jetto with another woman."


"Normally, it's not easy, maybe it's close to impossible. There are a lot of men in the world, and all of the people that Jeto values ​​are all possessing excellent charms."

Well, I did.

I nodded affirmatively at Zeppetti's explanation.

"But it's a process you have to go through. It can be anything that creates obsession, excessive possessiveness, or dependence. You have to somehow get past this stage before you can move on to the next stage."

"It looks quite dangerous just by listening...?"

"Of course. Because you're doing such a dangerous job. You're not going to walk down that road because it's difficult and dangerous, right?"


I was at once speechless.

"Unless you have the power to forcibly build this frame, there is no other way than this. Besides, such a forcible method is something that Zeto-sama wouldn't want."

"It's not like that."

Because you want them to be happy anyway.

"But there's no need to worry about this. Based on my analysis, you seem to be going pretty well through this process."


At my bewildered question, Zeppetti opens his mouth again and glances at me.

"It seems that Jeto has a tendency to underestimate himself, but I am not lying. As for Jeto-sama, who looked at it..."

Zepetty, who was speechless, approached me first.

Her red eyes slowly scan me.

Then her lips open.

"...If I were to compare it to a beast, would it be that you're exhaling a lot of male pheromones that a female can't easily refuse?"

"Sorry, that doesn't make sense at all."

It was an incomprehensible explanation that it was a beast pheromone.

At my brief answer, Zeppetti twitched his eyebrows.

"Well, then how about this... You say that Jeto-sama is a man who can bewitch even me, an artificial intelligence...?"

Zeppetti blushed uncharacteristically and stuttered her words in a shy voice, as if she wanted to explain this to me somehow.

Even artificial intelligence is bewitched.

It didn't touch me more than the pheromones.

More importantly...

"...Are you bewitched?"

"...That's what it says."

My Petty jerks her head away from me.

Then she continues her explanation.

"Let's move on. It's going to be difficult to get people to understand this. Anyway, it's a process that needs to be done in order to build a frame, and it's a very difficult task... But it's my judgment that Zeto can do it."

"Okay. So what am I supposed to do?"

The conversation returned to the main topic, and Zeppetti answered my questions concisely.

"You can do as you normally would."

"As usual...?"

"I can't tell you the specific method. This matter is only meaningful if Jeto-nim herself leads it, and I shouldn't get involved too much. So, Jeto-nim's sincerity won't come out. My role is to be brief. That's all I can do to sort things out and give you advice."

"Well, that's not wrong."

I was also curious about the plans of highly developed artificial intelligence, but I had no intention of relying on Zepetty.

"Because it is a situation in which Jetto realized his feelings, albeit belatedly, a change in Jetto's behavior will naturally occur accordingly... Then it seems that he will pass this stage well."

Change your behavior

Come to think of it, there was an occasion where I had to convey my true feelings to Eisel.

I explained to Zepetty what had happened with Eisel.

Since I conveyed my sincerity, I can see that there is progress.

It was when he finished the explanation and smiled proudly.

Then, for some reason, a cool smile is engraved on Zeppetti's lips as he listens to my voice.

"So you're saying that Sierra-sama heard all of this too?"


I nodded quietly.

"I didn't expect you to have jumped through the stages in such a short amount of time... It's a positive thing to be able to convey your sincerity, but it's better to avoid being known to others for now... I think about it. First of all, I want to ask you something. Is Sierra-sama also one of the people included in the frame?"

At Zeppetti's question, I immediately opened my mouth without thinking further.

"This may sound funny, but... I guess so."

"No. Even if Sierra is a spirit body, she can interact normally, and since she has been with her all along, it doesn't feel strange that she harbors such feelings. Anyway... Outside."

"What's the next step?"

"After establishing a framework, it is necessary to maintain it in a stable state. To do so, what we must follow is 'fairness.' After all, Zeto's purpose is not to possess them, but to make them happy. So, No one should be left out, and there should be no dissatisfaction."

It was an ideal story indeed.

I thought it wasn't as easy as it sounds, though.

"Then Sierra..."

"Due to Sierra's nature, we couldn't properly figure out if she had feelings for Jeto, but if so, it wouldn't be a very good situation."

It won't be in good condition.

...There was nothing missing.

In other words, the order is messed up.


When Jeto and Zeppetti returned to the room after a close conversation, they were able to face Ray, who was urgently looking for Jeto.

For some reason, the yogi was leaking from Zeto's urethra, which had been parked in one corner of the room.

After confirming this, Jeto casually picked up Sierra, who was gushing out a powerful yogi, and told her not to come close to him for a while.


The present Jeto knelt on his floor and held his sword in a very respectful posture while remaining silent.

Ray followed Jeto's words and sat on the floor far away, holding the fluffy Shady in his arms and staring blankly at him.

Meanwhile, Ray has a question.

What the hell is going on?

Zeto, who could be seen in Ray's eyes, was completely enveloped in the ominous energy flowing from the urethra.

He seemed so dangerous that he wondered if he would do any harm, but since he had been told that he was his teacher, he thought it was not something he could get involved in.

Moreover, Ray, who had no knowledge of the urethra, had no idea what this was going on.

On the other hand, Zeppetti was calmly making dinner. Saying that it will be dealt with well and telling me to trust my older brother.

'I don't know what's going on, but I hope things go well...'

It was difficult to get hurt.

Because there were still plenty of candy left to take from him.



As soon as he opens his eyes, the water touches his feet.

There was no end in sight to this empty space with shallow water at the bottom.

What you see in the sky is a purple full moon.

It was the purple moon.

'Sierra's spiritual world... Should I say.'

I hurriedly returned to my room after talking to Zeppetti, and I was able to face Sierra, who was leaking Yogi.

The binding of the seal was noticeably weakened.

After that, I could tell when my hand touched the sword.

Sierra was pulling me.

After completing her mental preparation, I accepted her touch without resistance.

This is the situation since my vision was so dark.

However, the figure of the person who brought me here was nowhere to be seen.


I tried calling her out with her loud voice, but she didn't answer.

The empty space, where not even an echo echoed, was so quiet that it gave goosebumps.

I walked forward slowly.

I pondered as I listened to the sound of the water splashing.

Why did Sierra call me here?

What did she get upset about by entering the urethra and hiding herself?

It was an act that I did not understand well because it was Sierra who was referring to the relationship between her teacher and her student every time.

Even after listening to Zeppetti's explanation, I was still confused and couldn't understand anything.

It was a time when I was moving my steps aimlessly.

I get that idea.

Or maybe the way I called it was wrong.


Stopping my steps, I quietly opened my mouth.


I called her by her first name, not by her title.

When did I call you like this again?

I don't know if it's because I realized my feelings for Sierra, but I scratched my cheek because I was a little embarrassed.

Only then does the reaction appear.

Suddenly, thick purple smoke rises in front of her eyes, and then she appears.

Her nonchalant eyes turn toward me as she approaches me as she breaks through her smoke.

Then her mouth opens.

"Why did you come?"


I was sure

Sierra is tight right now.