
I Am Your Clock!

This novel is in the Webnovel Spirity Awards 2023 competition for ML: New Tropes: Unique Systems and Kingdom Building. Updated every day ——— I was like you once, but now I am in some place. What is this place? Why is it all black, but I can still see myself? Where am I? Who am I? Am I still the person who I think I am? Am I Matthias the Human? Or… am I something else?

BoredMansDream · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Ch 4: I am a God

A doe walks over to the sundial and takes a snack of the grass as I watch it quietly, enjoying the peace.

Although the sun set a long while ago, you can still see every little detail on her fur. The, tick, feeding on her side is visible. The spinning eyeball, although strange, is visible. The wolf, ripping apart the flesh, is visible.

Huh? When did the wolf get here? When did the doe die?

"It's still better then watching nothing." I say out of boredom, scaring the wolf.

"1," I begin the counting game once more, out of boredom, continuing my hope that someone will come




I sigh. "2000," The wolf is almost done devouring the doe.

"2001," I continue as a spear of wood and stone flys through the air and impales the wolf.

I watch on in fascination as the wolf immediately falls over from the force of the spear and struggles to fight against the hidden hunter.

'System, can I buy knowledge that I can bless people with to get them to worship me?' I ask in my head, watching the man who speared the wolf reveal himself. He looked… young. I would say he was my age. The difference was his clothing, his hair, his face, pretty much everything, actually. He stood at a respectable 5'11" and was garbed in multiple mitchmatched pelts sewn together, as if he was going to the worst fashion show ever.

(Answer: No, the System is only here to help you with your powers as an Eldritch. The System is not a cure all solution.)

'Damn it.'

The wolf started growling at the hunter, trying to tell him to get away, but it was obvious the wolf was in no condition to fight.

The hunter approached quickly, as if he was in a hurry. He pulled a knife from between the folds of his pelt clothing and, in one quick slash, ended the wolfs life.

"Good job." I start to enact my plan.

"Wh-What? Who's there!" He rips the spear out of the wolf and starts turning wildly.

'He really just went ahead and looked everywhere but where I was, huh?' "Right here, human."

"Did… did this strange wooden sigil just speak?"

"Firstly, I am a sundial, not a strange sigil, and secondly, yes I did."

"What… is a sundial? And how are you talking? Are you ekaku?"

"A sundial is a way to measure the time based on where the sun is in the sky. I am talking because I am not just any ordinary sundial. I am a god. As for your final question, I don't know who ekaku is."

"You're a god?!" Stars flashing in his eyes.

I sweat drop. "Yes, I am the God of Time. You may call me Matthias." I continue to try to keep up the 'dignified god' aura.

"If you are a God, then how do you not know who ekaku is?"

"Gods may be powerful, but they are not all-knowing. Who is this 'ekaku?"

"Our chief!"

I sweat drop again. 'So it's not a god?' "Please do tell me, am I fixed to the ground?"

He approaches a little.


'Should I ask him to take me to his leader?'

'No, I don't know if they would attack me and this kid here for witchcraft and devilry, the best option would be to train the kid, call it a 'blessing' from the Time God and show that to his people. That would probably be the best way to do it.'

"Alright, what is your name?"

"What is a name?"

'Ugh, how far into the stone age are we?' "A name is something people call you by."

He smiles and says, "Boy! Some people call me kid!"

"No, something that is unique to you and you alone."

He frowns. "We don't have anything like that, Time God."

"I said call me Matthias. As for your name situation…. Hmmm."

"I will give you a name."


I sweat drop yet again. 'You haven't even heard of a name until 5 minutes ago. Such an innocent child really killed that wolf?' "Your name is Maz. Maz, I want to give you my blessing."

"REALLY?!" He is screaming at this point, destroying my non existent ears.

"Could you turn down your voice a little? Yes, but it won't be easy. A God's blessing doesn't come without a cost."

"I'll do it!"

'You don't even know what it is!' "You must not tell anyone about this blessing until you acquire it, understand? You must not tell anyone about the trials, do you understand?"


"Do as many pushups as physically possible."

"What is a push up?"

I smile. 'If he doesn't know what a push up is, then humanity, or maybe just his village, have not discovered working out yet!' "You put your hands on the ground straight out from your chest and you put your feet as far away from your hands as possible. You then contract your arms and push your body up with only your arms."


He immediately gets down on the ground.

1 pushup.

2 pushups.

20 pushups.

He got to 112 pushups before he collapses on the ground, panting.

'Impressive, considering he looks like he is my age. '

"Remember how I taught you how to do this. Continue to do this until you are able to twice the amount of push ups you did today.

And so I trained the kid. Maz was a quick learner for any new technique I taught him, passing them off as 'Trials'. He aced the push up trial in just a week!

'That's what I like to call dedication.'

(Announcement to Host! You have gotten your first believer! A reward has been deposited into your inventory: Choose a Skill box.)

'What? How did that happen?'

(Answer: Individual 'Maz' has already noticed his strength increasing through the work outs you have given him. You have fulfilled your promise to 'Bless' him and his gratitude has manifested itself through prayer and worship.)

I smile. In addition to that, I see Maz about to finish the sit up trial.

3 sit ups left.

2 left.



"Lord Matthias, I did it!"

"Congratulations Maz, you have earned my blessing. However, I am sure that you've noticed that you already acquired it, right?"

"Yes, Lord! I am stronger than most of the adults in my village now!"

"You did a great job, Maz. How would you like me to bless the rest of your village?"

"You would do that?!"

I smile to myself. 'I can't exactly get believers any other way…' "Yes, however, it is late. Let us do it in the morning."

"Okay! Goodnight, Lord!"

I smile as I watch him leave. "I originally found him a little annoying, but he is starting to grow on me."

I continue looking towards where Maz left and then called out "Menu".





I immediately go to inventory and check out my reward.

(Successfully Used Pick a Skill box!)

(Please choose one of the following abilities:


Info: A God without an Apostle is like a phone without a receiver! Designate an Apostle and you can communicate with them at any time you wish! See through their eyes at any time you wish!

Disclaimer: You may only appoint one apostle at a time.



Info: A God that can't bless people is nothing more than just a human! Gives you the ability to grant your followers the ability to make Clocks and one of the following abilities!

See one second into the future.


Bless others to be stronger than the average human (Lesser blessing)

Be stronger than the average human (Greater blessing)


God's Charisma.

Info: The Ultimate Rizz! How can a God not command humans? Be able to influence your followers with but a word!

Disclaimer: it will still take a lot more than just a word.
