
I Am Uchiha With A Son System

He thought he could prevent madara from leaving the village, but even after he manage to save Izuna they still defect from Konoha. So Setsuna (MC) ran away from Konoha after his system was activated. Living with Uzumaki members. He then married wives and after a few years, he return back with his family. How could Sharingan red eyes colour turn into white? Hyuga Clan tried to seal birdcage on my son, they ultimately failed.  My red-haired son has awoken Rinnegan and Mangekyou Sharingan.  Other villages tried to destroy Uzumaki, but Uchiha Setsuna launched his GUNDAM SUSANOO.  Madara and Black Zetsu tried to find nine tails but didn't find them until they were actually sealed inside Uchiha Setsuna. This novel is not chinese fanfic, but inspired by their genre. 

ZoroTraineeWriter · Anime et bandes dessinées
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81 Chs

Chapter 44: Konoha Dilemma

Release Schedule

Webnovel 3 chapter each week 

= Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Patreon 6 chapter each week

= Monday to Saturday

Link: Patreon.com/zorojurown 

Currently there are no advance chapter, will start by updating it tonight or tomorrow. 


The situation in Konoha has become tense between Uchiha and Hyuga because of the action taken by Setsuna. If Haruko is from the main family, the estranged relationship might easily be solved, but because it happened to the branch family and touched the interest of the main family, the conflict between them increased.

For an Uchiha, they took this as a victory. Many people highly regard Setsuna as an idol or role model, especially among young Uchiha. There is no second person who could rival Uchiha in his age; he had been known as a brilliant shinobi, or the most talented warrior in Uchiha.

Even though no bickering happened inside Konoha because the branch family didn't want to take port, this didn't prevent the situation from becoming tense and also made sure they didn't get tortured by Hiro Hyuga, the next heir, by using birdcage. This makes them show a cold expression every time they meet a Uchiha member, and people can feel the atmosphere in Konoha becoming colder.

Luckily, Hashirama is still alive, and he can flatten any clan after Madara, Izuna, and Setsuna left the village. With this powerful figure, no clan dares to fight each other.

Meanwhile in another Senju Resident...

"Damn Setsuna, if he didn't leave Konoha, the situation wouldn't become like this," cursed Tobirama.

"Young master, I didn't think it was because of Setsuna, but because he eloped with Haruko Hyuga. Hiro Hyuga planned to marry her, but before he could marry Haruko, Setsuna kidnapped her first," replied Senju Toko.

"I don't want to hear this anymore, Tobirama, and you too Toko," disturbed Hashirama while opening the door to join the meeting among the Senju clan.

"I also believe Konoha is the place where people can truly love each other," replied Uzumaki Mito.

"But brother, he can marry in here, and we can protect his love interest. Why did he choose to escape Konoha and live in the Uzumaki clan?" Tobirama teeth gritted with anger.

"I asked Setsuna; he didn't want the Konoha situation to get worse after Madara left the village. He escaped because he wanted to marry Haruko Hyuga," said Hashirama.

Even though Hashirama and Mito have explained clearly, there are still people gossiping in the Senju Clan, like Tobirama.

Inside Uchiha Resident...

Laughter could be heard by many people.

"Hahaha, Setsuna, you are really the devil," laughed Uchiha Natsuko, one of the elders who had a beef with the Hyuga clan. Even though they have become a part of Konoha, the Hyuga addition makes the status of an Uchiha shake a bit.

Furthermore, he didn't like how the main family controlled all the other branch families, the idea of sealing other relatives by using birdcage and enslaving them easily cannot be ignored by Natsuko.

How did he know all of this? It was because one year ago...

"Uncle Natsuko, I feel really angry with the Hyuga patriarch!" Setsuna came with an angry face while looking at Natsuko with a face that wanted to retort something.

"Why, Setsuna, I've never seen you angry with other clans. Not even to Senju." This situation makes him, who has known Setsuna, really weird. This guy didn't even get this angry before, so what did Hyuga do to make him this angry?

Author Notes: Setsuna has become angry before, maybe around 40%, but this time he has become angry like 80%.

"You know, I've become friends with Hiroyuki and Haruko Hyuga. From what I've learned from them, their patriarch used some kind of seal to enslave them. The seal is called Birdcage, when the user dies, the eye will be destroyed, so no other shinobi can steal Byakugan."


"This is 100% true."

"No wonder their byakugan were destroyed during the last war."

"But uncle, what makes me angry is not because they destroy Byakugan. This seal itself is evil, any branch families who didn't follow what the main families order they will be tortured by them. With a tiger seal, it will render branch families in intense pain; give them 5 minutes, and their brains will melt and they will die."

"Plop," the brush that had been held by Natsuko, hit the ground. He was really shocked this time.

"My friend Hiroyuki Hyuga was forced by the main families to give up his girlfriend and stay away from her, but this time I intervened and ensured them if they really dared to use the birdcage seal to prevent love. I myself will go to kill the main families," said Setsuna.

Now after Setsuna left and eloped with Haruko Hyuga...

He, who knows the true story, supports Setsuna and even manages to influence other Uchiha to support him too.

After all, with a figure like Hashirama Senju, no other clan dared launch a coup or betray Konoha, and not even Uchiha dared to do so. The only people who dare are Madara and Izuna.