
I am the ultimate faker

Issei was a normal kid with normal friends not knowing what his life would and not knowing about the supernational world until one day he met someone who gave him a new type of power and now with his life upside down what will be do especially with luck not in his side fanfic Harem? will have some shit and some conversation you guys may not like also this is an au so if the character don't act like they should that is the answer

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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38 Chs

Fake Vs Night, spear Vs sword

In the abendent church mittelt had to listent to her partners words not believing it one bit that Rayner was saying she thought that sowmthing was of when dohnaseek was not with her not only that she saw that she was Hurd. Mittelt thought she Hurd her head to hard and got some misunderstanding after all Chu Chulainn is death and all of his descendents had died all long time ago.

Hey I am going out to do something. Mittelt said as she was ready to fly.

Oh are you you are still a kid. Said Rayner trying to anyone her teammate.

Mittelt hated this after that one type a human mistookent her as kid all the teammates started to treat her like a kid as well so she just went flying were the boy goes to she thought to her self that Rayner was not right after all what are chance's of her being right. As then she noticed a bounded field and and she just snicked in wondering what the devil's are doing befor hearing the sound of metal clashing as the smell of iron was everywhere Mittelt saw the Knigh of the devil fighting the boy Rayner was talking about.

Issei pov

Issei was standing in the middle of the clube room as he saw everyone in the room issei had meet everyone in this roomonce in a while or for kiba Rias more then onecs Issei saw seating on the couch while eating sweets was konako the school unofficial mascot as she was garding her sweets with murdares intention. Issei seeing this will just have a small chuckle as he then looked at the left to see it was akeno himejima one of the school big sister with rias and Sona. To the right is Kiba who was standing next to the wall after he excorted him to the room issei waved at Kiba and Kiba waves back as then issei can hear the sound of running water as he saw that someone was talking a shower and issei had seein the figure of rias like

Oh hell no I already said I will join why is she doing this. Issei thought to him self with a embarrassed voice.

As then issei just covers his eyes but yeat he was still seeing it after all he was still a teen boy and hormones was running fast. As then rias came out of the shower with a towel rapped around her body as she then saw issei seeing this Rias was shocked.

Issei I didn't expect to see you here so early. Rais said with slight blush on her face

Seeing this the orc was supprised there

Onces com collective queen was studaring and had just broken down the just had a quit lap at Thai nothings. Rias was look at Akeno knowing that she was probably the only one who would do this to her. Akeno could see rias glearing daggers at her she just lapped at that she didn't care what rias will do to her later.

I am sorry madam pregedent it was my fault that I brought issei here early. Said kiba apologimistic voice to Rias.

No need to apologise to me Kiba it is is not your fault it is some elsem. Rias glares as akeno's direction.

So um can you tell why you brought me here you didn't explain to me yesterday. Issei said Confused on what was happening here.

Ah yes I forgot. Rias said not relsing that she was still wearing her towel.

Before we get anything done madam pregedent can you please wear some clothes. Konako said with a monoton voice as she just looked at Rias.

Rias seeing this got even more embarrassing and went to change her clothes as she did she came out and just seat in the couch as the Issei seat right in front of her.

So what is that you wanna talk about Rias. Issei wantimg Thisnto end fast.

Ara ara look at you two already in first name you are working fast aren't you Rias. Akino said with teasing voice ready ot get a reactuon out of Rias.

It is nothing like that Akinon rais said with small blush on her face.

Oh really. Said akino no believing it.

Anyway let's get to the point can you issei summond your weapon issei. Raid said as she looked at issei eyes.

Oh why. Issei asked kinda confused on why she asked.

Well you see my knight over here Kiba has demonic secret gear as well so he knows a lot of them. Rias said poining as kiba

As almost like this was planned Kiba walked up to issei. Seeing this issei pulled out the lancer card ready to summon gea bolge

I summon your Jigoki no shi. Issei felt proud by adding last part.

As everyone saw the demonic red spear. Kibad will then take the spear as he then looked at it from every angle before giving up.

Madam pregedent I can't find anything about. Kiba said in disappointing voice as he gave the spear back to Rias.

Hearing Thai Rias saw it was a lot coat but yeat she was not going to give ho anytime soon.

So it looks like you right issei you could be the first user to unlock this. Raid said in disappointing voice thinking that she could prove issei wrong.

Well yeah I guess it looks like it. Issei said as he was thinking to him that he maynot have been the first after all that mask man gave the card to him.

Anyway I wanna ask something to do you. Kiba said as he looked at issei.

Issei looked up to see Kiba standing to next wondering that his friend wants.

Sure what is it Kiba.

I like chalange you to a fight. Kiba said with determination in his voice shocking everyone in the room.

Are sure you wanna do this Kiba. Rias said worried for issei.

Yes your knight and he is just a human that is in the club. Konako said trying to convince keba not to fight.

You know what bring it on Kiba let's do this.

Are you sure issei senpie not many normal humans can handle a devil knight. Said konako in concert

So he is a knight does that make him like the saber and lancer cards. Issei thought to him self.

Ara ara if out little kohai wanted to fight the knight let's see what he can do. Said akino with smirk.

I will see that you don't get hurd ok issei. Rias said trying to make sure issei stays safe.

End of flashback

As then issei and Kiba was staring at each other bought pulled out there weapons and started to run at each other bought there weapons clashes clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, the sound of metal clashing could be heard by everyone the rest of the group at the side lines seeing the fight.

Wow rias you got some strong. Said Akino in shocked voice she thought that match will end with Kiba winning but she was wrong.

I have to agree miss pregedent and what did he say I you again. Said konako wanting to know what Issei.

He said in his own words he likes being a human and he would not give it away for anything in the world unless when he dies by accident or someone killed him neather of which I will do. Rias said the last part to make sure they don't get the wrong idea

Ara ara looks like we have a strong new member even if he is not a part of periges. Akino said as she licks her lips looking at issei.

Issei and Kiba were matching blow from blow as they bought seem. To have smirk on there face.

Wow kiba you holded back when we trained. Said issei happy to go all out.

Yeah but don't forget this is not a fight to the death. Kiba said as the jumped back as he then rushed at issei at high speed and sk did the issei.

As issei doughed the sword as then crouch down before rolling away as then trusted the spear at kiba. Kiba then blocked the attack with his sword as the large clanking sound can be heard they bought just didn't give up as there they then in high speed clashes there weapons this was moment when mittelt came to see the fight and she can't believe it.

Ok Rayner was not lying. As then Rayner heard a sound and turned her head to see crow coming her self down after all to her it was only a animal.

As then the sounds of metal was heard all over again. Issei will block the blow again and so will kina in easy tearns they seemed matched with there being no clear differences between the two of them almost like it was hard to tell who will win and who will loose. As then Kiba jumped back as then he put his sword down before pulling a pure jet-black sword with hilt looking like tunder bolt.

Tell me issei do you know what a secret gear is. Kiba said wanting to know if issei had figures it out.

I am going to gess is that you can summons those swords of yours if I have rkt gesss it was a sword creation type I don't if that is the right word for it or not. Issei said not knowing what to call it.

Yes your right issei but did you know that I can have many unike weapons like this one can have a enough lighting power to Ribble a stune gun useles ages devil's and fallen angels but great agents human.

Issei already knew what that ment even if he blocked that lighting will travel with the blade at this moment iseei wanted to do something as then his card holder golded a light as Issei felt as he pulled out the ruler cars seeing that is golded with a light telling issei to use it issei seeing this knew that he can't hide it for long so he just put the card back Kiba and reast was confused by.

Rias I smelled sowmthing. Konako said.

Oh what is it konako. Said rias wandering what was she smelling.

I smelled that of a foggy London town with that of a man who hides in the shadows. Konako explained what she had smelled.

Rias was confused by what konako ment what was weird is that she said it was issei pulled that card out with the lady who was holding the scales.

Now what was that Issei. Kiba said wondering what just haooend.

Oh nothing as then issei went infront of Kiba and Kiba rushed at his as well there weapons touched as Issei strapped his spear into the gourn as then lighting travel to the ground as then issei punced Kiba in the gut shocking eye what no one saw was that a green gem was in issei arm which the card reacted too as well as for split second issei arm was covered by a red Gauntlet covers his whole arm but as it ane it desiperd. As kiba was sent flying issei could not b believe it him slef issei didn't believe that his punced hit that hard.

Hey Kibe are you ok. Issei said in worried voice.

As then Kiba gut up and tube rushed at issei. Issei then summond gea bolge again and they bought clashed as the bloodlust of the spear sky rocketed as they bought they clashed some for as dust surrounded then as then the dust clear they saw that Kiba was in the ground with gea bolge next to his heart and issei on top of his with Kiba sword next to his neck.

It looks like a draw. Said kiba looking at issei.

Yeah it seems like it. Issei said with a smirk on his face.

As they bought gut up Akeno went to heal then as Mittelt realised that she would get destroyed if she stole the card holder with the card but then she had an idea and flyed up into the sky. As the crow just lapped seeing knowing to well that the devil will end them all when they find out.

But still the boy was strong and even used the same style as Chu Chulainn how was this happineing. The crow thought to her self.

That was great figth how thought you. Kiba asked wanting to know

Well I had mater and lest say my master thought me everything plush they never showed them self they are always in my dream as Shadow person. Issei said that last part in his mind.

Oh ok then. Kiba said wanting to meet this Master.

Anyway I gotta go. As then issei gut up and left the old school building.

Madam pregedent I smelled sowmthing. Konako said in trembling voice.

What is it konako. Raid wondering what made her scared so much

Blood and a lot of it.

Hearing This everyone was shocked everyone.

But it was not only that I also smelled that of a dragon. Konako said coming her self down with.

Also this brings to my point issei secret gear felt less like secret gear and more like through demonic weapon. Said kiba.

So your telling that his gear could be the cards insets. Akino said.

I believe so Akino senpie after all he was looking in another card while we fought. Kiba said giving his thoughts on it.

It looks like our littl kohai has a lot fo secrets. Akino said with a smile on her face.

To be continued

Also don't forget my stones no other reason then it makes me happy also I may just open a discord for This story and living with the Scarab In the natsuvere so yeah if anyone one want to join just contact me in The Ninja Kinga in discord and I will add you the groul the people in the group will get early Ch update of any one of my story and anything with it then with arts of all the og character I may created