
I am the son of Simon Petrikov (An adventure time fanfic)

Seeing Simon and Betty in front of me, I know I'm screwed in this amazing universe.

Dagon_vcg · Anime et bandes dessinées
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38 Chs

Chapter 21: Conversation

it was a sunny afternoon on a coast

you could see a group of several humans working on a large ship moored to a dock, each human had a job, even the smallest

The few children transported the tools, the physically weakest were in charge of the precision work and the strongest moved the materials, no human complained or stopped working at any time

all of them were the last hope of humanity

a human came out of the cabin of the ship, he was wearing a big brown hat, he was Tom, professor and scientist, current leader of humanity

Tom climbed on a box that was near the cabin

"Attention everyone!" Tom called the attention of all the workers

"I just want to say that you are doing an excellent job! At the rate we are going, this ship will be ready in no time and soon we will set sail in search of a better future! Keep it up!"

the humans seemed excited by the news, soon they would be able to rest in a safe place to take care of their families

Tom, satisfied with his announcement, got off the boat and walked to the camp that was a few meters away in the woods, he went to a larger tent than the others and entered speaking loudly

"Hey Blanche! How are you feeling? I know it can be embarrassing to have a girl kick your ass, but Marceline was just trying to...?"

There was no one in the tent, just a messy bed next to some medical equipment.

"Mmmh, he must have gone out with marceline, I really don't understand young people these days, first they fight and now they sneak out together, everything is very complicated.... well it's a young thing, I hope they come back at nightfall "

meanwhile on a nearby island

two people sat facing the sea, their feet touching the sand as they looked at the human ship moored to a pier in the distance

those people were, a white-haired boy who wore a white sleeveless shirt and short red pants, he had green eyes similar to emeralds and pale skin like snow, it seems that one of his eyes had a bruise, he was sitting next to a cute young woman with long black hair that was shaved at the sides tied and ended in a ponytail, she wore a white summer dress and a large red hat that covered her from the sun, she had grayish skin and black eyes

They were Blanche Petrikov and Marceline Abadeer

Blanche recovered soon from the beating, although he was unable to defend himself due to his internal turmoil, he was only knocked out for a couple of hours and his body suffered almost no injuries, only a bruise on his eye.

and after a corny, brief and uncomfortable emotional talk between teenagers who are not used to talking about his problems and feelings, they decided to go to a quieter place but close enough to defend humans from any attack

The day was sunny so they changed into more comfortable clothes and traveled to a small nearby island.

Marceline obviously flew

and Blanche ... used a new ability, the ability was created to kill the fool, but he didn't get a chance to use it since the fool escaped with the hierophant after he killed the sister moon

To put it in simple terms, Blanche freezes the moisture in the air under his feet and creates a platform in the air just long enough to propel himself, he can propel himself with no problem because he becomes lighter as he turns into snow.

this does not allow him to fly, but now he does not have an air limitation

so the two quickly traveled to the island to talk now in a calmer state

Soon they found a good place with fresh sand and a view of the human ship, they sat together looking at the landscape, not knowing how to start a conversation, they were teenagers who did not know how to express their feelings after all

but marceline was the first to speak

"So...sorry for the surprise attack....and for the awkward conversation, I'm not used to talking about my feelings, I think I'm calmer now after getting the anger out of my system "

"It's just... I have no idea how to deal with all these emotions, I was angry, sad, worried and when I saw you... I got carried away by my anger"

"Did you say worried?"

"Yes....when you left I was angry with you for not trusting me and wanting to face everything alone, I can understand that you wanted to protect me but...I also wanted to protect you and I didn't know if I would see you again... "

"Marcy, ...I'm also not used to these dramatic talks, so I'll be as clear as possible"

"I do not regret my decision, I know it was wrong not to think about your feelings and how my departure could have affected you, I admit that it was a mistake"

"But if that means you'd be safe, I'd...do it all over again."

"So.... I don't think there is more to say"

"friends again?" Marceline extended her arms for a friendly hug.

"Friends again." Blanche accepted Marceline's friendly hug.

they hugged each other warmly in silence...

Of course this silence didn't last long

Blanche spoke over Marcy's shoulder.

"And Marcy...I just want you to know....I could have kicked your ass if you hadn't caught me off guard, that was a dirty tactic."

Marceline broke the hug and stared at Blanche.

"Want another black eye nerd? You ruined the moment and I still have energy in my arms."

"Haha sorry, I had to say it"

"You haven't changed at all nerd"

"and you have changed a lot Marcy,,,,,"

"....speaking of which, how did you manage to hit me? I turned my body into snow when I sensed the hit, but I still took all the damage."

"Oh that? It's just demon magic to control souls, normally it's used to attack ghosts, I knew you could turn your body into snow, so I attacked your soul directly"

".....isn't that spell very powerful? You could practically ignore any defense"

"meh, it's very harmful for ghosts, but for the living, it only serves to negate the abilities that make the enemy intangible or immune to physical damage, also I have to hit the body directly, my dad taught me when I told him about your abilities.....and looking at your eye, I'd say it was very effective."

"Damn Hunson, I'll make sure to take revenge"

",....can you teach me later?"

Blanche used a special move that he developed as a child.

puppy dog ​​eyes

the move seemed to be effective, but not in the way that it should

"ugh, okay, but take those eyes off, you're almost 19 now"

Even though that didn't go according to plan, Blanche still had a smug smile.

"I knew you couldn't resist my charm Marcy"

"Yes, of course, whatever helps you sleep at night"

They both continued joking around like old friends as the sun went down and the sky darkened.

soon they had to go back to camp together to keep an eye on the humans, the vampires might attack at night

when they arrived at the camp

they were greeted by the sight of all the remaining humans lounging around a campfire, sitting on logs and talking to each other with smiles on their faces, a sight that was hopeful.

the first human to notice them was Tom

"Blanche and Marceline, I'm glad you're both back, why don't you sit down and rest with us?"

"Hi Tom, sorry for kidnapping the nerd, we had to talk a little more"

"oh no problem, I hope all is well now"

"Everything is fine Tom, me and the nerd talk a little"

Blanche looked at them confused.

"since when do you get along?, marcy arrived less than a day ago"

"oh well, when she attacked you and you passed out, we were scared and her fangs looked like vampires"

"but then we talked a bit, she explained the situation to us and she turned out to be a pretty nice girl"

"Yes Blanchie, they are all quite nice, they even told me about some of your exploits, Mr. Hero" a smirk appeared on Marceline's face

"Haha yes.....hey everyone, what do you think if I keep telling you Simon's story!?" With his cheeks slightly red, Blanche quickly changed the subject.

"Simon's story?"

Marceline looked doubtfully at Blanche.

"Yes... I thought it would be a good idea to tell you a story, what better than the heroic story of Simon Petrikov? I also talked a little about you, but don't worry, I didn't give any details, you can treat it as a children's story "

"No, that's fine, I'm also interested in hearing it, we didn't talk much about your travels with Simon before the war"

"Okay, here we go...attention everyone! Who wants to continue listening to the story? Although I'll start from the beginning"

soon all the humans fell silent and paid attention.....

(a couple of hours later)

"And so Simon disappeared into the distance, leaving only a pair of glasses as a reminder of his humanity."

"What! Why does it have such a sad ending? And what happened to the children? It can't end like this!"

Chemy seemed to be the most affected by the ending of Simon's story.

"haha don't worry Chemy, it's...just a story"

everyone talked a little more about the controversial end of the story before going to sleep

everyone went to the tents and makeshift shelters

tomorrow they must continue repairing the ship

"good night Marcy... rest well"

Blanche still felt a bit uncomfortable.

"See you tomorrow nerd, don't wet the bed!"

"Hey that never happened! That night-"

Marceline did not stay to listen to Blanche and went into the tent that was set up for her.

once inside she took off her boots and threw herself on her sleeping bag

Soon everything fell silent and only the sound of wood burning in the campfire outside remained.

Marceline looked at the ceiling of her tent for a few moments and then took something out of her pocket.

It was a photograph that showed a black-haired girl asleep, with her foot on the face of a white-haired boy who was drooling a little.

it was the first photograph that Simon took of them the day they met, she kept a copy for all these years and looked at it every night

"I finally found it, Simon"

Marceline closed her eyes and let her dream take her away.

A/N: well here is the expected chapter, it took me a while because I didn't want the talks to be very uncomfortable

I will also announce changes that I will make, one of those changes is that there will be no more summaries after the time-skips

and I will try to use more the third person to narrate the chapters, like in this one, tell me what you think

If you don't like it, I'll try to use it less and go back to the first person narration.

I will also try to write more scenes of Marcy and Blanche living together and I will try not to rush the time-skip

I hope you have a great day

PS: I'm not good at writing emotional conversations (I think the haters lowered my confidence a bit) so I justified it with the ages and personalities of the protagonists, literally all emotional conversations of teenagers are uncomfortable