
I am The Hidden Ruler

I don't know, Just don't judge a book from it's cover? and just read the first 4 chapters? it's like 10 mins?

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The Beginning (Changed)

"Hey Anar, where did you learn your swordsmanship from, your style doesn't come from any household or clan I know of" A man who wore a white robe who looked like a young priest said.


'self-taught hmm he might be old under that mask of his probably 40-50 to make that style it should have taken him 30 years or so'

"Well, what did you name your style?"

"Orc Style"

"Seems simple, did you perhaps get a reference from orc swordsmansh-"

The young priest words stopped after he saw that an army of knights is coming their way

'That's more than I thought, we can't take them on, I should tell Anar to retreat for now and just attack later

"Hey, Anar we should ret-, Anar ?" The young priest turned his back around looking for Anar till he saw him on his horse advancing towards the troops


"I am going the right way, I will kill them, To establish dominance and to stop the voices from demanding stuff for a while"

The young priest didn't hear what Anar had said so he just coldly stared at anar's back

"Well you do you, I am not going to save an insane man"

The priest hopped on his horse and moved towards the canyons to escape the army's pursuit

'Well at least he's going to delay the army for a while, but how will I explain that to the leader?'

"Well whatever I did my be-"

Suddenly a loud explosion happened and purple smoke had appeared in the middle of the army, Cries of pain and metals scarping against each other from the soldiers' armour sounds on the battlefield

'what the? what the hell did that man do?'

The priest stopped the horse and turned and looked at the army situation only to find 3 flying beasts appeared on top of one of them appeared to be his companion Anar the beasts had 3 heads no... Three Skulls, Pitch black Skulls that emitted Purple glow in their eyes And they were ravaging the soldiers with countless projectiles that made the army soldiers wither before they could scream.

'This man, what kind of power is that, Are those summons? Did he summons demons? what price did he pay for that'

meanwhile, the priest was contemplating life choices, Anar was on the battlefield thinking of something else

'Hmm, If I destroy this army the kingdom's defence will drop by 20%, which will make other countries update their stance on the kingdom and trigger war, But that's being optimistic, nothing goes to plan in this world'

He then looked at the soldiers under him and he saw fear and adrenaline gushing out of their body

"hehe hahaha, Withers, Attack leave none behind."

The withers followed the man's orders and fought the army, No not fought, They massacred the army till 12 men were left they were the strongest mostly the leaders and 4 magicians

One of the magicians opened his mouth and shouted

"HOLD ON WE CAN STILL BEAT HIM, Summoning demons of this much power must have paid a lot of prices and he can't keep them for long, if we hold off till the drawbacks we will survive"

The other 11 looked at the mage and nodded, The army leader then took lead and instructed the survivors

"Kion, Reyt I want you both to distract those beasts with weak summons don't use big ones use the small fast ones, Era, Retro I want you both to focus on finding weak points for the summoner if you can if you cannot just try making the enemy tense as for the other You all follow me!"

The 12 survivors Rushed to battle with their eyes bloodshot, They knew if they died right here and now the kingdom would suffer major drawbacks and some of them had families back home, they can't imagine how foolish they were thinking this was an easy mission

Anar however saw their resistance to being amusing

"So, you're going to fight back, well I cannot show you mercy, You damn government slaves, I will kill all of you, and return to the old era!"

Anar jumped down from his wither mount and landed gracefully on land

Era Saw this as a chance to kill the summoner

"A breakthrough Retro! Double cross slash tactic"

"On it," Retro said

They both rushed towards Anar while using speed enchantments, One aimed for the upper body and the other for the lower body, they've continued till they reached 20 cms away from Anar, At that moment they seen the other side Both their head gone flying, Anar looked at them coldly

"Just because I can summon, Doesn't mean I can't be a swordsman."

The magicians and other 6 survivors couldn't help but get confused then after a while, one of them processed what happened, A summoner who could summon 3 powerful beings whose ranks can't be assessed, can use swordsmanship of the 4th order, He's eyes turned dull and he looked at the sky and said.

"We're doomed, there's no way we're getting out of this alive, was it worth it.."

While Kieth, Era's brother couldn't handle his brother death and kept talking

"No Era, you can't die, right? you said you would support me and be my shadow, You can't have died right? RIGHT?"

What he didn't know this was one of the stages of Grief "Denial"


"Anger" He rushed towards Anar but his companions stopped him, but he swung his sword at one of them and he had to let go of him, and the moment he let go he rushed towards anar and swung his sword once, twice, thrice, He kept swing and swinging while shouting


He shouted while crying "Sadness"

Anar just looked at him "You're an orphan aren't you, Get out of my sight fool"

Anar Sliced his eyes with his sword taking his vision then swung his swords towards his ears taking both out and taking his hearing out, then he swung at his nose and the friction made the sword hot to the point where both his ears and nose were sealed by burned flesh

"Vision, Hearing and smell, Should I leave you here I wonder?"

but Kieth didn't hear any of that he was just embracing the pain, and he just muttered

"So that's how I die? well, I feel better I can meet him again, may you forgive me, brother?"


Anar looked at the man on the ground

"Well since you want to meet him so badly go meet him orphan fool"

A single strike to the brain ended it all


WAIT WAIT WAIT, this is not the story's beginning ? oh sorry then let me tell you the story's beginning

I was a normal man sleeping and then.


author notes:

hehe, maybe next chapter we will let the mc discuss everything.