
I am the God of Light

After discovering that they have crossed over and become the God of Light, they embark on a journey to develop their divine kingdom, ruling over and doing as they please.

Etherna_02 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: Blessings from the God


The radiance was pure and flawless, exuding a divine and noble aura.

Under the radiance's coverage, the rough-made statue of the Light God seemed to come to life, exuding a sacred and majestic atmosphere that filled everyone with awe.

It was as if a true deity had descended upon the mortal world.

In that moment, the battle came to a sudden halt. Everyone, including Landon, stood with gaping mouths, gazing at the silver cross in Catherine's hand. Even Catherine, who had been chanting hymns with closed eyes, seemed to feel something and suddenly opened her eyes.

Could it be true? Has the Light God truly descended upon them?

"I knew it! I knew it! The great Lord of Light would never abandon His people!" Catherine cried tears of joy, her excitement causing her whole body to tremble and her cheeks to flush.

She lifted the cross in her hands high, preparing to kneel down and welcome the true God's arrival.

Just then, a voice suddenly rang out in her mind: "Shallow believer, baby, quickly tell me your wish. This god will surely grant it~"


Catherine trembled all over, her legs freezing in place just as she was about to kneel down.

"B-baby? The great God of Light called her baby, and the tone was so frivolous. Could it be that He wants her to serve Him?" Her face suddenly burned up, turning red as blood.

At this moment, Wu Hui's consciousness had just "descended" into the cross, noticing the shallow female believer in front of him with a face as red as blood, looking scared and stunned. He instantly realized that something was wrong.

This was his first time listening to a believer's prayer, and he didn't know what was going on. But seeing the look on the girl's face, he knew she must have heard his improper words just now.

In the past year, he has studied the theology carefully, along with the inherited knowledge. He knows that the abilities of the gods are mostly manifested through their theology. The gods have the ability to descend to other planes, and there are various ways of doing so.

The first way is through a true incarnation, but the power of the gods is too great, and many lower planes may not be able to bear it.

The second way is through a projection of themselves, where the gods can cultivate several projections and use them when needed in lower planes. Unfortunately, Wu Hui cannot even support himself, let alone cultivate projections.

The third way is through a projection of their consciousness, where the gods can condense a body projection directly in the lower plane with their divine power. The strength of the projection is lower than that of a physical projection, but it is more convenient and faster. Unfortunately, Wu Hui also does not have the divine power to condense a projection.

The fourth way is through reincarnation, where the gods split their consciousness and are reborn in the same plane.

The fifth is consciousness manifestation, where a deity splits a strand of consciousness and enters a saint, holy object, or their own idol.

The character in question is currently using the fifth method, consciousness manifestation. However, this method usually requires a stable faith channel. The character Katherine is only a shallow believer with a very fragile and unstable faith channel. Normally, her prayers would not be enough to evoke the response of a deity.

The reason Katherine is able to evoke a deity is twofold. Firstly, when she was in despair, she made a desperate and resolute decision, which strengthened her faith and gave her a burst of spiritual power stronger than usual. Secondly, she was using a silver cross that was not an ordinary object.

The silver cross was given to her by a fanatic priest named Luke, who wore it and prayed with it for years, imbuing it with a bit of divine energy and the potential to become a sacred object. It was because of these reasons that a deity was able to respond to her.

For Wu Hui, whose soul consciousness is currently very weak, it is actually very dangerous to manifest through such an unstable faith channel. However, he has no other choice but to take the risk and try it.

Gods must look and act like gods, I was too disrespectful just now.

He quickly restrained his consciousness and pretended as if nothing had happened, deliberately lowering his voice and said, "Humble and shallow believer, tell me your wish."

This is the attitude that a god should have.

The majestic voice was transmitted through divine power and reverberated in Catherine's mind like a bell.

Catherine's heart trembled, and ignoring the mud, she knelt down holding the cross and said, "Great Lord of Light, please save your believer."

With the unexpected response from the God of Light, in that moment, her reverence and faith in the God of Light reached an unprecedented height.

As she spoke those words, Wu Hui clearly felt that the channel of faith between her and his divinity began to rapidly strengthen and solidify, almost ten times stronger than before.

"Hmm? She Became a true believer?"

Wu Hui was secretly delighted and as he sank his consciousness into the godhead, he saw the change.

The number behind "true believer" had changed from 0 to 1!

Great! Great! Great! With this consciousness descent, he gained one true believer.

This was Wu Hui's first true believer, and the value of each true believer was worth more than ten shallow believers; they were the foundation of the faithful.

However, almost at the same time, he also noticed the change in his divine power number.

Divine Power: 0.9 points (Warning: Divine power is extremely low, please replenish as soon as possible).

Wu Hui did not expect that such a simple consciousness descent would consume 0.1 points of divine power, which made him feel heartbroken.

This is equivalent to 100 points of the power of faith~ one solid true believer is equivalent to ten shallow believers.

This is equivalent to the power of 100 faith points! One solid believer is equivalent to ten shallow believers.

Approximately 0.01 faith points are generated every day, and it takes about thirty years to break even. He suddenly realized why the gods didn't pay much attention to individual shallow or solid believers - the investment-to-return ratio was too low!

However, Wu Hui now only has a few dozen shallow believers left. For him now, every shallow believer is precious, more important than the saint of the former Bright God when he was at his strongest.

Solid believers are even more precious, and must be cherished in the palm of his hand.

He knew that his every moment of descent was consuming divine power, although the consumption was minimal, it could not be wasted. When he heard Catherine's words, he immediately agreed without hesitation.

"As you wish."

The majestic divine voice resounded in Catherine's mind.

In the next moment, a white light burst out of the silver cross held high above Catherine's head, instantly enveloping her entire body.

At the same time, all of Catherine's information appeared in Wu Hui's consciousness.

Name: Catherine

Gender: Female

Age: 16 (budding)

Potential: Top-grade (one in a million, chance of being promoted to Great Nun)

Faith: Light God (True Believer)

Occupation: Apprentice Nun (Light God)

Level: Level 0 (weak, ordinary human level)

Mastery of Divine Art: 1. Light Healing Art Level 0 (can treat extremely minor injuries) 2. Light Blessing Art Level 0 (can extremely slightly enhance allies' combat effectiveness)

Seeing the two words "top-grade" behind her potential, Wu Hui was delighted.

After all, one must at least be one in a million to be called top-grade. This young girl's potential was much better than he had imagined.

Without hesitation, he immediately gave an order to the divinity, "Divinity, promote the cultivation level of True Believer Catherine."

Without hesitation, he immediately gave instructions to the deity with a thought: "Deity, increase the cultivation level of the true believer Catherine."

As soon as he finished speaking, a majestic force left his body and flowed into Catherine through the silver cross held high above her head, beginning to enhance her strength.

At the same time, Catherine also felt an immensely powerful force enter her body. She instantly felt refreshed and invigorated, with heightened senses and a body that seemed to become weightless in an instant.

Could this be the divine grace and blessing that Father Luke spoke of? My goodness, only the most devout believers could possibly receive such divine favor.

Her deep blue eyes lit up in excitement, and her entire body trembled with emotion.