
I am the God of Light

After discovering that they have crossed over and become the God of Light, they embark on a journey to develop their divine kingdom, ruling over and doing as they please.

Etherna_02 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 15: Ideals and Reality

After checking the information of his followers, Wu Hui remembered the clergy members he had just pardoned. "Deity, display the list of clergy members," he commanded.

Instantly, the information of the clergy members appeared in his mind.

Name: Catherine

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Potential: High-grade

Faith: God of Light (Fanatic)

Occupation: Nun (Saint)

Level: Level 3

Mastery of Divine Arts: 1. God of Light Healing Arts Level 3 (Can heal serious injuries, illnesses, and poisons) 2. God of Light Blessing Arts Level 3 (Can greatly enhance the combat ability of allies) 3. Holy Light Hammer Level 3 (Gathering a large amount of godly light to form a holy light hammer to attack enemies, causing a great amount of damage) 4. God of Light Praise (Prologue, can greatly enhance the fighting will of allies)


Name: Harry

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Potential: Low-grade

Faith: God of Light (Fanatic)

Occupation: Novice Priest

Level: Level 1

Mastery of Divine Arts: 1. God of Light Healing Arts Level 1 2. God of Light Purification Arts Level 1

Name: Susan Gender: Female Age: 23 years old Potential: Low Faith: God of Light (Fanatic) Occupation: Nun (Trainee Priest) Level: Level 1 Mastered Divine Spells: 1. Level 1 Light Healing Spell 2. Level 1 Light Disease Removal Spell


Name: Landon Gender: Male Age: 18 years old Potential: Medium Faith: God of Light (Fanatic) Occupation: Warrior (Templar Knight) Level: Level 2 Mastered Divine Spells: 1. Level 1 Light Blessing Spell 2. Level 1 Holy Light Slash


After Landon, there were three fanatic soldiers. Wu Hui took a glance and saw that their situation was similar, so he quickly shifted his attention.

The situation of Landon's group was basically within his expectations, but Catherine gave him a small surprise.

The last time he checked Catherine's information, she only had two divine spells in her list, the Light Healing Spell and the Light Blessing Spell. Now, she has learned two more divine spells, one of which is the formidable "Holy Light Hammer" and the other is the legendary "Light Praise" battlefield divine spell.

Although he had imparted divine spell knowledge to Catherine during his last visit, he didn't expect her to learn so much in such a short period of time. To his surprise, she even mastered the notoriously difficult "Light Praise" divine spell.

Catherine's insight in divine spells can be considered stunning.

At least in the memory inherited from the previous God of Light, there were only a few holy maidens who could do this at level 3.

Perhaps the danger and heavy responsibility have unleashed Catherine's untapped potential.

Including the holy maiden Catherine, he now has seven divine personnel. Harry and Susan are both priests who can assist Catherine in spreading faith and gathering followers. Landon and the other three fanatic warrior templars can protect Catherine's group and lead soldiers into battle.

For a deity, divine personnel are his direct subordinates. Thinking that just over a month ago, he was still a commander without a staff, but now he already has seven subordinates, Wu Hui's mood was particularly joyful.

With them around, he no longer had to worry about a decrease in the number of followers. As long as he grasped the general direction, he could sit back and wait for the contributions of followers and their beliefs, which felt very comforting.

The only regret was that even if he received divine grace, the faith channel of the six people, including Landon, had only slightly strengthened, and it was still unknown how far they were from becoming saintly believers.

It seemed that obtaining a saintly believer was not an easy task.

Wu Hui sighed in his heart, suddenly feeling a wave of weakness rushing over him, making him unable to help but feel drowsy.

Normally, spiritual entities do not feel tired, but if they feel drowsy, it means that their spiritual body has reached its limit and needs immediate rest.

"Tired, take a break."

Wu Hui slowly relaxed his mind and gradually entered a state of silence similar to sleep.

A holy white light enveloped him, and his semi-transparent body slowly floated up from the ground, curling up naturally like a baby in the womb.

A bunch of holy white light quietly bloomed from within him, enveloping his entire person, looking like a giant cocoon of light from afar.

Time passed slowly in silence.

Unconsciously, his spiritual body, which was about to collapse at the edges of his limbs, stabilized slightly, but still had a bit of instability. If it cannot be repaired in time, it is probably only a matter of time before his spiritual body really collapses.


Wu Hui felt as if he had had a long dream.

He dreamed of having billions of followers, millions of divine powers, doing whatever he wanted, and even materializing all the famous historical beauties on Earth, with constant loyalty and a lively harem.

Whoever dared to object would face tens of thousands of angelic armies pouring out, without even needing to plan tactics, relying solely on absolute strength to crush the enemy's army.

Wu Hui suddenly woke up, but it was unclear how much time had passed.

In an instant, the billions of followers, millions of divine powers, and tens of thousands of angelic armies disappeared, and even the lively harem was gone. Everything in the dream was like a colorful soap bubble that quietly shattered at the moment of waking up.

Wu Hui took a moment to react, looking at the empty divine realm around him, feeling lost.

It turned out to be just a dream.

Oh well, being poor and destitute is being poor and destitute, but at least there is hope. He still needs to honestly develop his followers.

Wu Hui didn't know how long he had slept. When he regained consciousness, his first reaction was to summon his divine avatar and check the number of followers and the power of belief.

In an instant, the information of the number of followers and the power of belief appeared in his consciousness.

Holy Spirit: 0

Saintly Believers: 0

Fanatical Believers: 7

Devout Believers: 472

True Believers: 88

Shallow Believers: 13

Power of Faith: 196

Divine Power: 0.1

What he first noticed was the change in his followers.

Before he fell into a deep sleep, there was one less true believer and one more devout believer. It was likely that one true believer had become a devout believer. In addition, the number of shallow believers had increased by 13, indicating new recruits.

Compared to his dream, it was like night and day.

Even the power of faith was pitiful, only in the triple digits. He remembered that before he fell asleep, his faith had already reached 167 points, but now it was only 196. It seemed that he had only slept for half a day at most.

With such a small number of followers and such a weak power of faith, it would take a long time to reach the level of strength he had in his dream.

Wu Hui sighed, then encouraged himself: "A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step. Regardless, things are better than they were before. I will eventually achieve the scene from my dream."

Regardless, the most difficult days were already behind him. Now, he had a group of loyal and reliable followers, and their numbers were growing. Everything was moving in a positive direction.

The future will surely be better.