
I am the God of Light

After discovering that they have crossed over and become the God of Light, they embark on a journey to develop their divine kingdom, ruling over and doing as they please.

Etherna_02 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 14: Huge Gains/ Rewards


Wu Hui was secretly delighted and immediately commanded his stats, "Check the information of the believers."

In an instant, the information of the believers appeared in his consciousness.

Holy Spirit: 0

Holy Believers: 0

Fanatic Believers: 7

Devout Believers: 471

True Believers: 89

Shallow Believers: 0

Half of the newly surrendered soldiers from the third patrol group had reached the level of devout believers, and the rest were true believers. This made Wu Hui's heart hot with joy. He felt that he hadn't wasted his time here accompanying the Holy Lady and others to perform for so long.

You see, this time of coming is different from the first time. There were only a few people present during the first coming, so it was easy for people to become devout believers. But now, with 176 soldiers, the fact that they could have this effect made him very satisfied.

However, having believers alone is not enough. There must be armed forces.

The emperor of this empire clearly does not like the original Holy God of Light and is sending troops to siege them everywhere. He himself has developed so few believers, and if the armed forces cannot keep up, these believers will be like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and they could be wiped out at any time.

Only by establishing a real army can the believers be protected and the scope of faith expanded.

Thinking of this, Wu Hui glanced at his remaining divine power balance and made a decision.

"This deity orders the disbandment of the original third patrol group of Lu'an City. Let the Holy Lady Catherine select 100 people to establish the Holy Lady's Guard. Let Landon select 100 people to establish the Temple Knights."

Wu Hui's voice sounded over the square. His voice was calm but full of the majesty of the divine.

"I, Catherine/Landon, shall obey the will of the Lord."

The Holy Lady and Landon both saluted.

"I decree that the fanatic believers Landon, Maxi, Paul, and Ian shall be appointed as Temple Knights. I decree that the fanatic believers Harry and Susan shall be appointed as novice priests."

Wu Hui continued.

Having warriors alone was certainly not enough; there also needed to be clergy. After all, clergy were the core force for spreading and consolidating faith. These six fanatic believers were the best candidates for clergy.

As his words fell, Wu Hui's thoughts moved, and his divine power suddenly surged.

In an instant, six majestic and holy white energy beams descended from the sky and fell on the six fanatics.

Immediately, the bodies of the six people began to transform.

At the forefront, a hazy halo of holy light burst forth from within Landen, making him seem as if he had gained a divine aura. A white cross spear emblem suddenly appeared in the center of his forehead, radiating a radiant glow.

This cross spear emblem is the symbol of the Templar Knights, representing that his profession has successfully transitioned from a swordsman to a Templar Knight.

At the same time, their aura skyrocketed in this short instant, and the three fanatic soldiers directly broke through from level 1 peak to level 2. Although Landen did not break through, his aura also became much more profound, and the distance between him and level 3 was instantly shortened by a lot!

Around the four of them, a hazy halo of holy light also burst forth from the bodies of fanatic Harry and fanatic Susan. Under the cover of the holy light, the temperament of the two people suddenly changed greatly, as if they had gained a sense of divine majesty.

In the center of their foreheads, a cross emblem suddenly appeared, radiating a pure white light.

This is the symbol of a priest, representing that the two of them have successfully transitioned from ordinary believers to priests.

And in that instant, their aura also skyrocketed, jumping from level 0 to level 1.

Sensing their own changes, Landen, Harry and the other six fanatics were overjoyed. Just being able to see the light of God was already a great honor, they never expected that they could also receive God's blessing and even be personally granted a divine profession by the God of Light.

"What a grace and honor is this?"

"Thank you, my Lord of Light for your blessing," the six people exclaimed excitedly as they bowed to the statue of the God of Light. Their eyes were becoming increasingly fervent and devout.

As the other believers behind them saw this scene, their eyes also lit up with hope and fanaticism. This was truly the grace of the gods! If they had strong enough faith and prayed fervently enough, could they too receive such a blessing someday?

"All believers of this god are citizens of this divine kingdom. As long as you achieve great deeds, this god will reward you without hesitation," the booming voice of the God of Light echoed across the square, seemingly in response to their expectations.

At the sound of these words, the expressions of the crowd became even more fanatical. At least two or three hundred people in the faith passage became even more steadfast, although they were not yet at the level of fanatics, they were not far off.

Silently nodding in his heart, Wu Hui was pleased with the effect. This was exactly what he wanted.

Under the collective worship of all the believers, he quickly gave the next set of instructions to the Saintess of Light and then retreated from the slightly damaged statue of the God of Light, returning to the divine realm.


As soon as he returned to his body, Wu Hui was wracked with a sharp pain that seemed to shake his very spirit. The pain was so intense that his entire mental body trembled and curled up into a ball. Even the edge of his spiritual body seemed to be on the verge of collapsing.

The pain lasted for less than ten seconds, but for Wu Hui, it felt like an eternity.

After half a minute, he finally recovered from the intense pain, but his soul and consciousness continued to feel weak, making it impossible for him to muster any strength.

Wu Hui's soul lay on the ground, bitterly laughing.

His soul and consciousness were too weak at the moment. If the time he spent in this state lasted a little longer, he would have exceeded his limit.

This couldn't go on. Once his divine power had increased slightly, he had to stabilize his divine soul with it. At the very least, he could not continue to be in such a state that would dissipate at the slightest breeze.

However, despite his bitter laughter, he also knew that this was just the beginning. Every bit of his divine power had to be used wisely, and developing followers as soon as possible was the top priority. He had to endure the pain in his soul for now.

After resting for a while and feeling the weakness in his soul subsiding, Wu Hui activated his divine form and began to calculate the cost and gain of this descent.

Before this descent, he had 1.2 divine power. The descent consumed 0.1 divine power, the dazzling visual effects of the descent consumed 0.1 divine power, the Spear of Judgment consumed 0.2 divine power, and the blessing of six fanatic believers consumed 0.6 divine power. In addition, the slow consumption of 0.1 divine power during the continuous descent brought the total consumption to 1.1 divine power.

Now, he only had 0.1 divine power left, enough for only one more descent.

After recalling how difficult it was to accumulate these divine powers and how quickly they disappeared, Wu Hui felt like his heart was bleeding.

Especially with the Judgment Spear and six blessed fanatics, they consumed 0.8 of his divine power in an instant, which was terrifying!

However, despite the pain, this descent brought him many gains.

Let alone the believers, all of the original 300 shallow believers and 30 true believers became devout believers. Even the 176 soldiers from the Third Patrol Group became true believers and devout believers, expanding his group of followers by a large circle.

He calculated that with his current number of believers, he could theoretically gain 54.99 points of faith every day. In just over 18 days, he could accumulate enough faith to convert into one point of divine power.

Thinking back to the year of suffering he endured just to obtain 1000 points of faith, and looking at what he had now, Wu Hui suddenly felt a sense of happiness in his heart.

After all the hard work, he finally received a reward!

For a moment, Wu Hui and his believers saw the dawn of a new beginning.