
I am the God of Light

After discovering that they have crossed over and become the God of Light, they embark on a journey to develop their divine kingdom, ruling over and doing as they please.

Etherna_02 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 12 The Seven Fanatics

However, Wu Hui's gains would surely not be limited to just Harry, one fanatic.

As Langdon, Harry, and the others knelt down and sincerely praised and thanked the great god of light, the other believers, as if waking from a dream, also knelt down one by one and shouted in unison, "I, believer so-and-so, thank our Lord for descending, protecting believers, judging heretics, and now, we are offering our loyalty and lives to our Lord."

Their voices were grand and resounding, filled with sincere emotion, and not the behavior of fake believers trying to fit in with the crowd. The power of their faith was like a sharp sword, piercing the sky.

Dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of faith channels were becoming clearer, stronger, and more stable.


Wu Hui's heart was filled with excitement. This operation plan was originally given to Saint Catherine in secret during the last descent. He had been anxious until the plan succeeded because everyone knows that a plan is a just plan and the result is the result.

He had thought that once the plan succeeded, there would be a huge gain.

However, Wu Hui never imagined that the gain would be so enormous, far beyond his imagination.

Devout believers, devout believers!

The faint faith channels of some shallow believers had become very clear and sturdy devout faith channels. At the same time, some previously strong faith channels had undergone a qualitative transformation.

For example, the four of them, Langdon and the others, were already very loyal and reliable devout believers. They upheld their faith and could stand up for the gods and sacrifice their lives in times of crisis.

But after this incident, their faith was once again sublimated, and they entered the ranks of fanatics.

In addition, the faith channel of the peasant woman who had received Wu Hui's grace was continuously strengthened and was very prominent among many faith channels. Obviously, influenced by the current atmosphere, she also ascended from a devout believer to a fanatic.

"Deity, check the status of the believers."

With an excited heart, Wu Hui called up the list of believers.

Holy Spirit: 0

Holy Believers: 0

Fanatics: 7

Devout Believers: 384

True Believers: 0

Shallow Believers: 0

Seven, a full seven fanatics.

Looking at this data, Wu Hui couldn't help but be overjoyed. One fanatic is already valuable, let alone seven. If used properly, these seven fanatics will help Wu Hui expand his religious influence.

The only slight regret is that the faith channel of the Bright Holy Lady Catherine has become even more stable and firm, but she still hasn't risen to the level of a holy believer.

But this is also an inevitable matter. A holy believer is someone whose faith is incredibly pure and without impurities, and whose sole purpose in life is to serve the existence of the gods.

Holy believers are not easy to convert. Catherine has the potential in this area, but she still lacks the necessary training and deeper spiritual refinement.

Leaving aside the unreachable holy believers, those 384 devout believers are also beyond Wu Hui's expectations. According to his understanding, when a god personally descends to perform miracles, it is indeed easy to convert believers to devout believers.

But the more believers gather, the more uncontrollable the result becomes. In Wu Hui's estimation, after the success of this plan, that batch of 30 true believers plus a group of clear-minded shallow believers should have risen to devout believers, and the estimated total number would not exceed 200, with almost all the rest rising to true believers.

The harvest now far exceeded Wu Hui's expectations.

Although the devout believers were not as willing to sacrifice themselves for their faith as the fanatics, they were indispensable core believers for any deity. A devout believer often united a group of shallow believers and true believers around them, forming a core and silently spreading faith for the worshipped deity, expanding the number of believers.

And every devout believer could provide about 0.1 points of faith power per day. With just these 384 devout believers, Wu Hui could receive nearly 40 points of faith power every day.

At Wu Hui's lowest point, it would take several days to collect just one point of faith power, and he would also face the embarrassing situation of constantly losing believers.

Compared to back then, he was now more than a hundred times stronger.

Seeing so many high-level believers, Wu Hui felt much safer.

However, today's harvest was not over yet.

After Wu Hui displayed his miracle, summoning the Spear of Judgment, and using thunder to destroy Niko, the morale of all members of the Third Patrol had completely collapsed.

Faced with a deity who had descended to earth, they did not even have the courage to run away. They only knew to throw down their weapons, kneel on the ground, and tremble in fear.

Those who were braver kept murmuring for mercy, hoping that the God of Light would be merciful and forgive their sins.

"Reporting to my Lord." The swordsman, Landon, solemnly knelt on one knee, suppressing the fanatical aura in his eyes.

"The soldiers of the Third Patrol who dare to blaspheme the gods should be classified as heretics, they should be publicly judged as a warning to others."

This kind of judgment, of course, does not serve Wu Hui's interests.

Although this patrol is only a third-rate security force that is not valued, it is still a military unit. Currently, only four soldiers including Landen are under Wu Hui's command, and the rest are civilians. If he can take this military unit under his command, he can expand his followers, and he can also increase his armed forces.

However, the reputation of the Third Patrol is very bad. They are a group that bullies the weak and often harasses civilians. They have also assisted the city lord in hunting down hidden followers of the light.

What's more important is that they almost dealt a devastating blow to the followers this time.

If they are easily forgiven, it will not only be unfair to existing followers, but may also shake their faith foundation that has been established with difficulty. In addition, it will also give everyone the illusion that divine grace is worthless.

"We Pray that the Lord will judge the heretics publicly as a warning to others."

Sure enough, hundreds of devout believers followed Landen's lead and prayed to Wu Hui, their eyes full of hatred for the soldiers of the Third Patrol.

With the cries of judgment and warning to others, it began.

Amidst the shouts of "judging the heretics and setting an example", members of the third patrol squad were filled with despair and hopelessness. Some of them, however, showed a glint of determination in their eyes, ready to pick up their weapons and fight until their last breath.

In the midst of this fanatical and desperate atmosphere, the Light Saintess, Catherine, who had remained silent until now, spoke up.


Her voice was ethereal and full of majesty, and with a surge of energy, she enveloped the entire square.

In an instant, the entire square fell silent, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

For over a month, Catherine had been leading and reestablishing the faith of every believer, and organizing them all. As a result, she had gained high prestige among the believers.