
I am the God-Emperor of Mankind!

"My lord, the enemy has exhibited stiff resistance against the great army of the Emperor! I suggest we afix the bayonets and charge!" said a random guardsman with a gas mask, wearing a German-esque WW1 uniform to their commissar. "What? They use this so-called "force"? Bullshit! They've clearly fallen to the will of the Chaos gods! Prepare the Exterminatus, we will bathe them with the God-Emperor's holy fire!" growled a random inquisitor aboard an Emperor-class battleship of the Imperium. "Great soldiers of our holy and benevolent God-Emperor! In front of you stands a bastion of heresy! A testament to their wrongdoings! Bring them back to the light of our great God-Emperor! Purge the heretics!" shouted a comissar before ordering the charge of millions of imperial guardsmen to the line of countless clones. "The Emperor protects!" shouted the guardsmen as they furiously charge to the lines of their enemies. ................................. "Ah shit, what's happening? Why am I sitting on this throne? Wait what in the world are those 8ft tall giants made of steel? Hoy hoy, what are they going to do with these people in front of me? Fuck am I the God-Emperor?" ................................. Vol 1- Star Wars(Completed) Vol 2- Mass Effect(Ongoing)

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Anime et bandes dessinées
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121 Chs

Chapter 69

Hoth Star system...

Armies of the Empire landed, the Rebel Alliance is getting pushed back to their very last buildings. The stream of men in white armor stepped on the piles of dead rebel bodies as they finally cornered the remaining people of the Rebel Alliance on a small bunker complex high up in the mountains.

Kyloe Rein was on the ground. She's leading the Empire's armies to massacre the remaining rebels. Thus far, she's absolutely successful as they didn't stand a chance against a Force user like her.

But everything changed when the skies lit up with orange as fumes of smokes can be seen coming from the tails of objects penetrating the atmosphere.

Inside the bunker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, and many more rebels with position conveyed their very last meeting before the end.

"I guess this is the end ladies and gentlemen?" said the general as he gripped his blaster pistol tightly. The door to this room is getting barraged with hits. Strike after strike from a battering ram hit the reinforced concrete armored door.

Leia Organa wiped the sweat off her forehead as she unholstered her pistol and looked at the direction of Han Solo and his mate Chewbacca.

Weapons ready, aimed, and ready to fire on whoever enters that reinforced door.

At this moment, the slamming stopped as an eerie silence engulfed the whole room. The remaining Rebel Alliance loyalists was at their highest tension, they'll fire on whoever does a funky move.

But just then, a massive force hit the reinforced concrete door literally got dusted under the power that hit it.

Massive loads of smokes and dust came from the earlier event shrouded the whole room with a haze like veil, obscuring the vision of the Rebel Alliance loyalists.

But even with this veil they can clearly see the dark robed figure of Kyloe Rein with her lightsabers ignited as she slowly walked towards them while decapitating the nearest rebels to her.

"Surrender..." her creepy voice became the very last straw that made some rebels mad. Those that got mad killed themselves.

People already wanted to surrender but a lone brave man fired a laser bolt at Kyloe Rein which she easily defkected back, thus wounding the man who fired at her.

This scene made the people still sane gain little courage but this courage was immediately destroyed as Kyloe Rein suddenly Force Choked the man.

"Han!" shouted Leia Organa as she rushed mindlessly and tried to save Han Soli but Kylie Rein just pushed her back with the force.

She got thrown back and hit the screen which immediately cracked under the force that made her fly back.

Chewbacca on the other reacted violently as he fired his crossbow which Kyloe Rein just deflected back to him using the Force.

The arrow hit Chewbacca's shoulder, injuring him. As the choke tightened, Leia can only watch in despair, and Chewbacca is injured. All hope seemed loss but at this moment, a massive power suddenly hit Kyloe Rein which made her fly back and destroy the walls of this bunker.

A man in white robe suddenly landed superhero style as he ignited his own lightsaber.

Kyloe Rein immediately got back on her feet as she didn't bother wiping the blood on her lips before charging to the man in white.

The man in white just shook his head as he charged back and the two had their swords locked in each others, trying to overpower the other.

"Two, it's time to go home..."


The whole Imperial Capital star system was obliterated. Each and every ship if Galactic Empire origin seemingly disappeared into nothingness.

No debris, no explosions, no floating body, nothing. The entirety of the battleships, starfighters, ion cannons, starbases and many more of the Galactic Empire in this star system disappeared in an instant without any trace nor clue of where in the universe they got transported.

It's as if they got snapped out of existence...

Sheev Palpatine was nowhere to be found too, no trace of his robe. Not even his life signature can be found. He's truly obliterated from existence.

The Force, has disappeared however everything still has life. Everything still moves, everything is still there. But, the Force is gone.

The Emperor looked down directly at the still standing Imperial capital whose citizens and inhabitants was stunned in silence as they looked at his towering figure eclipsing their whole planet.

The star killing weapin didn't even bothered them as they don't know its capabilities but the golden man high up in the sky? Well he just snapped everything out of existence.

People literally stopped on their tracks. Items fell down creating a loud slam that looked like a ripple on a calm ocean.

On a random plaza, people was literally standing still like mannequins or statues. They didn't move, they almost didn't even breathed as the sound of the blowing wind was the only thing heard.

"W-what happened?" asked a woman absentmindedly as she just had a stunned looked at her face while looking at the gigantic golden figure of the man high up in the sky.

"And now, the end is near..." breathed an old man as he stumbled on the floor and lost his consciousness.

People only looked at his falling body for a moment before they shifted their attention back to the golden figure of the Emperor.

At this moment the cube finally exited out of the string dimension dully charged as it hovered on top of the star of this star system.

At this morning all throughout the battlefields, the Empire was getting pushed back by the might of Imperium. None survived on their path.

The highest officials or what's left of them at least was having a massive confusion on who has the highest position currently and who shall lead them on this time.

People wanted to take this opportunity however the Imperium's battleships are on the space near the Imperial Capital and they have literally no defensive force except for a couple of million stormtroopers that will not do any difference.

On a high office in the palace, some people has managed to move out of their stunned state to convey a meeting.

"We need to surrender, that's the only thing we can do to survive! Trying to seize as much power as possible in this time is tantamount to suicide!" shouted an army general as he slammed his fist in the table creating a weird slamming sound.

"Everything is lost, the only way we can save our necks is surrender." seconded an administrator as the remaining people fell into deep thought. The risks outweighs the benefits. They want to live to actually use their wealth and power. They don't want to die just because of temporary power gain.

After a couple of seconds people started to nod and relax their body that's full of tension. People drank glass full of water and wiped the sweats on their forehead.

"I guess it's time, all those in fvaor of surrender. Please raise your hands." motioned an official of the Empire as everyone raised their hands. Even those who's not in favor of the surrender can only raise their hands as they'll surely lose their heads the moment they don't. They will be offered as some sort of offering to please the golden figure on the sky.

People on the meeting looked at each other and nodded as they finally officiated the surrender papers and announced it on the whole. planet and everything left of the Empire's forces on the ground.

The war has finally ended...


On all parts of the theater people from the Empire was faced with a decision. Surrender or die, but not all are given this chance. On some parts when people from the Imperium saw that the enemy was trying to surrender they immediately changed and massacred them. Some got blown apart by the Grey Knights, some got toasted by flamers of a Battle Sister.

All in all 30% of all battlefields where people of the Empire tried to surrender ended in the massarce of their soldiers.

But most ended rather better as the Imperium officers ranking quite high accepted their surrender.

After months of rounding up everything, the Imperium has finally full control of this galaxy...


Months later, Holy Terra, Emperor's personal office...

A man can be seen writing on a notebook. This notebook was a re-purposed book from his memory experiments sometime ago.

The whole office was dead silent, literally no sound can be hears except the sound of a pen writing on the surface of a paper.

On the book, the man slowly but surely wrote statement after statement regarding his own opinion.

"On this day, the ownership of the galaxy changed hands. The Imperium has at last fulfilled their destiny.

Mankind's birthright has been achieved. The ownership of this galaxy was finally theirs. But can man's greed be sufficed?

The Imperium is about to take a route, a completely different yet the same route. I can assure you that.

Golden age? Meh, humanity will never have a golden age. They'll always be improving mo matter what circumstances there are.

Every step they'll take, every idea they'll think, everything will be for the betterment of humanity.

This galaxy has finally fallen before us and we set our sights on he outside. Everything in this universe will be humanity's.

No stone left untouched, no star left unchecked for from the depths of the pacific, up to the edge of omniverse. Humanity shall stand before everything.

From braving the highest of seas in Terra to conquering the stars. None shall stop humanity in its path to godhood. We will prevail against anything and everything. We are humans, and being a human is more than enough of a reason to sacrifice for it.

But I guess, even this universe wouldn't completely suffice our greed. I wonder, how far is that another universe?

Well, time wouldn't be a problem, immortality sure gives such nice benefits..."

The man closed the book and leaned back on his seat. as he slowly swing it to face the window on his back.

There, he saw the beauty of this planet, it became the home of humanity. It saw the rise and fall then rise once again. He just chuckled and stood up as he called for the Captain General telepathically.

Rows of golden custodians and silent sisters entered the office as the Captain General stood at the forefront.

"My lord you called for us?" asked the Captain General as he and the soldiers saluted.

"Yes Captain General, I called for you. I wamt you to prepare everything necessary. I want this universe, every nook and cranny of it be planted with the Imperium's flag. No other faction other than the Imperium shall stand in this universe."

"Yes Captain General, we will be not a galactic level, nor extra-galactic. We will be a universal civilization."

"We will become gods!"

Next chapter should be prologue I guess. But I really need a suggestion on which timeline.


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