
Prelude: The Boy Named Amael

In a sprawling garden adorned with vibrant hues of green, a heartwarming scene unfolded. A young boy, his hair as white as the purest snow and his eyes a captivating shade of amber, held a wooden sword with determination. His name was Amael, and he was squaring off against his father, Kleines. The atmosphere was filled with the spirit of a jovial duel, a father and son bonding through playful combat.

"Come on! Mael! You can do it!" Kleines shouted with a grin.

The cheerful encouragement from his father spurred Amael into action. His little wooden sword swung through the air with surprising determination. "Ah!" Letting out a yell, he rushed forward, attempting to strike his father. However, Kleines effortlessly parried Amael's enthusiastic sword swings, his grin growing wider with each exchange.