
I Am The Fated Villan (mtl)

Contains MTL Immediately after Gu Changge realized he had transgressed into a fantasy world, the world’s protagonist, and fortune’s chosen, vowed to take revenge on him. Envied by all, he not only has the female lead head over heels for him but he’s also treated as a distinguished guest wherever he goes. Fortunately, Gu Changge’s prestige and power are superior to everyone else’s, so shouldn’t it be easy to trample on a mere fortune’s chosen? Hold on… There’s a system dedicated to milking and harvesting from the protagonist? Gu Changge smirked. “Seems like even fate wants me to fulfill my destiny as the Villain of this world!”

LeeOn · Oriental
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870 Chs

Ch 858

860 Pursue the truth of the past, the heart of Chan Hongyi (for subscription)

This is a fragment of time buried in the ancient era. The four fields are full of darkness, and they are submerged in the long river of time. If you want to find it, you can only rely on luck.

Chan Hongyi is also not sure whether she can leave safely, and whether she can return to the world that belongs to her.

For her now, walking upstream along the long river of time to find the truth she wants is the top priority.

During this process, she did not return to the mountain, but just glanced at it from a distance, she was worried that she would be immersed in the beautiful fragments of the past, and forgot her original intention, and finally indulged in this past.

Her mind is firm, but there is no guarantee that she will really not be affected by the past.

The passage of time only slowed down, and then began to reverse. Mu Hongyi walked among these vague scenes of time, like a passer-by, experiencing these scenes.

Finally returned to the familiar mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, a little girl in red timidly pulled the sleeve of an indistinct figure and stood behind it.

In front of this little girl in red, many bandits were kneeling in horror, full of fear, and kept begging for mercy.

"They destroyed your village and burned your home, don't you want revenge?"

The gentle man's voice came, as if with some kind of peculiar magic, making the red-clothed girl who was originally disturbed, angry, and hated gradually calm down.


She replied, with a clear voice and a strong will.

"Then you can take revenge now, they are all in front of you, you can do whatever you want with them. "Two seven three""

The man's voice is still gentle, as if there will be no turbulence because of the things in this world.

Chan Hongyi watched this scene from a distance, looking at the little girl in red, holding the Pu knife, and with a puff, he killed the bandits in front of him one by one.

She disregarded the blood sprayed on her face and body, and her clear eyes were full of hatred for revenge.

At that time, in her heart, it was indeed this group of bandits who slaughtered the village where she was before, slaughtered her parents, and many innocent villagers.

From that day on, she began to rely on her master, and regarded him as the closest person in the world.

At that time, she didn't even think that one day in the future, she would discover the cruel truth.

The group of bandits who slaughtered the village was actually ordered by her master.

In other words, the master she has always respected and admired is her biggest enemy.

When she understood all this, her heart was twisted, she couldn't believe it, and she didn't want to accept it.

It wasn't until she ran to the master crying, questioned him, and got a light-hearted yes, that she didn't realize it.

It turned out that Shizun's indifference was always rooted in the bones, and he never cared about her heartbreaking and pain at that time.

It was also from that day that Chan Hongyi found that the world he had always thought had collapsed, and the Master, who he thought was extremely familiar, had never seen his true face.

Now seeing such a scene again, Chan Hongyi couldn't hide the sadness in his heart and couldn't bear to watch it.

"Does the so-called truth still matter?"

She was asking herself that.

Along the way, she has met a lot, but never got the answer she wanted.

When I came to the foot of this mountain again, I saw the past that I didn't want to remember again, it was like tearing open the scarred wound again.

Chan Hongyi stopped far away, but finally chose to leave.

She didn't know what the truth she wanted to know was, and, moreover, whether this truth existed or not.

"Or, is this just a thing that I think and feel exists?"

"But in fact, this thing doesn't exist?"

Cicada Hongyi is like a lonely wandering soul, trekking in these ancient years, no one can see her.

Dugu looks like the helpless little girl in red.

Later, she came all the way to the side of the netherworld, and saw Taotian who was just a little demon. At this time, Taotian was still being bullied, and many older big demons were bullying her.

"In the past, Taotian was a very gentle and weak person, but now even her appearance has changed."

"Not to mention me…"

Cicada Hongyi murmured, spanning several years and spreading, and unknowingly came to a familiar small village.

This is the place where she was born. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the traffic is in the streets. The house is like a peaceful and quiet scene.

Villagers work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

Some of the originally blurred faces became clear at this moment, those villagers who could not be named but were very familiar.

At that time, she was carefree and did not know what cultivation was. She just learned from her parents that there were immortals flying in the sky and escaping the earth.

But all of this was completely destroyed in one night, and the flow of killing suddenly washed the village with blood, and a fire burned everything to pieces.

She just wanted to know why Shizun did this in the first place, his reason or the reason.

Even give her an appropriate or inappropriate explanation.

She can make herself accept it.

However, it is a simple explanation, or a lie at all.

Chan Hongyi sighed softly and watched all this quietly, the time was delayed by a few years, to the year she was born.

"This is…"

However, at this moment, Chan Hongyi's eyes suddenly jumped, changing the calmness just now, and his eyes fixed on the night sky.

There, a red light swept across, as gorgeous as a meteor, incomparably obvious under the dark night sky.

And this red light came directly to the village where she was born.

"Is this red light me?

In this red light, she felt a familiar breath, that was herself.

That is, the moment the red light fell, accompanied by a baby's cry, she was born.

"Why don't I have any memory before?

Chan Hongyi frowned tightly, carefully searching the memory in her mind, but she didn't have the slightest impression of this matter.

She had never heard her parents talk about such scenes when she was born.

Such an amazing red light directly illuminated half of the village.

Dogs were barking everywhere, and many villagers rushed over after hearing the news.

No one could have imagined that a newborn baby would carry such a terrifying vision.

Even her biological parents at the time were extremely frightened and wanted to throw her away.

Many villagers shouted that they wanted to burn her to death, thinking that this red light was an unknown blood light, which would bring disaster to the village in the future.

Some villagers began to pick up some stones and throw them at the infant girl.

Her parents even went to find a torch to ignite, with resentment and anger on their faces, and they wanted to burn their newborn daughter to death.

"Red light from the sky, an ominous omen…"

Chan Hongyi was obviously seeing such a scene for the first time, and her eyes were full of shock.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe it. She had to know that in her memory, her parents were both honest and hard-working people, how could they show such resentment and anger?

How could the amiable and peaceful villagers in the past be so ruthless and want to attack a newborn baby?

Just because she was born with an amazing red light?

This is completely different from the villages and villagers in her memory.

"Is something wrong with my memory? Or is there something wrong with this period?"

Chan Hongyi's brows were tightly locked, thinking about what went wrong and why her memory was so different from what she saw now?

"No, there is no problem with my memory, and there is no problem with what I see now.

"It's just the village where I have lived since I was a child, and there are problems."

But soon, she figured out the crux of the problem, and the problem was not based on her memory and what she saw in front of her eyes.

"This is my real parents and the villagers who get along with me?"

There was a mocking arc at the corner of Mu Hongyi's mouth, whether it was mocking himself or these people.

The fire soared into the sky, illuminating everyone's faces with flickering, distorted, angry, and hideous.

One by one, the lit torches were held high, and a young baby girl who had just been born and had not opened her eyes was crying there.

But no one came forward to take care of her, even her biological parents insisted on burning her to death…

A baby girl born with unknown blood, in this era, not only represents unknown, but also means misfortune, which will become a great burden.

Because of the birth of a daughter, her mother's expression became resentful, as if scolding her, why aren't you a boy?

Her father's expression was also extremely angry and indifferent. Looking at the surrounding villagers, he threw stones one by one and smashed them on the baby girl without showing any emotion.

Chan Hongyi went back to the past and saw this scene when she was born. She should have been angry, but her mood was extraordinarily calm, without any waves.

It was like experiencing all this from an outsider's point of view.

Even for her now, there is still some relief in her heart? Maybe this is the truth she has been looking for.

"What a bunch of idiots.

In the village where dogs barked and burned to death, a man's voice suddenly sounded inaudible.


Chan Hongyi's voice trembled slightly, this was the first time she had said these two words from her mouth after returning to the past.

A blurry figure that seemed to be shrouded in fog suddenly appeared in the village.

He squatted down, there seemed to be a layer of invisible drips around him, and all the stones thrown over were touched into powder.

I saw him pick up the baby girl on the ground. The baby girl who was still crying was surprisingly quiet at this moment, and the crying gradually stopped.

All the villagers were terrified, thinking that they saw a monster at night and wanted to escape.

But their feet seemed to be filled with lead, they couldn't move at all, their eyes were full of fear, and they shouted timidly there.

"Poor little fellow, if I hadn't happened to pass by, you would have been burned and stoned to death tonight.

His voice was soft and slow, revealing unspeakable emotions.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Chan Hongyi knew from this familiar voice that he was his master.

Before that, she didn't even know there was such a thing as tonight.

Not to mention, her biological parents, from the moment she was born, wanted to burn her to death.


At this moment, the maid Hongyi stared at him blankly, her heart trembled, her eyes were full of various emotions.

"It's a pity that I can't take care of the child, otherwise I can bring it back to your mountain, with blood clotted and born, I should have been an unusual guy in my previous life.

And when he spoke, a layer of clear light also fell on the baby girl.

Those injured by stones, heal quickly.

During the whole process of 5.7, all the villagers seemed to be frozen, their eyes widened, and they watched all this in horror.

"Ignorance is never an excuse. Tiger poison doesn't even eat offspring, let alone people."

Chan Hongyi watched Gu Changge say these words calmly, and seemed to wave to wipe the lives of these people, but stopped.

And at this time, another figure that she didn't expect appeared unexpectedly.

This is a figure in green clothes, very vague, but it is difficult to hide its peerless elegance. The blue silk is like Dai, the hair is fluttering, and the neck is quiet and clear, like a warm jade, and like a flawless moon.

"The Great Palace Master of Asgard…"

Chan Hongyi naturally recognized her, but she only knew that Gu Changge actually called her Tsing Yi, and the two were like confidants and had a relationship.

She even asked Gu Changge what their relationship was.

But every time he answers, it's just a good friend.

Chan Hongyi did not expect that she would see this familiar figure in this past, and they all appeared on the day she was born.

"Tiger poison doesn't eat children, but people don't necessarily…"

When the Grand Palace Master heard this, he seemed to also nodded in agreement, and turned his eyes to the baby girl, his voice was so beautiful and beautiful, and said, "Actually, I can take her back to Asgard, this little guy's brows are bloody and bloody. Students are born, the roots are wonderful, and the future achievements are limitless.

"Asgard can only teach people, but not necessarily lead people."

Gu Changge shook his head, his voice calm, and said, "She should have a peaceful and carefree childhood here."