
I Am The Fated Villan (mtl)

Contains MTL Immediately after Gu Changge realized he had transgressed into a fantasy world, the world’s protagonist, and fortune’s chosen, vowed to take revenge on him. Envied by all, he not only has the female lead head over heels for him but he’s also treated as a distinguished guest wherever he goes. Fortunately, Gu Changge’s prestige and power are superior to everyone else’s, so shouldn’t it be easy to trample on a mere fortune’s chosen? Hold on… There’s a system dedicated to milking and harvesting from the protagonist? Gu Changge smirked. “Seems like even fate wants me to fulfill my destiny as the Villain of this world!”

LeeOn · Oriental
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870 Chs

Ch 714

In the depths of the clan soil, the gray mist surged, and the mist showed strands of it.

Several ancient ancestors stood there on a cloudy day, and saw Samsara Gu Tianzun and Gu Changge, a pair of cheap mentors and apprentices, unabashedly in front of them, trying to snatch their ancestral wells.

Their faces suddenly became gloomy as if water was about to drip, and their killing intent was raging.

Although Gu Changge is young, his true strength is unfathomable and hard to guess.

Within a short period of time, two of them were killed one after another.

When Samsara Gu Tianzun was at its peak, he was the overlord of the Immortal Age, Cultivation Base, surpassing the fairyland.

Such a character, even in this era, has unimaginable means.

Their only support now is to rely on the three ancestral wells to continuously reshape their bodies.

Otherwise, they will definitely not be the opponents of Gu Changge and Samsara.

Looking at this scene, all the Jueyintian creatures were horrified to the extreme.

In the endless years, no one has ever broken into the depths of the clan, let alone alarmed the ancient ancestor to be born.

But now, Gu Changge has killed them abruptly and killed two ancient ancestors, causing them to reshape their bodies.

Samsara Ancient Heavenly Sovereign of the Immortal Ancient Period, and now is once again present, wanting to kill their ancient ancestors.

This is tantamount to a terrible and earth-shattering event for the entire group of absolutely cloudy days, and it has reached the brink of life and death.

Everyone was terrified, and in that worldly atmosphere, they could only kneel on the ground.

Even those who are based on the realm of the Enlightened Realm are cold all over.

I foresee that the entire sky is absolutely cloudy, even if it is not destroyed today, I am afraid it will become fragmented.

Canaan, Jiajiu'er and others, at this time, felt that they were like ants.

"Seven Zero Three"

A little aftermath can kill them thousands of times.

"There are six of them, one is still reshaping the body, the other is in a weak state, and you and I kill two of the remaining four, how about?"

Samsara Gu Tianzun casually looked at the few remaining ancient ancestors, and asked Gu Changge with a smile.

He appeared very confident, even if he knew that the six great ancient ancestors were hard to kill now, he was still calm and calm.

Gu Changge also smiled lightly when he heard the words, "Then it depends on what the master said."

"You are waiting for death."

Upon seeing this, several ancient ancestors screamed out in anger, feeling that they were underestimated, and the sound shook the sky, tearing the sky like lightning.

The terrible black lightning, one after another, stretched endlessly, as if torn and split from another universe, and fell straight towards Gu Changge and Samsara.

Like a real black dragon, all rules and orders are annihilated and dissipated under it.

This place suddenly turned into a black Wang Yang, vast and surging.

"Very good.

"Just take these people to show you what Samsara's power is."

Samsara Gu Tianzun smiled on his forehead, and while speaking, the figure immediately disappeared from the same place, as if walking over.


A vague and empty rule Realm, spread out from his footsteps, covering all directions.

In this Realm rule, the disappearance of time seems to slow down, and everything in the world begins to become stagnant.

The rule of law seems to have slowed down ten thousand times.

Under the gaze of Samsara Gu Tianzun, it even began to collapse.

The black lightning fell down, but it seemed to decay and break down for thousands of years in an instant, began to fall apart, and gradually turned into nothingness.

This is a shocking scene, Samsara Gu Tianzun seems to be walking in the realm of time.

Wherever he can see, it is time Realm, and all Taoism and supernatural powers are under his control.

All the creatures were so shocked that they couldn't imagine this kind of power.


Samsara Gu Tianzun shook his sleeves, and the front collapsed suddenly, eternally turning into a point, or a circle.

All creatures and order are trapped in it, trapped in a Samsara forever, continuing Life and death.

"What about Time Realm, we are invincible in this clan."

"Today you will be required to pay a heavy price, and ancient ancestors must not be insulted!

An ancient ancestor roared, trying to break free from the shackles of this rule.

In the terrifying gray fog, thick chains pierced through, like a mountain range, heavy and majestic, suppressing the tremor of the human head, unable to breathe.

In the depths of the clan soil, Chaos Thunder descended even more.

It seems that the gods are going to punish the disrespectful creatures in the world.

Every inch of space is trembling, and a black whirlwind blows up between the sky and the earth.

Accompanied by black rain and unknown thunder, it slashed towards Gu Changge and Samsara.

Several other ancient ancestors also started, and the rotten bodies shrouded in the gray mist suddenly burst into immeasurable light.

The big hand, stained with black blood, shot down towards the two people below.

Chains of order, accompanied by clattering sounds, seemed to drag a group of born evil spirits.


The next moment, shining like the fist light of a shining golden sun, came suddenly and slammed into one of the arms.

The black blood splashed, and the thick gray mist was suddenly dispersed.

"Overestimating the power of your waiting, Mental Energy is transcendence, but nothing more

Gu Changge abandoned his previous aloof appearance, his eyes were cold and fierce, his fists were vast and Sacred.

Along with the chaotic energy, it fell down like an eternal sky, covering and rolling towards the bottom.

An ancient ancestor's arm exploded in an instant, and it was shattered, the blood mist drifted, and in the collision of the flesh, it instantly collapsed.

This is an unspeakable repressive force, and the fluctuation of the physical body alone is enough to shake this universe.

All Jue Yin creatures shuddered and feared, witnessing their own invincible ancient ancestor, being constantly blown up by Gu Changge.

Some of the creatures who were close by were constantly trembling. Under this breath, their bodies began to crack, cracks appeared, and blood continued to bleed.

The endless gray mist exploded, revealing the scene of the depths of the clan soil.

Or this world is already broken, the vast land is full of devastation and ruins everywhere.

Now, under the attack of Gu Changge and Samsara Gu Tianzun, every inch is even more severe.

The void is cracking, the rules of heaven and earth are exploding, the chain of order is broken, the Dao pattern is worn out, and there is nothing left.

Three mysterious and supreme ancestral wells emerged and reflected at the end of the clan soil, as if covering the world.

Six ancient ancestors were blown up one after another, even though they Mental Energy heaven-defying, they can evolve many unmatched methods.

But facing the force of absolute suppression, there is still no means of resistance, and it explodes quickly, and the body and spirit are destroyed.


A mysterious and misty breath flows from the ancestral well, covering the six ancient ancestors.

After a person's body collapsed, it didn't take long for someone to emerge from the ancestral well, quickly reshaping their physical body, and their spirits entered the sea of ​​brows and minds, and they once again killed Gu Changge and Samsara.

The sky is turned upside down here, and the entire dark sky is collapsing.

This big world can't bear the breath here, the turbulent breath of absolute Yin seeps out from the broken cracks and spreads to the outside world.

At the same time, among the many Orthodox forces in the Upper Realm, there was the ancient existence of Cultivation Base, who suddenly opened his eyes and felt the fluctuations coming from the distant space.

This kind of fluctuation makes them feel palpitations, even anxiety and fear.

"The gray mist is here again, and it's coming to the world again."

Someone thought of something, and there was a look of fear in their eyes.

The fluctuations in the battle in the absolutely cloudy sky were really terrifying, and even shocked many dusty old evildoers.

They walked out of the dusty place, or appeared from the underground palace, the ancient Immortal Cave, and looked at the battlefield.

In a place shrouded in absolutely cloudy sky, within a border of nearly tens of millions of miles, there were no living beings, nor orthodoxy.

But it does not prevent them from deducing and guessing what happened.

"If the cloudy sky breaks out again, without the power of the fairyland, no one can suppress it."

"At that time, within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, all creatures will be wiped out and everything will be wiped out.

In the True Fairy Academy, several Elders stand in a pavilion, with a chessboard and Feng Shui compass placed in the center, seeming to be deducing something.

Said the big Elder of the Celestial Immortals Palace was also here, with an extremely solemn expression.

He and Gu Xian'er are several masters in Tao Village, people of the same era, and their true strength is unfathomable, and they are one of the peak existences of the world.

Even he feels very heavy and difficult things, it can be seen how difficult it is.

"Did you find out? It was indeed something that erupted on the side of Absolute Cloud, which caused so much Absolute Cloud to diffuse out suddenly?"

Big Elder asked gravely, worried.

"Thanks to Elder, it is true that there is a problem on the overcast sky. I don't know why."

"The breath of absolute yin that seemed extremely dead before, now seems to be boiling, suddenly swept in."

"There have also appeared many spatial cracks, from which a huge amount of absolute yin gas rushed out, and many of the surrounding traditions were too late to migrate and have been submerged.

Several Elders in the pavilion replied with solemn expressions.

They also noticed this all of a sudden, there was no sign at all before.

Even if it was a long time ago, when the absolutely cloudy sky appeared, there was no such sudden eruption.

"First think of a way to stabilize the space around the cloudy sky, so as to prevent the atmosphere of the cloudy sky from swallowing the rest of the ancient world, and then the results will be unthinkable."

"I will contact the rest of Immortal Orthodoxy and let them take action.

Big Elder said solemnly, and began to order.

The original purpose of Zhenxian Academy was to stop the overcast sky, so as not to cause unspeakable disasters to the upper realm in the future.

But now that the Immortal Casting Project has not been successful, such a terrible riot broke out on Jueyintian.

All this was too unexpected.

"Could it be a terrible creature in an overcast sky, recovering?"

An Elder said with concern, and couldn't help but speculate.

And just when the whole Upper Realm felt worried and uneasy because of the overcast riots.

In the depths of the overcast sky, Gu Changge was at war with the six great ancient ancestors. He didn't know that the fluctuations in this place had begun to spread to the upper realm, and many Taoist traditions were swallowed and swallowed by the Qi of Absolute Yin.

Of course, even if he knew it, he didn't care.

The origin ancestors of Absolute Cloudy Day are right in front of him. For him, this matter is even more important.

"You are already weak to this level. I am afraid that it will not be long before the mysterious material in the ancestral well will be exhausted.

"If you don't want to be completely wiped out, you should still hand over these three wells obediently.

Samsara Gu Tianzun spoke lightly and appeared below the ancestral well, confronting the six ancient ancestors who were reshaping their bodies.

He looks very relaxed.

Even in the battle with a few ancient ancestors, he did not see the slightest exhaustion or exhaustion.

Although his current strength is far from the peak.

But to deal with the six ancient ancestors who are constantly weak in front of him, it is easy, not to mention that there is a Gu Changge who makes him unable to see the reality.

In the battle with a few ancient ancestors just now, Gu Changge's performance really made Samsara Gu Tianzun look sideways, and couldn't help but keep an eye on it.

He feels that Gu Changge is definitely the same person as him. His mind is deep and deep, his emotions are invisible, and it is difficult to get a glimpse of what he really thinks.

Until now, Samsara Gu Tianzun didn't know the reality of Gu Changge, and didn't know what his methods were.

Although the two are nominally cheap mentors and apprentices.

But each other absolutely didn't take this matter to heart, they were all on their own guard.

"Samsara Gu Tianzun, sooner or later you will regret your actions today.

"The avenue is everywhere. Since you dare to break the contract, you will naturally take the Karma you deserve in the future."

The six ancient ancestors looked at Samsara Gu Tianzun coldly.

Their figures were faint, and their breath was no longer there, although there were three ancestral wells behind them, reshaping everything for them.

However, this process also needs to consume the material in the ancestral well, and it is not a long-term solution.

What's more, Samsara Gu Tianzun was right. When the material in the ancestral well is exhausted, it is the time when they truly die.

But I heard that 3.7 Samsara Gu Tianzun still doesn't care about it.

"After the Forbidden Era, the Dao has collapsed and the Immortal Road is cut off. Even if the Dao swears by the Dao, how can it manifest to punish the Dao?

"If the Great Dao manifests itself, why should the poor Dao lay in the endless years, and it is difficult to see the Dao fruit of that realm anymore?"

He said lightly, with a scornful attitude towards Dadao.

Gu Changge heard this, but his eyes moved slightly.

Dao Beng sister, can you get a glimpse of Dao Guo?

At the time of the Immortal Ancient Times, Samsara Gu Tianzun was already an existence beyond the fairyland.Is the Realm he wanted to spy on above the immortal?

So what is this Realm?

The king of the immortal, the emperor of the immortal, or the ancestor of the immortal?

The immortal gate in this life is destined to manifest, and Samsara Gu Tianzun is now present, his plot is definitely not just as simple as the fairyland.

Gu Changge still remembers that before leaving, Gu Qingyi told him that the upper realm would experience unimaginable changes.

Will this dramatic change be related to Samsara Gu Tianzun?

"It turns out that you didn't care about that vow a long time ago, and have been teasing us all the time?"


Knowing the truth of the matter personally from the mouth of Gu Tianzun, the six great ancient ancestors' faces were hard to see to the extreme, and their moods were hard to describe with anger.

"But you still have to pay your due price for this, with my Immortal true soul, engraved in the long river of time, curse you today!"

They are not simple people. After understanding all this, they immediately made a decisive decision.

Some people's bodies quickly became blurred, every inch of their bodies seemed to be burning, and there was endless fog.

There is some kind of weird rune, flying out in the fog, blooming with endless light, and quickly burning out in the void.