
I Am The Eternal God?!

He who stands beyond space and time. He who bestowed wisdom and life. He who started the beginning. In the relentless waves of time, history turned into epics, epics evolve into myths and until those myths lie buried beneath the sands of time. He who alone stand above the sands. The Immortal prisoner of time, the Eternal Star whispered. "I shall descend to this universe, I have plenty of time."

LonelyChili · Fantaisie
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7 Chs


Chapter 1 - Gift

Emilio smiled as he spotted Valentina standing in the lobby. He waved, and she nodded, making her way to his table.

Valentina, a writer and Emilio's childhood friend, had an extrovert personality that made her a smooth and yet eccentric friend. She has black hair and she has fang-like teeth, her eyes brown and she is tall with her oval face and elegant arched eyebrows.

Their discussions covered a wide range of topics, from philosophy and politics to science fiction and mythology.

"Hey, wazzup!" Valentina casually said while she flicked her hair to the side.

"How's your new book?" Emilio didn't mind her casual attitude as he picked up the coffee in front of him and slowly sipped it. 'Bitter.' Emilio thought.

"If this book gets an adaptation, we will go to Paris!" Valentina said while grinning, she sat comfortably while swaying lightly.

"Do you even know how many times you have said that?" Emilio laughed as he put down the cup. "Why are you even obsessed with Paris anyways?" Emilio asked despite already knowing her answer.

"It's because it's the city of love and the magnificent Eiffel tower!" Valentina said while she excitedly waved her hand.

"You exaggerate it too much." Emilio deeply thought 'You just want to go there for one reason, that is to search for her isn't?' He then took another sip.

As they caught up, Emilio couldn't resist sharing a repeating dream that had been puzzling him and he wanted to direct the conversation out of the "Paris topic."

"I've been having the strangest dream lately," Emilio began, his eyes thoughtful as he looked at his coffee. "It's as if I'm outside of my body, I see it sleeping in front of me."

Valentina leaned in, intrigued. "An astral projection, you say? That reminds me of one of the characters in my story – His soul went into another dimension while his body sleep and his body died causing his soul to live on another body."

Emilio nodded, "Transmigration? Yes, although I have been wondering what's the meaning of that dream."

Valentina tilted her head while she thoughtfully said. "Perhaps you will encounter something out of this body or out of this world."


Valentina then said "I've been wondering about the nature of the soul. What do you think a soul is made of? Is it energy, matter, or something beyond our comprehension?"

Valentina continued "It's a weird idea. If souls do exist, they might not be confined to traditional definitions. Perhaps they are something beyond our current understanding."

"And what about consciousness and memory?" Emilio said. "Do you think they reside in the soul or the brain?"

"I like to believe they are connected," Valentina replied. "The soul could serve as a vessel, holding the essence of consciousness and memory, while the brain acts as a processor to access and process them."

Emilio nodded, absorbing her insights. "It does feel like the body serves as an anchor, keeping the soul tethered to this reality."

"I've tried to explore beyond the dream, but each time, I encounter resistance," Emilio confessed. "There's an overwhelming sense of danger that cutting the connection between my soul and body could lead to dire consequences."

Valentina's eyes sparkled as she showed her foxy smile. "It's natural to feel cautious, but what if embracing the unknown offers opportunities for growth, just like the characters in my stories who find strength amidst danger?"

Emilio chuckled, "You do have a point. But could the soul truly exist beyond the confines of our body and even the universe, free from the constraints of reality?"

Valentina's voice grew serious as she considered the question. "Perhaps. If the soul can escape these confines, it would become something truly extraordinary. But I doubt it can't fully cut or exist beyond time"

"There might exist a realm where time exists but you aren't able to do anything." Valentina mused. "Your soul and the universe would become separate entities, coexisting yet unconnected."

Emilio raised an intrigued eyebrow. "What about Heaven or Hell? Isn't that place where our souls end up. Once the soul disconnects from the body, will we go to heaven or hell?"

Valentina shook her head, "No, what if there is another scenario, let's just imagine your soul navigating through different points in time, like a cosmic shuttle traveling between timelines, like Professor Stranger. The ability to go back into the future or into the past but the catch is that you cannot interfere. But if you have your anchor, such as your body, then you can interfere with the material world."

Her expression turned somber, "But there's another possibility, another hell – the soul could be thrown into a different universe or another realm. A realm you cannot do anything but exist, trapped in an endless void for eternity, perhaps hell would have been better."

Emilio gazed out the window, contemplating the implications of such a fate. "Such a prison would indeed be tragic."

Valentina's gaze remained fixed on Emilio's face, studying his features as if searching for hidden secrets within them. "It's like you can only watch, as the sand flows through the hourglass." she whispered, her voice carrying an air of mystery.

The silence enveloped them, creating a moment of contemplation where neither of them felt the need to break the silence.

At that moment, Valentina slowly raised her cup to take another sip, seemingly lost in her thoughts.

"You've given me an idea," she said, her eyes carried with mystery and mischief. "A new setting for my next book. I believe it has the potential to be popular. If it turns out that way, how can I ever repay you for inspiring me? A trip to Paris?"

Emilio couldn't help but feel a shiver down his spine at her smile. Still, he managed to maintain his composure, glancing at his watch as an excuse to collect his thoughts. He nodded politely, preparing to bid her farewell.

"The trip to paris." Emilio laughed and he stood up. "I must be on my way now. It was a pleasure talking with you, V." He called Valentina V as her nickname.

But just as Emilio turned to leave, Valentina raised her hand, stopping him in his tracks.

"Wait," she said softly, her grin holding a mysterious glint. "Before you go, allow me to offer you a token of my gratitude for inspiring my writing." She reached into her handbag and retrieved a palm-sized stone adorned with an intricate insect pattern.

Emilio examined the curious "gift" in his hand, intrigued yet accustomed to Valentina's eccentric gestures.

"Is this a fossil?" he inquired, trying to decipher the stone's origins.

Valentina nodded, her smile widening. "It's a trilobite, an ancient fossil. While it might not hold significant monetary value, imagine being able to hold in your hand a glimpse of creatures that roamed the Earth hundreds of millions of years ago."

Her weird behavior is amusing and Emilio couldn't help but chuckle along. "Thank you, V. I'll cherish this unique gift."

Valentina beamed with satisfaction, pleased that her gift had been well-received. "Take it home with you, and whenever you gaze upon it, let your mind travel back in time, feeling the eons that have passed and the wonders of prehistoric life."

"And be reminded of you as well." He chuckled.

As Emilio left the café, he couldn't help but marvel at the mysterious and intriguing encounter he had just experienced. Valentina's captivating personality and the fossil she had gifted him left him pondering weird ideas such as prehistoric life.

Little did he know that this chance meeting would be the push not only for Valentina's next book but also for a new journey.

However, as he stepped out onto the bustling street, his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden flash of headlights and the screeching sound of tires.

A speeding vehicle violently hit Emilio, its lights blinding him.

In that split second, he instinctively held tight to the trilobite in his hand.

BAM! A deafening crash resounded, and Emilio felt an immense force hit him. He knew this moment might be his last on earth. His eyes blurred as he was sent flying.


Emilio's body hit the ground with a thud. Lying in a pool of blood, his vision gradually blurred, but his eyes were still searching for someone. He strained to see clearly and, to his relief, spotted Valentina. She was fine, though her expression was unclear and he could only see her silhouette, at least she was fine.

Emilio's heart slowly stopped.

The trilobite, his mysterious gift from Valentina, remained clutched tightly in his hand. Blood dripped into it.